英文名称:How to Survive a Plague
时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[01:20] | Welcome to “Act Up”! | “行动起来”欢迎你们! |
[01:22] | We are the AIDS coalition to unleash power | 我们是释放权利的艾滋联盟 |
[01:25] | A diverse non-Partisan group of individuals united in anger | 由一群愤怒的人组成的无党派多元化组织 |
[01:29] | And committed to direct action to end the AIDS Crisis! | 致力于通过行动 终结艾滋危机! |
[01:33] | Less than 12 hours from now | 离现在还有不到12个小时 |
[01:37] | We are going to be taking over City hall! | 我们…将要占领…市政厅! |
[01:41] | Act Up, fight back, fight AIDS! | 行动起来 还击回去 抗击艾滋! |
[01:45] | Yes? | 请讲? |
[01:46] | Mr. Mayor, in campaigning for the lesbian and gay vote in an election year | 市长先生 在竞选年 为争取男女同性恋的选票 |
[01:49] | A bit of historical context is necessary… | 关于处理纽约市艾滋危机的… |
[01:51] | In dealing with the AIDS crisis in New York city | 一点历史回溯还是有必要的 |
[01:53] | It wasn’t until 1983 that you met with people to deal with the AIDS crisis | 直到1983年您才跟这些人会面 商讨艾滋对策 |
[01:57] | How do you respond to these criticisms? | 您对此类批评如何回应? |
[01:58] | That is a falsehood | 这是…不真实的 |
[01:59] | Please, anybody who’s thinking about being arrested | 请每个做好被捕思想准备的人 |
[02:03] | Fill out a support sheet | 都填写你们的支持表 |
[02:04] | Make sure your support person knows who you are and what group you’re in | 确保你支持的人知道你是谁 属于什么组织 |
[02:08] | Yeah? Do it | 好吗? 请行动 |
[02:09] | If we end up in the tombs | 假如我们最终要入土 |
[02:12] | Is there like, a queer tank there | 会不会有一个…什么基佬墓地 |
[02:14] | And would you recommend that we ask to be there? | 你建议我们都埋在那里吗? |
[02:18] | There is a homo-Tank | 确实有同志墓地 |
[02:19] | And I’ve been there | 我去过 |
[02:20] | And it’s better than the straight tank, let me tell you | 不骗你 那儿比异性恋墓地好多了 |
[02:23] | Who else? Yes? | 还有谁? |
[02:24] | In the past, you’ve described Act Up as fascist | 在过去您曾将”行动起来”形容为法西斯 |
[02:27] | Yet in the press release you called them “Concerned citizens” | 然而在媒体报道中您称呼他们为 “尽责公民” |
[02:30] | – And I was wondering what changed your mind? – Well, I don’t think… | – 我很好奇是什么改变了您的想法? – 呃 我不觉得… |
[02:32] | You can’t use both | 两个词不能同时使用 |
[02:35] | Fascists can be concerned citizens | 法西斯也可以是尽责公民啊 |
[02:39] | And… I don’t believe they are fascists | 而且我不认为他们真的是法西斯 |
[02:42] | I think they have used a fascist tactic | 我认为他们只是用了法西斯的策略 |
[02:44] | Let us celebrate together tonight the end of the last day | 让我们今晚一起预祝 这将是最后一天 |
[02:49] | On which Ed Koch can tell himself | 爱德・考奇可以跟自己说 |
[02:52] | That the communities which are being decimated by this epidemic | 这个被艾滋危机摧毁的群体 |
[02:55] | Are so weak | 是那么的脆弱 |
[02:56] | And so divided among themselves | 那么的一盘散沙 |
[02:58] | That he can keep serving us this kind of bullshit | 以至他可以继续向我们兜售他的狗屎 |
[03:02] | Tomorrow morning he will begin to learn the truth! | 明天一早 他会开始认清现实! |
[03:06] | Act Up, stand tall | 行动起来 挺起胸膛 |
[03:08] | Tomorrow morning at city hall! | 明早市政厅干一场! |
[03:10] | Act Up, stand tall | 行动起来 挺起胸膛 |
[03:12] | Tomorrow morning at city hall! | 明早市政厅干一场! |
[03:15] | Act Up, stand tall | 行动起来 挺起胸膛 |
[03:16] | Tomorrow morning at city hall! | 明早市政厅干一场! |
[03:19] | Act Up, stand tall… | 行动起来 挺起胸膛… |
[03:53] | We’re talking to Jim Eigo | 我们在访问吉姆・艾格尔 |
[03:55] | From the treatment issues committee of Act Up | 他是”行动起来”治疗委员会的成员 |
[03:58] | Jim, what specific treatment issues | 吉姆 什么具体的治疗问题 |
[04:00] | Are being brought into this demonstration this week? | 会成为本周游行的焦点? |
[04:02] | The municipal hospitals are totally falling apart | 市内医院已经完全瘫痪了 |
[04:05] | More than half of the people that get diagnosed with AIDS today | 今天超过一半被诊断有艾滋的人 |
[04:08] | Get diagnosed in the emergency rooms of our city | 都是在这个城市的急诊室里被诊断 |
[04:11] | You’re going to find yourself waiting four days in an emergency room | 你会发现自己要在急症室等上四天 |
[04:15] | Before you get a bed | 然后才有一张空床 |
[04:17] | Pretty scared | 我害怕 |
[04:18] | But being HIV- Positive, I don’t have much choice in the matter | 但作为一个艾滋携带者 我没有多少选择 |
[04:23] | I just love all these people | 我真的很爱这些人 |
[04:24] | And I think what we’re doing is really right | 我觉得我们在做对的事情 |
[04:26] | And I mean, listen to this | 而且 我是说 你听这个 |
[04:29] | And look at all the people | 看这些人 |
[04:30] | It’s just really wonderful | 感觉真的很棒 |
[04:31] | – And it’s worth putting yourself on the line for – There is no accurate diagnosis | – 值得你投身到这个队伍中 – 没有准确诊断 |
[04:34] | There are incentives in the city hospitals not to diagnose people with AIDS | 事实上本市医院存在不诊断人们染上艾滋的动机 |
[04:39] | And therefore, people don’t get treated | 从而人们就得不到救治 |
[04:42] | We are angry at the way this city has handled this crisis | 我们对这个城市处理这场危机的方式感到愤怒 |
[04:45] | And we demand that Ed Koch exert leadership | 我们要求爱德・考奇发挥领导力 |
[04:49] | And declare a state of emergency | 宣布本市进入紧急状态 |
[04:53] | Go in the street now or wait | 要不去大街上 要不等着 |
[04:55] | Those are the options | 两个选择 |
[04:56] | One, he says go. Go now | 一个 他说走 走 |
[04:59] | Says now, three | 走 三个了 |
[05:01] | Tom? | 汤姆? |
[05:01] | Go now, Tom says | 汤姆说 现在走 |
[05:03] | We’re standing here with Larry Kramer | 站在我们身旁的是拉里・克雷默 |
[05:04] | What is Act Up trying to say today to Ed Koch? | 今天”行动起来”想对爱德・考奇说什么? |
[05:07] | We’re sending a message to public officials, to closeted public officials | 我们要让那些公职人员 深柜官员知道 |
[05:10] | That we won’t be shat on anymore | 我们不会再对狗屎忍气吞声 |
[05:13] | And obviously All the AIDS issues | 显然这包括所有艾滋议题 |
[05:14] | I would love to see like, more cameras or something | 我希望能看到更多媒体镜头什么的 |
[05:17] | You know, for our own protection | 为保护我们自己起见 |
[05:18] | Did everyone hear his concern? | 大家听到他的焦虑了吗? |
[05:20] | People die every day, friends get sick every day | 每天都有人死去 朋友们病情加重 |
[05:22] | It’s like being in the trenches | 就好像身处一条战壕 |
[05:24] | There’s such anger in the community | 周围充满了愤怒 |
[05:26] | And it is coalescing in a way that has never been done before | 正在形成一股从没有过的凝聚力 |
[05:31] | OK, which way do we face, girlfriends | 好吧 我们该走哪边 姐妹们 |
[05:33] | This way or that way? | 这边还是那边? |
[05:40] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:42] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:44] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:46] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:47] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:49] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:51] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:53] | Healthcare is a right! | 医疗健康是人权! |
[05:54] | You are currently in violation of law by obstructing vehicular pedestrian traffic | 你们目前妨碍车辆行人的行为已经触犯法律 |
[06:00] | You have the option of leaving at this time, otherwise… | 你们可以选择马上离开 否则… |
[06:07] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[06:08] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[06:09] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[06:15] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[06:22] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[06:30] | Fight back! Fight AIDS! | 还击回去! 抗击艾滋! |
[06:44] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[06:45] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[06:48] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[06:49] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[06:50] | Fight for the dead! | 为死者勇敢! |
[06:57] | Fight back! Fight AIDS! | 还击回去! 抗击艾滋! |
[07:17] | I guess I’m feeling pretty helpless at the moment | 我现在感到很无助 |
[07:19] | I think like, the biggest question that I’m facing now is | 我觉得 我面临的最大问题就是 |
[07:23] | How to remain hopeful in the face of increasing loss | 怎么在…与日俱增的死亡中…仍保留希望 |
[07:31] | I don’t know, maybe it sounds really corny but I… | 我不知道 也许听上去很老套 但… |
[07:36] | As difficult as the time is for us | 尽管对我们来说这是个艰难时代 |
[07:41] | I… like being alive | 我仍然…喜欢活着的感觉 |
[07:44] | And I love my friends | 而且我爱我的朋友 |
[07:47] | I love my family | 而且爱我的家人 |
[07:49] | I love the people around me | 我爱我周围的人 |
[07:51] | I’m going to die from this | 我会因为这个而死掉 |
[07:53] | This isn’t going to be cured for | 这个病治不好了 |
[07:55] | Years and years and years | 在很多年很多年以内 |
[07:58] | Doctor’s office | 医生办公室 |
[07:59] | Hi,it’s Peter Staley | 嗨 我是皮特・斯坦利 |
[08:01] | It’s like living in a war all around me | 就像生活在一场战争包围中 |
[08:04] | Friends are dropping dead | 朋友们一个个倒下 |
[08:07] | And you’re scared for your own life all at the same time | 而你同时也在担心自己的生命 |
[08:13] | I was diagnosed with AIDS-Related complex | 我被诊断有艾滋并发症时 |
[08:16] | While I was working as a bond trader on Wall Street | 正在华尔街做一名债券交易员 |
[08:21] | I had night sweats | 我晚上会盗汗 |
[08:22] | I began to get dry, patchy, scaly | 皮肤开始变干 长斑 脱皮 |
[08:25] | Itchy skin on my face | 脸部会痒 |
[08:27] | And I would get sick constantly | 而且会不停的生病 |
[08:29] | Colds would lay me up for weeks | 一个感冒就能让我躺一星期 |
[08:33] | I started to look around | 我开始打探周围 |
[08:36] | In desperation for ways I could… | 绝望的想找到可以… |
[08:41] | Find treatments to… | 治疗的办法… |
[08:44] | Help save my life… | 能保住我性命的… |
[08:48] | And there was nothing coming out of our government’s efforts, I quickly realized | 而我很快意识到 我们的政府什么也不能提供 |
[08:59] | Everything I read said I had about two years to live | 我读到的一切都说我只能再活两年 |
[09:02] | At most | 最多 |
[09:07] | What do we want? | 我们要什么? |
[09:08] | A cure! | 治疗方法! |
[09:10] | When do we want it? | 什么时候要? |
[09:11] | Now! | 现在! |
[09:12] | What do we want? | 我们要什么? |
[09:13] | A cure! | 治疗方法! |
[09:14] | When do we want it? | 什么时候要? |
[09:15] | Now! | 现在! |
[09:16] | I was on my way to work | 我在上班路上 |
[09:17] | And I got handed a flyer | 收到一张传单 |
[09:19] | About Act Up and AIDS | 关于”行动起来”和艾滋的 |
[09:21] | My mentor says | 我的主管说 |
[09:23] | “If you ask me, I think they all deserve to die” | “假如你问我看法 我觉得他们都该死” |
[09:25] | “Because they took it up the butt” | 因为他们都被操屁眼” |
[09:28] | I was deeply closeted | 我当时很深柜 |
[09:30] | And I had to just stew about it for the rest of the day | 那天剩下的时间里我都在愤怒 |
[09:36] | I got myself to the very next Act Up meeting | 我很快参加了”行动起来”第二次集会 |
[09:39] | They could just tap into that immediate anger | 他们可以直接挖掘那种愤怒 |
[09:41] | And get stuff done | 并且转化成行动 |
[09:48] | We will not leave until an administrator meets with us | 我们不会离开 直到有关方跟我们见面 |
[09:51] | And tells us that St. Vincent’s is willing to make a public statement | 跟我们说 圣文森医院愿意发布公开声明 |
[09:56] | Condemning gay and lesbian violence | 谴责针对男女同性恋的暴力 |
[10:04] | All those in favor? | 所有赞成的? |
[10:08] | All those opposed? | 所有反对的? |
[10:14] | They’re coming! | 他们来了! |
[10:15] | You see them right there | 你看到他们就在那儿 |
[10:16] | You’ve heard about Act Up | 你们听说过”行动起来” |
[10:17] | You’ve seen our flyers | 你们看过我们的传单 |
[10:19] | The kiss-In happens tonight | 公开接吻就在今晚 |
[10:21] | Act Up! Fight back! Make love! | 行动起来! 还击回去! 表示爱! |
[10:23] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[10:28] | I’ll deal with the cameras | 我来处理摄像机 |
[10:29] | Are you the security guard that was beating people up? | 你就是那个打人的保安吗? |
[10:42] | Members of the mainstream media were thrown out as we were earlier on | 一些主流媒体在早前直播中被驱逐出去了 |
[10:45] | But Steve Zabel and I came back in | 但史蒂夫・扎贝尔和我回到现场 |
[10:48] | And we’re bringing you this exclusive footage | 为你们带来这个独家片段 |
[10:49] | Don’t destroy property! You’re destroying property. Ok! | 别搞破坏! 知道吗 你们这是在破坏财物! |
[10:52] | – Well, actually you damaged some human property last week – You damaged people | – 事实上你们上周也破坏了人身财物 – 打人 |
[10:54] | You will not beat up faggots | 你不能打我们的玻璃 |
[10:56] | And you will not beat up on lesbians | 你不能打我们的拉拉 |
[10:58] | In hospitals in our own community | 而且是在我们的街区 在这家医院里 |
[11:01] | Two gay women were beaten up | 两个女同志被打了 |
[11:03] | And when her lover came to respond, you know the story | 当她的爱人开始回应 你们都看到了 |
[11:05] | And another story was when two gay guys came in | 还有就是两个男同志走进医院 |
[11:07] | One was sick with AIDS | 其中一个得了艾滋 |
[11:09] | The security guard told him to get the fuck out of here | 保安跟他说滚他妈的出去 |
[11:11] | And called him “faggot” | 叫他”死玻璃” |
[11:13] | I think if you’re gonna work | 我觉得假如你们想正常工作 |
[11:14] | Especially in Greenwich village | 尤其是在格林威治村 |
[11:15] | You should have some sensitivity training | 你们应该做一些敏感性训练 |
[11:17] | ‘Cause we’re not gonna have it | 因为我们不会提供给你们 |
[11:18] | I’m willing to meet with three people if the rest of you leave | 我愿意和你们中的三个会谈 假如其他人离开 |
[11:22] | OK, one at a time, one at a time | 一次一个人 一次一个人 |
[11:24] | It’s unclear how to play it | 我们还不知道规则是什么 |
[11:25] | My own instinct would be to say | 我的直觉会说 |
[11:27] | We’ll be glad to meet with you and when the meeting’s over, we’ll leave | 我们很高兴和你会谈 等会谈结束后我们会走 |
[11:30] | Not to leave before the meeting takes place | 而不是在会谈前就离开 |
[11:33] | Gregg? | 格雷格? 我们已经体现了我们的能量 |
[11:33] | We’ve shown the kind of power we can have | 格雷格? 我们已经体现了我们的能量 |
[11:35] | By immediate action, by sticking together, by reaching a consensus together | 通过迅速行动 团结一致 形成共识 |
[11:38] | We should take this in steps and we should be cool-Headed | 现在应该放慢节奏 保证头脑冷静 |
[11:40] | I’m going to take a straw poll, Ok? | 我要做一个民意表决 好吗? |
[11:42] | And we agreed to leave the waiting room | 我们同意离开等待室 |
[11:45] | While he met with three of our representatives | 当他和我们的三位代表 |
[11:48] | Gregg, Gerry and Neil, in that public space right there | 格雷格 盖瑞和尼尔 在那边的公共区域会谈 |
[11:51] | And then we would stick around out here | 我们会在这儿坚守和等待 |
[11:54] | And wait to see what the outcome was | 等待会谈结果 |
[11:57] | So I said, “enough of this, this job is gonna kill me” | 于是我说 “我受够了 这份工作会要了我的命” |
[12:00] | So, I went on disability | 所以 我申请因病离退 |
[12:03] | And decided to become a full-Time AIDS activist | 成为了一名全职艾滋活动家 |
[12:28] | In the beginning | 一开始的时候 |
[12:30] | What drugs did we have? | 我们有什么药呢? |
[12:31] | We had nothing | 什么也没有 |
[12:33] | And the pneumonia could come on like that, and be gone | 肺炎可以这样 说来就来 说走就走 |
[12:37] | And that person is dead | 而病人也这样死了 |
[12:41] | The skin lesions, the kaposi’s sarcoma was… | 像皮肤坏死 还有卡波氏肉瘤… (艾滋伴生疱疹病毒) |
[12:46] | People would be coming in with a purple spot | 就医的人们身上会带着紫色斑点 |
[12:49] | Everybody was coming in with | 每个人进来都会问 |
[12:51] | “What is this spot? What is that spot?” | “这个斑点是什么? 那个斑点是什么?” |
[12:53] | You’d have some guys come in with K.S. On their face | 你会看到有人走进来 脸上长着卡波氏肉瘤 |
[12:56] | And they’d be putting make up on their face and they’d be… | 脸上化着浓妆 他们… |
[13:01] | And they were lucky | 而他们还是幸运的 |
[13:04] | If it just stayed in the skin | 因为病毒只是留在脸部皮肤 |
[13:06] | If it didn’t go into their longs | 没有进入他们的肺 |
[13:07] | And then if it went into their lungs, chemo didn’t work | 假如病毒进入他们的肺 化疗也不会管用 |
[13:10] | And then they were gone | 他们很快就死了 |
[13:12] | You were grasping at straws for everything | 你会抓住每根救命的稻草 |
[13:15] | Because these are young, vibrant people | 因为他们是那么年轻 有活力的人们 |
[13:20] | And all of a sudden they’re being snatched | 而突然间 一个响指就没了 |
[13:23] | I think everything has to be put in perspective | 我认为每件事都要从长远角度来看 |
[14:03] | Larry? | 拉瑞? |
[14:14] | Iris Long is lifesaving | 艾瑞斯・朗是救命天使 |
[14:18] | If you can’t hear in the back | 假如你们在后面听不见 |
[14:19] | And you want to, just shout it out, please | 大声喊出来 谢谢 |
[14:26] | This is a report from the American Society of Microbiology | 这是一份来自美国微生物协会的报告 |
[14:31] | A conference I went to at the end of May | 我在五月末参加的一次会议上的 |
[14:35] | Quiet! | 安静! |
[14:36] | There were many infections talked about including AIDS at this conference | 这次会议讨到了很多传染病 包括艾滋病在内 |
[14:42] | And it was overwhelming to know | 我们会很震惊的发现 |
[14:44] | How many pathogens, bacteria, fungus | 有多少病原体 细菌 真菌 |
[14:50] | Protozoas and viruses there are out there | 原生生物和病毒存在于世 |
[14:54] | That can really make you very sick… | 会让你们病得很重… |
[15:01] | One day this woman just showed up | 有一天这个女人突然出现 |
[15:02] | This housewife who had been a scientist and still was | 一位家庭主妇 曾经是科学家 并且依然是 |
[15:06] | And said, you guys don’t know diddly about what this is | 她说 你们对这玩意儿一无所知 |
[15:10] | And anybody who wants to learn about the system, how it works | 任何人 要想学习这个体制怎么运作 |
[15:15] | How grants are made, how the science works | 经费怎么调转 科学怎么作用 |
[15:18] | How everything works, how the N.I.H. Works | 一切运作流程 全国卫生研究所的 |
[15:21] | How the F.D.A. Works | 食品药物管理局的 |
[15:22] | How you can deal with all this enormous amount of material | 怎么应付这一大堆的文书材料 |
[15:26] | I’ll teach you” | 我可以教你们” |
[15:27] | There should be much more funding than there is for infectious diseases | 对传染疾病 投入资金应该比现在的要多得多 |
[15:32] | Iris was not gay | 艾瑞斯不是同志 |
[15:34] | But she could not see | 但她无法忍受 |
[15:36] | With what was going on around her | 当她周围正在发生这样的事 |
[15:38] | And what she knew not reaching out to the affected communities of AIDS | 而她的所知所学无法传达到受感染的艾滋群体中 |
[15:45] | I waited and went up to Iris afterwards and said | 我等到集会结束 走到艾瑞斯面前说 |
[15:48] | “I’m interested in what you were saying” | “我对你说的感兴趣” |
[15:50] | “I’d like to know more, I’d like to help” | “我想了解更多 我想尽一份力” |
[15:53] | And a few people joined her | 有几个人加入她 |
[15:56] | And that became a bigger and bigger group | 然后队伍越来越壮大 |
[15:57] | And that became the Treatment and Data Committee | 最后发展成为”治疗和数据委员会” |
[16:00] | T&D | |
[16:01] | They’re still getting a hell of a lot more money | 他们手握着多得多的钱 |
[16:03] | Than actually getting those treatments in… | 跟用于治疗的相比… |
[16:05] | It was kind of a dorky activity | 这类活动很无趣 |
[16:07] | For a bunch of East Village hipsters And artists | 对一群东村嬉皮客 还有艺术家来说 |
[16:10] | To sit around reading medical journal articles | 坐在那儿 阅读医学期刊文章 |
[16:13] | We called it science club like it was chess club or something | 我们管它叫科学俱乐部 像象棋俱乐部那样的 |
[16:16] | There aren’t drugs | 没有治疗的药物 |
[16:19] | Individual after individual had to come to grips with the fact that | 一个接一个的人必须学着接受一个现实 |
[16:24] | “I will survive the longest | 就是要想活得尽可能久 |
[16:26] | The most I know about what I’m putting into my body | 就必须尽可能的了解自己要注射什么 |
[16:30] | So they all had to be become scientists, to some degree | 所以某种程度上 他们都变成了科学家 |
[16:34] | And what I’d like everyone to do is | 我希望所有人做的是 |
[16:35] | To keep on thinking of ways to refine these things | 继续思考如何修改这些材料 |
[16:37] | To make them more clear to people that don’t necessarily know these issues | 让那些不一定了解这些的人感到通俗易懂 |
[16:41] | Like, ‘O.I.’, no one knows what ‘O.I.’ Is | 比如 “O.I.” 没人知道”O.I.”是什么 (氧指数) |
[16:43] | OK, so I wrote it here, just ’cause it’s shorthand | 所以我在这儿写明 因为它是缩写 |
[16:45] | Only 17% of people in their trials | 只有17%参与实验治疗的人 |
[16:48] | Have been taking drugs for opportunistic infections or cancers… | 因为机会性感染或癌症有服用过药物… |
[16:51] | Mark wasn’t like the big, beefcakey guy | 马克不是那种健硕肌肉男 |
[16:53] | He was super smart, smoked nonstop | 他超聪明的 是大烟枪 |
[16:57] | Right away, Mark digested, as by osmosis, everything | 很快的 马克就像海绵一样吸收所有的知识 |
[17:03] | And within a few weeks | 没过几周 |
[17:04] | He had come up with a glossary of AIDS treatment terms | 他就想出了一些艾滋治疗的专业术语 |
[17:09] | And we started giving it out in our meetings | 然后我们开始在会议中推广这些术语 |
[17:16] | Next we have an announcement by Tom Dwayne regarding housing | 接下来是汤姆・德维恩关于住房问题的演说 |
[17:20] | This is Bernard Braverman who’s in danger of being evicted | 这是伯纳德・布雷德曼 他现在正面临被逐出公寓的命运 |
[17:24] | From his apartment that he shared with his life partner for many, many years | 那栋公寓他和他的终生伴侣已经住了很多很多年 |
[17:28] | His life partner died | 他的伴侣去世了 |
[17:29] | And the landlord wants Bernard out of his home | 房东想让伯纳德搬出他的住所 |
[17:32] | Because his name was not on the lease | 因为租约上不是他的名字 |
[17:35] | What’s his landlord’s address? | 告诉我们他的房东住哪儿? |
[17:39] | There are cards here to fill out to write to the governor | 这里有写给州长的请愿卡片 |
[17:42] | Let’s make sure our voices are heard in New York city | 我们想确保纽约市听到我们的声音 |
[17:45] | To save the homes of P.W.A.S and other non-Traditional families | 拯救那些艾滋携带者和非传统家庭们的住所 |
[17:49] | Thank you | 谢谢 |
[18:01] | I just want to say something about what’s just happened | 我只想对刚才的事发表一下看法 |
[18:03] | I’ve realized we haven’t done anything yet for him | 我觉得我们目前没能为他做任何事 |
[18:06] | And we haven’t been effective and we haven’t been powerful | 我们没有变得更高效 没有变得更强大 |
[18:09] | But we will be | 但我们会的 |
[18:10] | It’s very inspiring to know that | 一个鼓舞人心的发现是 |
[18:12] | The power in this room is potentially available to each and every one of us | 这个房间存在着可以帮到我们每个人的潜能 |
[18:21] | One, two, three… | 一 二 三… |
[18:28] | Good? | 好玩吗? |
[18:30] | How’s it? Is that as good as daddy’s or better? | 什么感觉? 和爸爸一样 还是比爸爸更好? |
[18:33] | You’re better | 你更好 |
[18:34] | Yay! | 耶! |
[18:36] | Would you like daddy to try it? | 要不要爸爸来试试? |
[18:38] | Are you ready? | 准备好了? |
[18:45] | That’s not very good | 这个可不好哦 |
[18:49] | One, two, three | 一 二 三 |
[18:52] | I know this sounds ironic | 我知道这听起来很讽刺 |
[18:54] | Considering that it ended in divorce | 考虑到我们以离婚收尾 |
[18:56] | But I think it is fair to say | 但我觉得可以这么说 |
[18:59] | It is the only really successful love affair of my life | 那是我这辈子唯一成功的一次恋爱 |
[19:09] | I came out at age 40 | 我在40岁时出柜 |
[19:11] | It was very bad timing to come out in the middle of an epidemic | 时机选得非常糟 我在艾滋大流行时出柜 |
[19:16] | The question is what does a decent society do | 问题是一个文明社会要怎么对待 |
[19:19] | With people who hurt themselves because they’re human? | 那些因为是人而伤害了自己的人? |
[19:21] | Who smoke too much, who eat too much, who drive carelessly | 他们可能抽太多烟 暴饮暴食 疏忽驾驶 |
[19:23] | Who don’t have safe sex | 做爱不注意安全 |
[19:25] | I think the answer is that a decent society | 我觉得答案是 一个文明社会 |
[19:27] | Does not put people out to pasture | 不该让人们自生自灭 |
[19:29] | And let them die because they’ve done a human thing | 就因为他们做了凡人做的事而由着他们去死 |
[19:42] | For the first time today | 今天是有史以来第一次 |
[19:43] | The government approved prescription sales of a drug to treat AIDS | 政府批准了治疗艾滋药物的凭处方购买 |
[19:47] | The drug, A.Z.T. Is not a cure for the disease | 叠氮胸苷并不能治愈艾滋病 |
[19:50] | But it has prolonged the lives of some AIDS victims | 但它可以延长某些艾滋病人的寿命 |
[19:53] | It’s the only government-Approved AIDS drug in America | 这是美国唯一承认的抗艾滋药物 |
[19:56] | But even this most promising of drugs | 但即便这种寄予厚望的药物 |
[19:58] | Is a source of frustration and anger | 也成为绝望和愤怒的源头 |
[20:01] | At $10,000 a year cost per patient | 一位患者每年要花费一万元 |
[20:04] | It’s prohibitively expensive for most and not widely available | 对多数人来说尤为昂贵 而且往往无法获取 |
[20:08] | Out of the bars and into the streets! | 走出酒吧 走上街! |
[20:11] | Out of the bars and into the streets! | 走出酒吧 走上街! |
[20:13] | A.Z.T. Was the most expensive drug in history | 叠氮胸苷是有史以来最昂贵的药物 |
[20:15] | They charge $10,000 a year | 他们一年要收一万块 |
[20:18] | We need to get a substantial price reduction out of this company | 我们需要制药商大幅度的降低售价 |
[20:22] | The incident began at 10 this morning | 本次事件始于今早10点 |
[20:24] | When four AIDS activists took over an office at Burroughs Wellcome | 四位艾滋人士占领了韦尔康公司一间办公室 |
[20:28] | Saying they had enough food and water to stay holed up for a long time | 声称他们拥有足够长久驻扎的的水和食物 |
[20:32] | The activists are demanding that Burroughs Wellcome lower its price of A.Z.T | 活动家要求韦尔康公司降低叠氮胸苷的售价 |
[20:37] | Burroughs Wellcome is profiting off of our lives | 韦尔康从我们的生命里榨取利润 |
[20:40] | That’s why we did today what we did | 所以才有我们今天的举动 |
[20:43] | And, if they don’t see to start listening | 假如他们不能开始聆听 |
[20:46] | To my community, to our community, the AIDS community | 我的群体 我们的群体 艾滋群体 |
[20:50] | Then we’re gonna be back | 我们还会再回来 |
[21:35] | One of the worst, worst things | 最糟最糟的事 |
[21:38] | Was when people died in the hospital | 是当有人死在医院 |
[21:41] | They used to put them in black trash bags | 人们会把他们放进黑色垃圾袋 |
[21:48] | It was… | 那真是… |
[21:51] | It was really awful | 真的很恶劣 |
[21:53] | And not every funeral parlor would take patients | 而且并不是所有殡仪馆都肯接受这些病人 |
[21:59] | Who had died of AIDS | 死于艾滋的人 |
[22:01] | But so the least we could offer is sympathy and moral support, you know | 至少我们可以给予同情和道德支持 |
[22:08] | And kindness, and so forth | 还有友善这些的 |
[22:11] | And that they deserved, in any case | 任何情况下这都是他们应得的 |
[22:14] | And when even that became denied, you know | 而当这些都被剥夺 你知道 |
[22:17] | By the totalitarian rules of organizations, of institutions | 被那些推行极权主义的团体或机构 |
[22:23] | It was really horrifying | 就真的很可怕了 |
[22:27] | It is the most frightening medical mystery of our times | 这是我们现代最骇人的医学之谜 |
[22:30] | AIDS victims must deal with the trauma of being both a patient and a pariah | 艾滋患者必须自己承受同时身为病人和异类的痛苦 |
[22:35] | I hate to use the word “gay” in connection with sodomy | 我憎恶把”快乐”这个词和鸡奸联系在一起 (Gay的本意) |
[22:42] | There’s nothing gay about these people | 这些人没有什么快乐的 |
[22:44] | Engaging in incredibly offensive and revolting conduct | 他们从事的是极度污秽和恶心的行为 |
[22:48] | That has led to the proliferation of AIDS | 正是他们导致了艾滋的流行 |
[22:51] | There is a feeling among members of any of a number of professions | 在相当数量的任何专业人士中 |
[22:57] | Or just the general population | 或仅仅是大众有一种想法 |
[22:59] | That patients with AIDS | 就是艾滋患者 |
[23:02] | Many of whom are homosexual, are a little bit different | 其中许多是同性恋的 他们存在着什么不同 |
[23:05] | I think that that has led to a little bit of a complacency | 而这导致了在对待艾滋的态度上 |
[23:08] | About the approach towards this disease | 有的人会有傲慢心态 |
[23:13] | In the absence of adequate health care | 由于缺少足够医疗保健 |
[23:15] | We have learned to become our own clinicians | 我们学习成为了自己的临床医生 |
[23:17] | Researchers, lobbyists, drug smugglers, pharmacists | 研究员 游说家 药品贩子和药剂师 |
[23:20] | We have our own libraries, newspapers, drug stores, and laboratories | 我们有了自己的图书馆 报纸 药店和实验室 |
[23:24] | Some of the medications that were made available were not effective | 有的收集到的药物并不怎么奏效 |
[23:28] | They were in this category that we called “what the hell” drugs | 它们属于我们称之为”管他妈的”药物 |
[23:30] | Which is there’s some evidence it could be useful | 就是说它们可能会有什么效果 |
[23:33] | It’s unlikely to be harmful | 但基本不可能有坏处 |
[23:35] | What the hell | 管他妈的 |
[23:36] | Should I type? | 我要打字吗? |
[23:39] | Yes, type | 嗯 打吧 |
[23:44] | Take your time | 慢慢来 |
[23:45] | Where are we? | 我们在哪儿? |
[23:47] | We’re at the People With AIDS Health Group | 我们在艾滋携带者健康组织 |
[23:49] | The largest underground buyers’ club in the United States | 全美最大的地下药物买家 |
[23:54] | And what do you do here? | 你们在这儿做什么? |
[23:55] | We help people import drugs from other countries | 我们帮人们从别的国家进口药物 |
[23:59] | That are unapproved here | 那些国内禁止的药 |
[24:01] | Peptide T, albendazole, oral amphotericin B | T型肽 阿苯达唑 口服两性霉素B |
[24:05] | We have a whole variety of things for your treatment pleasure | 我们有各种各样的药供您治疗享用 |
[24:11] | None of which work, by the way | 顺便说 没一种有效的 |
[24:13] | Put that in | 把这个剪进去 |
[24:15] | People with AIDS, what they were mostly thinking about | 患有艾滋的人 他们想得最多的是 |
[24:18] | Was Oh, drugs, how do I get it off-Market? | 噢 药 我要怎么在地下市场买到药? |
[24:22] | How do I… | 我要怎么… |
[24:23] | Will we ever get a black market for this drug? | 我们会有这种药的黑市吗? |
[24:25] | I hear this is good and… | 我听说这种药不错… |
[24:27] | It was Iris who helped us see | 是艾瑞斯帮我们意识到 |
[24:29] | We don’t want a… black market | 我们不想要…一个黑市 |
[24:33] | We want to make the real market work | 我们想要现有的市场发挥作用 |
[24:37] | Try it | 试试 |
[24:50] | Hi, I’m Mark Harrington from Act Up New York | 嗨 我是纽约”行动起来”的马克・哈林顿 |
[24:53] | Recently, a lot of activists have been asking why Act Up is going… | 最近有很多活动人士问为什么”行动起来”… |
[24:58] | Uh, you’ve got to start over | 你得重新来一遍 |
[24:59] | I’ve gotta do that… I’ve gotta do that over | 我得…重新来一遍 |
[25:00] | You can just start yourself over | 你可以自己重新开始 |
[25:02] | But I did… But I won’t get that wonderful cigarette lighting thing | 但我…但我没法再做点烟的帅姿势了 |
[25:04] | I think the cigarette maybe is not going to work | 我觉得点烟那个没什么效果 |
[25:07] | I shouldn’t use the cigarette at all? | 我不应该点烟吗? |
[25:09] | Really? | 真的? |
[25:09] | I don’t think so, it’s too, um… too much | 真的 我不觉得 有点…有点过 |
[25:12] | Too much? | 有点过? |
[25:18] | Hi, I’m Mark Harrington from Act Up New York | 嗨 我是纽约”行动起来”的马克・哈林顿 |
[25:20] | A lot of people have been asking why are AIDS activists going to the F.D.A.? | 最近很多人问为什么”行动起来”的人会去找药管局? |
[25:24] | First of all, you have to understand that | 首先 你们需要明白 |
[25:26] | The F.D.A. Is one of the many federal AIDS Bureaucracies | 药管局是联邦众多管理艾滋的机构之一 |
[25:28] | Which we’re angry with for not doing enough in the fight against AIDS | 而我们对它们在对抗艾滋中做得不够感到愤怒 |
[25:31] | Half the people who take A.Z.T. Can’t take it ’cause of Side effects | 有半数服用叠氮胸苷的人因为副作用不能再服用 |
[25:34] | And therefore The F.D.A. | 因此药管局 |
[25:36] | Has to take a more activist stance in the experimental process | 必须在药物实验过程中持更积极的态度 |
[25:39] | And only the F.D.A. Has the power under existing laws and regulations | 在目前法律法规下 也仅有药管局有权 |
[25:43] | To release the drugs that we want released now | 投放我们现在亟需投放的药 |
[25:46] | How’s that? | 这次怎么样? |
[25:49] | A.Z.T. Is not enough! | 叠氮胸苷远不够! |
[25:51] | Give us all the other stuff! | 给我们其他可用药! |
[25:53] | A.Z.T. Is not enough! | 叠氮胸苷远不够! |
[25:55] | Give us all the other stuff! | 给我们其他可用药! |
[25:57] | A.Z.T. Is not enough! | 叠氮胸苷远不够! |
[25:59] | Give us all the other stuff! | 给我们其他可用药! |
[26:01] | It takes nine months to test a drug in Europe | 在欧洲 一种药物的测试只要9个月 |
[26:04] | In Belgium, in France, in Germany, in England | 在比利时 法国 德国 英国 |
[26:07] | We are not asking the F.D.A. To release dangerous drugs | 我们不是要求药管局发放危险药物 |
[26:12] | Without safety or efficacy | 不计安全或效果 |
[26:14] | We are simply asking the F.D.A. To do it quicker | 我们只要求他们加快进度 |
[26:19] | Drugs for sale! | 让药发售! |
[26:20] | Drugs for sale! | 让药发售! |
[26:22] | Dextran sulfate for sale! | 发售硫酸葡聚糖! |
[26:24] | Get your dextran here | 来这儿领葡聚糖 |
[26:25] | You can’t get it inside | 里面买不到 |
[26:29] | But we’re selling it anyway | 但我们还是要卖 |
[26:31] | $30 for dextran sulfate! | 硫酸葡聚糖只要30块! |
[26:35] | Release the drugs now! | 发放药物就现在! |
[26:37] | Release the drugs now! | 发放药物就现在! |
[26:39] | Release the drugs now! | 发放药物就现在! |
[26:41] | Get to work, get to work! | 行动 行动! |
[26:43] | Get to work, get to work! | 行动 行动! |
[26:46] | Guilty, guilty, guilty! | 有罪 有罪 有罪! |
[26:48] | Guilty, guilty, guilty! | 有罪 有罪 有罪! |
[26:53] | Seize control, seize control! | 夺取掌控 夺取掌控! |
[26:55] | Seize control, seize control! | 夺取掌控 夺取掌控! |
[26:58] | Keep it moving! | 保持前进! 保持前进! |
[26:58] | Keep it moving! | 保持前进! 保持前进! |
[27:00] | Seize control! | 夺取掌控! |
[27:01] | Seize control, seize control… | 夺取掌控 夺取掌控… |
[27:04] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[27:05] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[27:05] | Fight back! | 还击回去! 抗击艾滋! |
[27:06] | Fight AIDS! | 还击回去! 抗击艾滋! |
[27:11] | Seize control! | 夺取掌控! |
[27:13] | Seize control, seize control! | 夺取掌控 夺取掌控! |
[27:14] | Seize control | 夺取掌控! |
[27:16] | Seize control, seize control! | 夺取掌控 夺取掌控! |
[27:23] | Seize control! | 夺取掌控! |
[27:48] | Tell us why you got arrested | 告诉我们 你为什么被捕 |
[27:50] | Where are they taking you, what’s going on today? | 他们要带你去哪儿? 发生了什么? |
[27:52] | We don’t know what’s… where they’re taking us | 我们不知道…他们要带我们去哪儿 |
[27:53] | We’re here because this government has the resources | 我们来这儿是因为这个政府有资源 |
[27:56] | To deal with the AIDS epidemic | 对抗艾滋危机 |
[27:57] | And they won’t do it unless we force them | 但他们不肯行动 除非我们迫使他们 |
[28:00] | I.J. Hutchins reports live from Rockville | 记者I.J.哈坎斯在罗克维尔市为您现场报道 |
[28:01] | Where the massive protest is wrapping up… I.J.? | 大规模抗议游行正临近尾声 I.J.? |
[28:04] | Well, Jim, it’s Being billed as one of Montgomery county’s | 吉姆 这可以说是蒙哥马利郡 |
[28:07] | Biggest demonstrations in recent history | 近年来发生的最大规模游行 |
[28:08] | And it went off smoothly | 而且进行得很顺利 |
[28:10] | 185 arrests | 有185人被捕 |
[28:11] | As a coalition of gay groups came to Rockville to shut down the F.D.A | 作为同性恋组织成员 他们来到罗克维尔 封锁了药管局 |
[28:19] | Tonight, from Washington, “Crossfire” | 今晚 华盛顿 “火力交叉”节目 |
[28:21] | Against all odds | 你意想不到的 |
[28:23] | On the left, Tom Braden | 在左方 是汤姆・布莱登 |
[28:25] | On the right, Pat Buchanan | 在右方 是帕特・布坎南 |
[28:27] | In the crossfire, Peter Staley | 坐在交火处的 是皮特・斯坦利 |
[28:29] | Of the New York AIDS coalition to unleash power | 来自要求释放权利的纽约艾滋病联盟 |
[28:32] | Peter staley, you have the AIDS virus, and I am sorry | 皮特・斯特利 对你带有艾滋病毒我感到抱歉 |
[28:37] | But don’t you think that | 但你难道不觉得 |
[28:39] | The Federal Drug Administration has a responsibility | 联邦药物管理局担有义务 |
[28:44] | Not to let people, such as you have quacks | 不让你这样的人们误信庸医 |
[28:49] | That could cause even more harm than you already have? | 从而导致受到的痛苦比现在的还多吗? |
[28:53] | The problem is, is that | 真正的问题是 |
[28:55] | The FDA is using the same process to test a nasal spray | 药管局采用和批准喷鼻剂同样的流程 |
[28:59] | As it is to test AIDS drugs | 来检测艾滋药物 |
[29:01] | And it’s a 7-10 year process | 而这个过程要7-10年 |
[29:04] | You have the F.D.A. Giving you a drug | 你们已经得到了药管局的药 |
[29:07] | So far, you’ve got A.Z.T | 目前 你们已经拿到了叠氮胸苷 |
[29:09] | – Why… – Which I can’t take | – 为什么… – 我不能用 |
[29:10] | Because it’s too… far too toxic | 因为太…毒性太大了 |
[29:12] | And over half the people that have HIV can’t take | 而且超过一半的艾滋病人都无法使用 |
[29:14] | OK, but the F.D.A. Says | 好吧 但药管局说了 |
[29:17] | There is nothing else… | 没有其他的… |
[29:19] | That is worth anything | 其他的都没有效用 |
[29:22] | Mr. Staley, this is gonna astonish you | 斯坦利先生 你可能会感到惊讶 |
[29:23] | But I agree with you a hundred percent | 但我百分之百赞同你 |
[29:25] | I think if someone’s got AIDS | 我认为假如有人得了艾滋 |
[29:26] | And someone wants to take a drug, it’s their life | 有人想使用药物 那是他们的生命 |
[29:28] | And if it gives them hope, you ought to be able to take it | 假如它能带来希望 那人们就有权利使用 |
[29:31] | What I want to ask you is | 我想问的是 |
[29:32] | Whether you know of anything that you think might be | 你是否认为可能存在 |
[29:35] | Some kind of miraculous cure | 某种有奇迹疗效的药物 |
[29:37] | That you think they’re sitting on at F.D.A? | 你觉得可能被药管局束之高阁的? |
[29:39] | There are over 140 drugs out there | 存在超过140种药物 |
[29:41] | That the F.D.A. Has identified as possibilities | 药管局将它们识别为带可能性的 |
[29:45] | And are in some stage of being looked at right now | 而且有的目前正处在各种观察阶段 |
[29:48] | – Why are they holding back? – Among that 140 | – 那为什么他们要观察? – 在140种药物中 |
[29:50] | There’s gotta be one or a combination thereof | 一定有一种或与几种的组合 |
[29:53] | That can, that can slow down this virus | 可以 可以放缓这个病毒 |
[29:56] | Or halt it in its tracks | 或中止它恶化的 |
[29:57] | You’re just simply carrying the virus, is that correct? | 你只是艾滋的携带者 对吗? |
[30:00] | I have a few very minor symptoms | 我有一些轻微的症状 |
[30:02] | And my immune system is virtually shot | 我的免疫系统事实上已受到攻击了 |
[30:05] | What would you like to take? | 那想要想要什么药? |
[30:06] | I would like to be able to Take dextran sulfate… legally | 我想用硫酸葡聚糖…而且是合法使用 |
[30:09] | – How would that hurt you? – On the underground right now | – 会有什么伤害? – 它目前是地下的 |
[30:12] | Well, why not, Mr. Braden? | 为什么是地下的 布莱登先生? |
[30:13] | Because… well, I don’t know anything about dextran sulfate | 因为…呃 我不知道硫酸葡聚糖是什么 |
[30:16] | Well, I’ll tell you this | 我可以告诉你 |
[30:17] | It’s an over-The-Counter drug in Japan | 在日本这种药可以柜台购买 |
[30:19] | And has been for 20 years | 而且已经有20年了 |
[30:21] | – Over-The-Counter! – In Japan? | – 柜台购买! – 在日本? |
[30:22] | But if the F.D.A. Says… | 但如果药管局说… |
[30:24] | I’m only asking that they be released after there’s a minimal amount of efficacy | 我只想要求它们同意投放 哪怕只有微小疗效的 |
[30:29] | Not a 100% test | 不用等到100%的测试 |
[30:32] | You’ve got the pink triangle on your shirt | 你的衬衫上有个粉红的三角形 |
[30:34] | That’s correct | 没错 |
[30:35] | I gather that means you’re a homosexual | 我想这是代表你是个同性恋者 |
[30:37] | – Yes – Looking in the Camera | – 是的 – 看着镜头 |
[30:39] | What would you tell some kid | 你会向孩子们说什么 |
[30:40] | Say you had a younger brother, 21 years old | 假如你有一个21岁的弟弟 |
[30:42] | Who also might have homosexual tendencies | 他也许也有同性恋倾向的 |
[30:45] | What would you tell him if you wanted him to live a long life? | 你会对他们说什么 假如你想他活得长久? |
[30:48] | Use a condom, and also to use a lubricant by the way | 使用安全套 顺便说 还要用润滑剂 |
[30:51] | – That has the medicine… – This is Russian roulette! | – 里面有种成分… – 你们 拿生命轮盘赌吗! |
[30:55] | It is not Russian roulette | 这不是轮盘赌 |
[30:57] | It is Russian roulette to not give people this information | 不告诉人们这样的信息才是拿生命开玩笑 |
[31:00] | When human nature dictates | 当人的天性起作用 |
[31:02] | That they’re gonna go out there | 人们一定会走出门 |
[31:03] | – And they’re gonna have sex – You mean celibacy is impossible? | – 也一定会做爱 – 你是说禁欲不可能? |
[31:05] | It’s just not gonna work | 禁欲不会管用 |
[31:06] | People aren’t gonna do it | 人们不会那样做 |
[31:07] | And lots, lots of people are gonna die | 而很多很多的人会死 |
[31:09] | Now would you rather have a lot of people cheating on their celibacy | 你情愿看到很多人背叛禁欲 |
[31:13] | With thousands of people dying | 成千上万的人死去 |
[31:15] | Or would you rather save those lives | 还是希望挽救这些生命 |
[31:17] | And let them have sex? | 从而允许他们做爱? |
[31:18] | I think that, uh… well | 我觉得 呃… |
[31:20] | Thank you very much, Peter Staley | 非常感谢 皮特・斯坦利 |
[31:21] | Thanks for being in our studio | 感谢来到我们演播室 |
[31:23] | Mr. Braden and I will be back in a minute | 布莱登先生和我会马上回来 |
[31:28] | One of the things we wanted, was a drug | 我们想要的其中一种药物 |
[31:31] | That you gave to people who had cytomegalovirus and advanced AIDS | 是可以给有巨细胞病毒和晚期艾滋病人使用的 |
[31:38] | Because people who had both tended to go blind | 因为两者兼有的 会逐渐失明 |
[31:42] | It was called D.H.P.G | 那种药叫二羟基苯甘氨酸 |
[32:14] | In a way similar to A.Z.T | 和叠氮胸苷一样 |
[32:16] | It was highly toxic, but it was known to be effective | 它有很大毒性 但据说有效 |
[32:19] | Because 6,000 people had already used the drug | 因为有6,000人已经在使用这种药了 |
[32:23] | But never in a clinical trial | 可是从没有过临床实验 |
[32:26] | Hey, hey, F.D.A. | 嘿 嘿 药管局 |
[32:28] | How many people did you kill today? | 你今天又杀了多少人? |
[32:31] | We are with Jim Eigo from Act Up | 我们在采访”行动起来”的吉姆.艾格 |
[32:33] | There’s a major protest going on here in Bethesda over the drug D.H.P.G | 在贝塞斯达市正有一个关于二羟基苯甘氨酸的大型示威活动 |
[32:37] | Tell us what’s happening | 跟我们讲讲事件经过 |
[32:38] | Well, this is the second meeting of the Bush commission | 呃 这是布什委员会的第二次会议 |
[32:41] | For reviewing procedures for approving AIDS and cancer drugs | 关于艾滋和癌症药物批准程序的审查 |
[32:46] | And we thought, since the non-Approval of D.H.P.G | 我们认为 既然二羟基苯甘氨酸的未过审 |
[32:49] | Is such a perfect example of how regulation has gone wrong | 最好的证明了规章可能错到什么地步 |
[32:53] | We’d bring it home to the commission itself | 我们就把问题带到委员会大本营 |
[32:55] | By showing up here in force | 通过现场施压的方式 |
[32:57] | And that’s what we’ve done | 这就是我们在做的 |
[32:58] | OK, also inside at the hearing itself, and I understand | 好 另外里面也正在听证 据我所知 |
[33:02] | There’s gonna be an action in just a little while when Ellen Cooper speaks | 当艾伦・库帕讲话时 很快会有人做出行动 |
[33:05] | I guess so | 应该是 |
[33:08] | What about D.H.P.G.? | 二羟基苯甘氨酸呢? |
[33:10] | What about D.H.P.G.? | 二羟基苯甘氨酸呢? |
[33:14] | Without the objective data | 没有客观的数据 |
[33:16] | We feel that we would indeed be on treacherous grounds | 我们真的…感觉缺少牢固的依据… |
[33:22] | In defending that decision | 来支撑该决定 |
[33:24] | And in fact would be wide open to the charge of arbitrary decision-Making | 事实上这将开启主观判断和放任决策的先例 |
[33:28] | Although, uh, we certainly wouldn’t ce accused of being inflexible | 尽管 我们显然也不愿被指责不懂变通 |
[33:32] | You did it with A.Z.T | 你们在叠氮胸苷上就这么做了 |
[33:33] | I don’t see why you can’t do it with… | 我不懂为什么不可以… |
[33:36] | I mean, I have to say that | 我必须说明 |
[33:37] | The difference in the data between A.Z.T. And D.H.P.G | 叠氮胸苷和二羟基苯甘氨酸数据有差异 |
[33:41] | Is the difference between night and day, as far as… | 就我所知 是有天壤之别的… |
[33:44] | Sight and blindness… | 就像看见和失明一样吗… |
[33:48] | You’re just as blind since this meeting’s started | 从会议开始后 你就失明了 |
[33:51] | And four more are gonna die before it’s over | 在它结束前 又会有四个人死 |
[33:54] | Who represents the patient on this panel? | 哪个委员是代表病人的权利? |
[33:55] | Where is the person of color on this panel? | 代表其他肤色的委员又在哪儿? |
[33:58] | F.D.A. Relooks at the D.H.P.G. Data and suddenly, oh! | 药管局重新审视了二羟基苯甘氨酸数据 突然间 啊! |
[34:03] | Agrees with Act Up | 和”行动起来”达成了一致 |
[34:06] | Ready for a vote? | 准备好投票了吗? |
[34:09] | All in favor, raise your hand | 同意的请举手 |
[34:13] | One, two… | 一 二… |
[34:15] | Well, that’s everyone | 噢 所有人啊 |
[34:21] | It was really an amazing encounter | 真的是次很了不起的会面 |
[34:22] | But it sort of felt like reaching, uh | 感觉就像到达了 嗯 |
[34:24] | The Wizard of Oz, like | “绿野仙踪”的奥兹 |
[34:25] | You’ve got to the center of the whole, of the whole system | 就像进入了整个体制的核心区 |
[34:28] | And there’s just this schmuck behind a curtain | 而窗帘背后的只是几个愣头青 |
[34:30] | There was no guiding agenda | 没有指导议程 |
[34:32] | There was no leadership | 没有意见领袖 |
[34:33] | There was no global strategy for how to deal with AIDS in the U.S | 没有关于应对美国艾滋病情的整体策略 |
[34:38] | And so, on the bus back from Bethesda | 所以在从贝塞斯达市回去的巴士上 |
[34:40] | We decided to write a treatment agenda | 我们决定写一份治疗纲领 |
[34:42] | Because nobody was dealing with the entire map of AIDS | 因为还没有人画出艾滋蔓延的全地图 |
[34:45] | The entire constellation of opportunistic infections | 机会性感染的全部图谱 |
[34:47] | The gaps in research | 研究空白 |
[34:48] | The underrepresented populations | 被忽视的人口 |
[34:50] | The fact that the diseases and the drugs might be different in those populations | 事实上 疾病和药物对不同人口可能是不同的 |
[34:54] | How would we ever find out? They weren’t even being studied | 我们要怎么去发现? 这些从未被研究过 |
[35:11] | Bye, Ron! | 再见 罗恩! |
[35:13] | Bye, Bobby! | 再见 鲍比! |
[35:16] | Come on Catherine, let’s go | 来 凯瑟琳 走吧 |
[35:17] | It’s time to go | 该走了 |
[35:19] | Yeah | 嗯 |
[35:29] | Knows no borders! | 关注无国界! |
[35:30] | The AIDS crisis! | 艾滋是危机! |
[35:32] | Knows no borders! | 关注无国界! |
[35:34] | The AIDS crisis! | 艾滋是危机! |
[35:35] | Knows no borders! | 关注无国界! |
[35:37] | The AIDS crisis! | 艾滋是危机! |
[35:38] | Knows no borders! | 关注无国界! |
[35:40] | The AIDS crisis! | 艾滋是危机! |
[35:41] | Knows no borders! | 关注无国界! |
[35:43] | The AIDS crisis! | 艾滋是危机! |
[35:44] | Knows no borders! | 关注无国界! |
[35:47] | I’d just like to say that | 我只想说 |
[35:48] | The reasons I can’t get any of these drugs is | 我无法得到这些药物的原因 |
[35:50] | ‘Cause for nine years now | 是因为在过去的9年里 |
[35:52] | The leadership in this country has failed to come up with a plan of action | 这个国家的领袖在拿出行动计划上是失败的 |
[35:57] | They’ve failed to come up with a plan of research a national research agenda | 他们在制订全国研究日程规划上是失败的 |
[36:02] | People with AIDS and their advocates have finally done this for them | 而艾滋病人和活动家替他们完成了这个工作 |
[36:07] | This is it | 就是这个 |
[36:08] | This is the plan we’re presenting | 这就是我们提供的纲领 |
[36:10] | We need our government to read this plan | 我们希望政府能阅读这个规划 |
[36:12] | We need them to work with us | 我们需要他们和我们一起共事 |
[36:14] | If they want to change it a little | 假如他们肯做出小小的改变 |
[36:16] | We’ll talk to them | 我们愿意和他们交谈 |
[36:17] | But I want them to adopt it | 我希望他们能采纳 |
[36:19] | I want them to get started on it | 我希望他们能开始行动起来 |
[36:20] | I want them to save our lives. Thank you | 我想他们拯救我们的生命 谢谢 |
[36:24] | I snuck around and grabbed uh, grabbed one of those copies | 我四处打量 抓到一张他们的传单 |
[36:28] | And it was very interesting | 内容非常有意思 |
[36:30] | We believe that the United States has a global responsibility | 我们认为美国应担起全球责任 |
[36:34] | To quickly develop effective treatments | 加快有效治疗手段的研发 |
[36:35] | Not only for HIV infection itself | 不仅包括艾滋病毒感染本身 |
[36:38] | But for all of the opportunistic infections | 还包括所有的机会性感染 |
[36:40] | Which actually cause suffering and death in people living with AIDS | 后者导致艾滋病人经历痛苦和死亡 |
[36:43] | This is not a new agenda | 这不是一项新的议程 |
[36:45] | And it is not an agenda of only Act Up | 也不只是”行动起来”的议程 |
[36:48] | Scientists agree with this | 科学家们已经认可了 |
[36:49] | Why can’t we have it? | 为什么我们不能采纳? |
[36:50] | The researchers and regulators are going to have to come up with | 研究人员和立法人员需要制订 |
[36:54] | A parallel release program | 一个同步的发放计划 |
[36:56] | That will get drugs to the people who need it | 让需要药物的人能及时获得它们 |
[36:58] | Before the five years down the pipe | 而不是排上五年队 |
[37:00] | Where they may be approved by the F.D.A | 去等待一个药管局可能的通过 |
[37:03] | I was scribbling madly in this copy of their AIDS treatment research agenda | 我在他们的治疗研究议程上疯狂的勾划 |
[37:07] | I would go back and forth between saying | 我不停在两者中摇摆 一边是 |
[37:10] | “No, no! They, they don’t understand!” | “不不! 他们不懂!” |
[37:12] | To saying, “whoa, you mean this isn’t the way we’re doing trials?” | 一边是 “噢 难道这不就是我们的实验做法吗?” |
[37:16] | “You mean people aren’t allowed to do this or that?” | “你是说 普通人就不允许做这做那?” |
[37:19] | But I have to tell you that I was still not ready to sort of | 但我必须说 当时我还没准备好 |
[37:23] | Go up to them and try, try and engage | 加入他们之中 和他们一起工作 |
[37:26] | I brought this copy back | 我带了一份议程回来 |
[37:27] | And I distributed it to a small group of statisticians | 并且把它在小部分统计学家中发放 |
[37:30] | That was meeting regularly to talk about trial design issues | 我们会定期碰头讨论试错实验的设计 |
[37:34] | The people sitting around that table | 人们围着桌子坐成一圈 |
[37:36] | Got as excited as I did | 和我一样兴奋 |
[37:38] | This had clearly been written by people who… | 这明显是由一群… |
[37:40] | Who were very knowledgeable, very, very intelligent | 非常有知识 非常聪明 |
[37:45] | And really wanted to do the trials the best possible way | 而且真心想要以最可能方式开展实验的人写的 |
[37:48] | They were not against trials | 他们并不反对实验 |
[37:49] | They wanted to get the right answers | 他们想找到正确答案 |
[37:51] | But they wanted what they called “humane trials” | 他们想要的 用他们的说法是 “人体实验” |
[37:54] | It all came together in Montreal | 一切都上了轨道 在蒙特利尔市 |
[37:57] | But what was new for Act Up | 但对”行动起来”来说的新体验 |
[38:00] | We went to a drug company | 是我们去了一家制药公司 |
[38:02] | There is renewed hope for people infected with AIDS | 艾滋感染病人又有了一个新的希望 |
[38:04] | A new experimental drug, D.D.I | 一种新试验型药物 二脱氧次黄苷 |
[38:07] | Will be distributed on a limited basis for free this fall | 将在今年秋天做限量的免费发放 |
[38:10] | By its developer, the giant Bristol-Myers company | 开发人制药巨头百时美公司 |
[38:13] | This marks the first time An anti-AIDS drug will be available | 这标志着第一次抗艾药物可以直接面向患者 |
[38:16] | Even before safety testing is finished | 甚至在还未完成安全测试前 |
[38:18] | Full A.Z.T. Treatment is too much for patient Peter Staley | 全叠氮胸苷疗法对病人皮特・斯坦利来说过于猛烈 |
[38:22] | For nine months, he’s been limited To a quarter-Dose of the drug | 九个月来他已经将药量控制在1/4粒 |
[38:25] | And wants D.D.I. As soon as possible | 他想尽快使用二脱氧次黄苷 |
[38:27] | Do you need D.D.I. To live, do you think? | 你觉得你需要二脱氧次黄苷才能活下去吗? |
[38:29] | Yes, I need, I need D.D.I | 是的 我需要 我需要二脱氧次黄苷药物 |
[38:31] | I probably need some other anti-Virals beyond that | 可能还需要其他的一些抗病毒药物 |
[38:34] | It is historic | 这是历史性的 |
[38:36] | It is because The AIDS activist community has obtained this drug | 因为艾滋群体提前获得了这个药物 |
[38:41] | It is not the government | 不是靠政府 |
[38:42] | No one has given it to us | 没人发放给我们 |
[38:44] | We have fought for it | 我们自己争取到的 |
[38:45] | And for the first time, we have won | 有史以来第一次 我们赢了 |
[38:48] | So, by ’89, less than a year after our F.D.A. Demo | 所以在1989年 距药管局示威不到一年 |
[38:51] | They had approved a drug to prevent blindness in people with AIDS | 他们批准了一种药物来防止艾滋患者失明 |
[38:54] | And we had gotten expanded access to D.D.I | 我们也扩大了二脱氧次黄苷的获取途径 |
[38:57] | And that was a very powerful feeling | 真的是很有力量的感觉 |
[39:00] | We felt like we were taking direct action | 我们感到我们在直接行动 |
[39:02] | And we were helping make people’s lives better | 我们在帮助人们活的更好 |
[39:08] | I wasn’t sure that A.Z.T. Or D.D.I. Were all that great | 我不确定叠氮胸苷或二脱氧次黄苷有那么有效 |
[39:12] | But we were beginning to get letters from people | 但我们开始收到人们来信 |
[39:14] | That said,” Thank you for saving my Eyesight,” | 说 “谢谢你们拯救我的视力” |
[39:16] | “For getting me access to D.D.I. And helping to save my life” | “谢谢你 行动起来” “让我可以获得二脱氧次黄苷 帮助拯救我的生命” |
[39:27] | At Merck, HIV was an Important scientific target | 在默克 艾滋病毒是重要的科研对象 |
[39:33] | HIV, of course, is a virus | 艾滋 当然是一种病毒 |
[39:35] | In order for the virus to infect an uninfected cell | 一个病毒要去感染还没被感染的细胞 |
[39:39] | It needs to construct itself in a particular way | 它需要用一种特殊的方式组装自己 |
[39:44] | First, the viral RNA | 首先 病毒的RNA (核糖核酸) |
[39:45] | Needs to transform itself into a DNA copy | 需要将自己改变为DNA样本 (脱氧核糖核酸) |
[39:49] | In order to knit itself into the nuclear DNA of the newly infected cell | 才能向新感染的细胞加入自己的核DNA编码 |
[39:54] | This occurs by a process called Reverse Transcription | 这个是通过叫”逆转录”的过程完成的 |
[39:58] | A.Z.T. And D.D.I. | 叠氮胸苷和二脱氧次黄苷 |
[40:00] | Were both originally developed | 最初开发的目的 |
[40:02] | To try to inhibit that process of establishing infection | 都是试图抑制感染形成的过程 |
[40:07] | A number of other researchers | 也有部分研究人员 |
[40:09] | Began to focus on another portion of the viral life cycle | 开始聚焦病毒生命周期的另一环节 |
[40:12] | After the cell is already infected | 即在细胞已经被感染后 |
[40:15] | One of the steps that it takes is that | 整个感染过程中的一步 |
[40:17] | Is it makes a viral protein | 是病毒会释放一种病毒蛋白 |
[40:21] | It has to snip that viral protein in very specific places | 病毒蛋白会在特定的位置被剪断 |
[40:25] | The resulting pieces self-Assemble | 产生的片段会自我组合 |
[40:29] | To make the viral particle | 从而变成病毒微粒 |
[40:31] | And what does the snipping | 而负责剪断的 |
[40:32] | And what in fact controls the snipping | 事实上控制整个剪断过程的 |
[40:34] | Is a viral protein called the protease | 是一种叫蛋白酶的病毒蛋白 |
[40:38] | If you genetically modify the viral protease | 如果你对蛋白酶做基因重组 |
[40:41] | So that it can no longer snip | 让它不再剪断 |
[40:42] | The virus no longer has the ability to make those component pieces | 病毒就没有了制造片段的能力 |
[40:46] | That it needs to make in order to self-Assemble | 而自我组合也就失去了基础 |
[40:48] | And make an infectious viral particle | 从而不再成为带传染性的病毒颗粒 |
[40:52] | We solved the structure of HIV protease in 1989 | 我们在1989年破解了艾滋病毒的蛋白酶结构 |
[40:56] | And published it pretty quickly | 而且很快就对外发布了 |
[40:58] | I think, I think we saw the structure | 我认为 我认为我们看到了整个结构 |
[41:00] | And within a few weeks it was in the Literature | 在几周后它就成为了教科书内容 |
[41:03] | And then the question became | 然后问题就变成 |
[41:04] | All right, can we prove it? | 好吧 我们能证明吗? |
[41:05] | Can we prove it that is in fact the case? | 我们能证明就是这样吗? |
[41:07] | And most importantly, can we prove that | 最重要的是 我们能不能证明 |
[41:10] | If you inhibit that protease | 假如你抑制了这个蛋白酶 |
[41:12] | If you knock out its activity | 抽去它的活性 |
[41:14] | That the virus can no longer replicate | 病毒就不会再复制了 |
[41:17] | And therefore make new progeny viral particles | 从而就不会再制造新的病毒颗粒 |
[41:19] | That would then go on and establish a new cycle of infection | 不会扩散和建立新的感染循环 |
[41:29] | Aids is now the leading cause of death for men under 44 in New York | 艾滋已经成为44岁以下男子死亡的主要原因 在纽约市 |
[41:32] | And a half-Dozen other cities | 还有其他一些城市 |
[41:34] | Surpassing homicide and all other diseases | 已经超过了自杀和其他所有疾病 |
[41:37] | Yet roman catholic bishops are meeting this week | 然而罗马教会的主教本周召开集会 |
[41:39] | To publicly oppose the use of condoms | 公开反对使用安全套 |
[41:42] | As morally unacceptable | 称其在道德上难以接受 |
[41:44] | This puts them in direct opposition to U.S. Public health policy | 这让他们与美国公共卫生政策直接相悖 |
[41:50] | The new church position condemns not only the immorality of condoms | 教会新的表态不但谴责安全套的不道德 |
[41:54] | But their effectiveness, as well | 并且质疑其有效性 |
[41:56] | The draft under consideration in Baltimore this week says, it is quote | 本周在巴尔的摩考虑起草的草案中 提到说 |
[42:00] | “A virtual certainty that” | “作为不争事实” |
[42:02] | “Reliance on condoms will result in transmission of AIDS” | “对保险套的依赖将导致艾滋传播” |
[42:07] | Of the bishop’s proposed new policy | 对主教提出的新政策 |
[42:09] | New York city Health Commissioner Stephen Joseph says… | 纽约市卫生专员斯蒂芬.约瑟夫说… |
[42:12] | This would be a public health disaster | 这将是一场公共健康大灾难 |
[42:14] | It would undoubtedly lead to more transmission | 它无疑将引起更多传播 |
[42:18] | Particularly in high- Risk areas of the city | 尤其是在城市的高风险区域 |
[42:21] | More disease and more death | 更多人生病 更多死亡 |
[42:22] | Catholic conservatives say not just physical death | 保守天主教徒说不只肉体死亡 |
[42:26] | But spiritual death is at issue here | 灵魂死亡也是当前的一个问题 |
[42:28] | As New York City’s archbishop | 用纽约市大主教 |
[42:30] | John Cardinal O’Connor put it… | 红衣约翰・欧康纳的话来说… |
[42:32] | The use of prophylactics is immoral | 使用避孕手段是不道德的 |
[42:35] | In a pluralistic society or any other society | 无论在多元社会还是任何社会 |
[42:39] | I think that’s it, except… | 就这些了 除了… |
[42:41] | Of course, we have Ann Northrop Giving her sound bite technique | 当然 我们还有安・诺斯罗普来教授她的原话传播理论 |
[42:54] | Uh ,we want everybody to join us | 我们希望所有人加入我们 |
[42:58] | To support us | 支持我们 |
[42:59] | To destroy the power of the catholic church | 摧毁天主教会的权力 |
[43:02] | To make our side the strong one | 让我们成为强大的一方 |
[43:05] | And to do that | 为了做到以上 |
[43:07] | We must put out the message | 我们必须将信息传递出去 |
[43:09] | That we are the ones who are fighting for people’s lives | 我们才是为人们性命搏斗的人 |
[43:13] | And they are the murderers | 而他们是杀人犯 |
[43:15] | Don’t be afraid of the media | 不要害怕媒体 |
[43:18] | You’re talking through them to the public | 你们是在通过它们 与公众对话 |
[43:21] | We are trying to arouse | 我们要试着唤醒 |
[43:24] | To anger an action | 激发人们的行动 |
[43:26] | And hone it down to, yes | 没错 它们会被剪辑 |
[43:29] | A three-Second bite | 三秒钟的片段 |
[43:30] | A five-Second bite | 五秒钟的片段 |
[43:32] | Just a phrase that will have an impact | 只要有一个词能产生影响 |
[43:35] | That will say something specific | 能表达特定意思 |
[43:38] | And that will be understandable | 并且能被理解的 |
[43:41] | So… | 比如… |
[43:51] | I don’t have a, uh, phrase worked out | 我现在没有想到好的词汇 |
[43:54] | And, uh, so you’re all gonna have to create your own | 你们得自己发挥想象力了 |
[43:57] | So this is Empowerment | 这叫”授权” |
[44:04] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[44:05] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[44:18] | Please, you’re interfering with us, step back | 请退后 你在妨碍我们 |
[44:20] | This is Jesus Christ | 我是耶稣基督 |
[44:21] | I’m in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday | 星期天 我正站在圣帕特里克大教堂前 |
[44:24] | We’re here reporting on a major | 我们正在现场报道一个大型的 |
[44:26] | AIDS activist and abortion-Rights activist demonstration | 关于艾滋和堕胎权的示威游行 |
[44:29] | Which will be taking place here all morning | 它将持续整个上午 |
[44:31] | Inside, Cardinal O’Connor is busy spreading | 教堂内 红衣主教欧康纳正忙着散布 |
[44:35] | His lies and rumors about the position of lesbians and gays | 他各种关于男女同性恋的谎言和传闻 |
[44:39] | We’re here to say we want to go to heaven, too | 我们要在这儿说 我们也想进天堂 |
[44:59] | J.C. Here with the Fire and Brimstone Network | J.C. 和火焰硫磺网络组织在一起 |
[45:02] | And we’d like to ask you a little bit about | 我们想问一下你们 |
[45:03] | This large vision that you’ve visited upon us | 这个举在头上的大型物体是什么 |
[45:07] | Well, we’ve decided to rename the cardinal | 噢 我们决定为红衣主教重命名 |
[45:08] | He’s now Cardinal O’Condom | 现在他叫红衣”欧套套” |
[45:11] | This is our message to him | 这是我们在向他传达信息 |
[45:12] | That condoms are safe, it’s no sin | 避孕套是安全的 不是什么罪 |
[45:43] | Stop killing us! | 停止谋杀我们! |
[45:45] | Stop killing us! | 停止谋杀我们! |
[45:47] | Stop killing us! | 停止谋杀我们! |
[45:49] | We’re not gonna take it anymore! | 我们不会再忍受! |
[45:51] | You’re killing us! | 你是在谋杀我们! |
[45:52] | Stop it! | 停止! |
[45:54] | Stop it! | 停止! |
[45:55] | Stop it! | 停止! |
[45:56] | Stop it! | 停止! |
[45:58] | Stop it, stop it! | 停止! 停止! |
[46:03] | How many more have to die? | 还要死多少人才叫够? |
[46:05] | How many more have to die? | 还要死多少人才叫够? |
[46:11] | Those protesting believe that | 那些抗议者以为 |
[46:12] | The protests will result in some change of environment | 这样的抗议会带来环境改变 |
[46:18] | Some change of attitudes, perhaps | 一些可能的态度改变 |
[46:21] | The church will be teaching | 但教会一直教导人们 |
[46:22] | That homosexual activity is sinful until the end of time | 同性恋行为是罪恶 直至世界终结 |
[46:27] | That won’t change | 这是不会改变的 |
[46:34] | This is July 22nd, 1989 | 今天是1989年7月22日 |
[46:37] | Now Sara, what do you think about your dad being 44? | 萨拉 对爸爸满44岁你有什么要说? |
[46:40] | Good | 好啊 |
[46:43] | Thank you, thank you for your support | 谢谢 谢谢支持啊 |
[46:45] | One, two, three… | 一 二 三… |
[46:50] | Yay… | 耶… |
[46:54] | A lot of smoke | 好多的烟啊 |
[46:55] | Oh, boy | 噢 天 |
[46:56] | I wish those candles would stop smoking | 真希望这些蜡烛能戒烟 |
[46:58] | It’s bad for their health | 吸烟有害健康啊 |
[46:59] | That’s right | 说的好 |
[47:00] | OK, Robert Rafsky | 好了 罗伯特・拉夫斯基 |
[47:01] | Do you have any remarks before you jump off the edge of the porch? | 在你跳进老人堆前还有什么想说的吗? |
[47:04] | I have no interest in jumping off the edge of the porch | 我一点儿也不想跳进老人堆 |
[47:07] | I will jump up and down | 我会跳上跳下吧 |
[47:08] | I think 44 is a very fine age | 我觉得44岁是个很好的年龄 |
[47:10] | It has a nice symmetry to it, it has a nice feeling to it | 它很对称 感觉也很好 |
[47:13] | It’s, uh, better than 22 | 比22岁好 |
[47:14] | And possibly better than 88 | 很可能好过88岁 |
[47:16] | We’ll see | 我们走着瞧 |
[47:19] | Here’s how we planned this | 这就是我们的打算 |
[47:21] | What we want to do is run this like a treatment and data meeting | 我们想要这个会开得像治疗数据会议那样 |
[47:25] | A number of times we’ve had people come to a treatment and data meeting | 已经有很多次 我们让人们来治疗数据会议 |
[47:29] | And speak on certain issues | 讲述具体的问题 |
[47:31] | We try to get in depth | 现在我们试着深入一些 |
[47:33] | We try to nail issues down | 试着锁定问题 |
[47:35] | This isn’t a free-For-All | 这不是自由发言 |
[47:37] | Let’s call it a working confrontation | 我们姑且叫它是对抗讨论 |
[47:40] | So, why don’t we start? | 所以 开始好不好? |
[47:42] | This is Dr. Anthony Fauci | 这位是安东尼・福西医生 |
[47:44] | Bob rafsky | 这是鲍勃・拉夫斯基 |
[47:46] | I may be wrong, Dr. Fauci | 我也许是错的 福西医生 |
[47:47] | But it’s my understanding | 但就我所知 |
[47:50] | That thousands of people died from pneumonia | 曾经有成千上万人死于肺炎 |
[47:53] | Because there was no priority | 因为缺少轻重缓急 |
[47:55] | Within the government or within the medical system as a whole | 在政府内部 或作为整体的医疗体系 |
[47:59] | To push the known preventative treatments for a long time | 在很长时间里都没有推动已知的预防治疗 |
[48:03] | Now those thousands of people are dead | 当成千上万的人死了 |
[48:06] | It would seem to me that someone, who was within the government | 在我看来 政府里的某些人 |
[48:10] | While that took place, as you were | 在当年发生事件中 是否类似的 |
[48:13] | Must have on their conscience these deaths? | 应该对这些死难遭受良心的谴责? |
[48:16] | That is a tough one, um… | 这个问题很难回答… |
[48:19] | No, it really is | 不 真的很难 |
[48:20] | It’s inexcusable that an academic priority | 学术优先性 无可原谅的 |
[48:23] | Should ever, ever come before the health of the people that you’re working with | 在任何时候都不应凌驾于你们的健康之上 |
[48:27] | There’s no question about that | 这一点是毫无疑问的 |
[48:28] | But the reality of the situation is | 但事实情况是 |
[48:31] | There was a great reluctance | 存在极大的不情愿 |
[48:35] | Among the community of everything from the scientists to the congress | 在从科学家到国会的大范围内 |
[48:41] | Saying that what we should be doing is not telling investigators what to do | 都说我们应该做的 是不告诉调查者该做什么 |
[48:48] | But we should allow them to do what they feel is the most important | 我们应该让他们做他们认为重要的 |
[48:52] | Now that sounds awful | 听上去感觉很糟 |
[48:54] | When you’re putting it in the context of what we’re talking about here | 当你把我们现在做的放入这个语境中 |
[48:58] | But the whole world isn’t in this room | 但整个世界不只这个房间 |
[49:00] | Every 12 minutes Someone dies! | 每12分钟 就有人死! |
[49:04] | Every 12 minutes Someone dies! | 每12分钟 就有人死! |
[49:09] | AIDS activists stormed the government’s premiere disease research center | 艾滋活动家在政府高等疾病研究中心掀起风暴 |
[49:14] | The national institutes of health is where an AIDS cure might be found | 国家卫生研究所是艾滋治疗可能的诞生地 |
[49:17] | It is where therapies are being tested in clinical trials | 各种疗法的临床试验也在那里进行 |
[49:20] | No more secret meetings. No more secret meetings… | 拒绝秘密会议 拒绝秘密会议… |
[49:23] | Demonstrators blocked access to buildings | 示威者堵住大楼入口 |
[49:26] | Scientists and administrators reporting to work stood around looking confused | 签到打卡的科学家和行政人员都困惑的站在外面 |
[49:30] | Activists charged the Bush administration with foot-Dragging on AIDS research | 活动人士谴责布什政府在艾滋研究上一拖再拖 |
[49:35] | It’s not the amount of federal money allocated to it | 确定的研究优先次序 |
[49:37] | So much as how research priorities are defined | 与联邦的资金拨款也不匹配 |
[49:40] | We need new drugs to keep people alive | 我们需要新的药让人们活下去 |
[49:42] | But the NIH is only testing old drugs, drugs that we already have | 但国家卫生研究所只测试旧药 那些我们已有的药 |
[49:46] | Can you tell us what you’re doing? | 能告诉我们你正做什么吗? |
[49:47] | Hi, I’m Jim Jenson and I’m in a clinical trial here | 嗨 我是吉姆・杰森 我正在做临床测试 |
[49:50] | And right now, I’m observing and participating in the Act Up demonstration | 此刻 我在观望和加入”行动起来”的示威活动 |
[49:55] | Why? Why do you support this action? | 为什么? 为什么你支持它? |
[49:57] | Because we need far more AIDS research | 因为我们需要更多艾滋研究 |
[49:59] | And we’re just beginning | 现在还只是开头 |
[50:01] | What trial are you in? | 你在做什么临床测试? |
[50:02] | I’m in Interleukin-2 A.Z.T. Combination study | 白介素和叠氮胸苷的结合研究 |
[50:06] | Are there any women in your trial? | 测试中有女性吗? |
[50:07] | No, there aren’t any women at all | 不 一位女性都没有 |
[50:09] | People of color? | 有色人种呢? |
[50:10] | Uh, no, there are not | 不 没有 |
[50:12] | Why do you think that is ? | 你觉得这是为什么? |
[50:14] | Just the beginning of the problem | 这些只是问题的冰山一角呢 |
[50:16] | Murder, murder! | 杀人犯 杀人犯! |
[50:17] | There are three major things that control N.I.H. Research | 控制国家卫生研究所的有三样 |
[50:20] | Stupidity incompetence and greed | 愚蠢 无能 和贪婪 |
[50:23] | Those are the three major driving forces behind what’s going on here | 现在发生的这些 背后推手就是这三样 |
[50:26] | And why there are no treatments out there for people living with this disease | 也是为什么市面上没有治疗这些患者手段的原因 |
[50:30] | In that building down that way | 在那边那栋大楼 |
[50:32] | Dr. Anthony Fauci is deciding | 安东尼・福西医生负责决定 |
[50:33] | The research priorities for the N.I.A.I.D | 国家过敏与传染病研究的优先次序 |
[50:37] | We’re down here ’cause we think | 我们聚在这儿 因为我们认为 |
[50:39] | We should be deciding the sesearch priorities | 应该由我们决定研究的优先次序 |
[50:41] | Because these are the people who know what’s going on | 因为这些人才是知道发生了什么的人 |
[50:42] | ‘Cause they’re dealing with it every day | 因为他们每天都在与之打交道 |
[50:56] | The whole world is watching! | 全世界都在看! |
[50:58] | The whole world is watching! | 全世界都在看! |
[51:00] | The whole world is watching! | 全世界都在看! |
[51:02] | The whole world is watching! | 全世界都在看! |
[51:04] | The whole world is watching! | 全世界都在看! |
[51:07] | The whole world is watching… | 全世界都在看… |
[51:42] | If anything, the mood after the N.I.H was even bleaker than the mood before | 在国家卫生研究所示威后 情绪反而比之前消沉了 |
[51:46] | Because we had no indication | 因为我们看不到任何迹象 |
[51:47] | That they were gonna change or respond to our demands | 他们会改变 或回应我们的要求 |
[51:51] | We had in fact had a meeting with them in Bethesda after the N.I.H. Action | 事实上我们在示威后还和他们在贝塞斯达市有过会面 |
[51:54] | That indicated that there was total resistance | 我们收到的是非常强烈的反对 |
[51:56] | To putting people from the community on the research committees | 他们反对感染人群加入研究委员会 |
[51:59] | To letting the Act Up observers attend the meetings | 让”行动起来”的观察员出席 |
[52:02] | And to open up the meetings so that there weren’t secret anymore | 以及公开开会 不再让会议秘密化 |
[52:05] | Why should science be shrouded in secrecy? | 为什么科学要秘密进行? |
[52:06] | It’s supposed to be based on a free exchange of ideas | 它应当是想法的自由交流 |
[52:10] | And, so, it was very important to stage in San Francisco | 因此旧金山这次集会 就非常的重要 |
[52:14] | Before, again, the global community of scientists and people working on AIDS | 它要让全球科学家和研究艾滋的人们再次知道 |
[52:18] | Why we had been at the N.I.H | 为什么我们会去国家卫生研究所 |
[52:19] | Why the U.S. System wasn’t working out | 为什么美国的体制不管用 |
[52:22] | And to reach the people directly | 我们要向人们直接传达的 |
[52:24] | That we had reached symbolically through the N.I.H. Action | 就是我们之前通过示威间接传达的 |
[52:42] | About a hundred protesters have already been arrested | 在今天开始的旧金山国际艾滋大会上 |
[52:44] | At the international AIDS conference that began today in San Francisco | 已有约一百示威者被捕 |
[52:48] | Hundreds more are angrily protesting a government policy | 更多人则正在愤怒抗议政府的相关政策 |
[52:51] | They say “neglects research and ostracizes victims” | 用他们的说法 “疏忽研究和放任受害者” |
[52:55] | Why don’t you do an informational slide first? | 为什么我们不先做内容幻灯片? |
[52:57] | “United States has the most discriminatory immigration policies regarding HIV” | “美国在艾滋问题上存在最歧视性的出入境政策” |
[53:02] | I could say, you know | 我可以说 |
[53:03] | As a way to bridge the… | 作为沟通桥梁… |
[53:07] | The rift between the scientific community all of you and the activists | 在科学组织和活动人士的所有鸿沟之间 |
[53:11] | We’d like you to join in some activism | 我们希望你们能拿出点行动主义 |
[53:14] | And I’ve always been painfully aware | 我一直痛苦的意识到 |
[53:16] | That in order for me to beat this virus and live | 为让我能击退这个疾病和活下来 |
[53:19] | I will need a great deal of help from all of you | 我需要来自你们所有人的很大帮助 |
[53:24] | Can we all, before it’s too late | 我们能否 在太迟之前 |
[53:26] | Begin to understand each other? | 开始相互相理解? |
[53:29] | Will we realize | 我们能否意识到 |
[53:31] | That we share similar motivations? | 我们拥有相同的动机? |
[53:34] | During the upcoming days | 在未来的几天 |
[53:36] | Act Up New York will be handing out our AIDS treatment agenda | 纽约”行动起来”将分发一份我们的艾滋治疗纲领 |
[53:40] | Which includes a list of 99 drugs | 包括列明了99种药物 |
[53:42] | That we believe could be ready for small phase-One studies this year or next | 我们相信具备在今年或明年开始小规模测试的条件 |
[53:49] | However, from your side | 尽管 在你们来看 |
[53:52] | We’re being constantly told to butt out | 我们被不停告知少指指点点 |
[53:56] | On my side | 而在我们看来 |
[53:57] | The level of anger and frustration is reaching such a point | 愤怒和沮丧已经达到如此至高点 |
[54:01] | That attitudes claiming that all of you are uncaring and in it for greed | 以致认为你们所有人都漠不关心并且贪婪逐利的观点 |
[54:07] | Are now widespread | 正在开始蔓延 |
[54:10] | While at times we may offend you | 尽管我们可能冒犯你们 |
[54:12] | Remember as well that like you | 但请记住 和你们一样 |
[54:15] | Act Up has succeeded in prolonging | “行动起来”已经成功的延长了 |
[54:18] | The lives of thousands of people living with HIV disease | 数以千计的艾滋携带者的生命 |
[54:26] | I would like to be joined in front of the stage by my fellow AIDS activists | 我希望我的艾滋活动同伴们 都能走到台前来 |
[54:31] | Would you all come up? | 可以吗? |
[54:34] | At this moment | 此时此刻 |
[54:36] | There are others just like us | 还有其他和我们一样 |
[54:38] | Who are trying to get into this conference | 试图参加这次会议 |
[54:40] | But are being barred by the billy clubs of San Francisco police | 但却被旧金山警察们用警棍对待的 |
[54:45] | And there are still others like us | 仍然有和我们一样 |
[54:47] | Who are trying to get through customs at the San Francisco airport | 试图通过旧金山机场的海关 |
[54:50] | But are being detained instead because they are gay | 但却因为他们是同性恋而被扣留的 |
[54:54] | There’s a man that could have prevented these absurdities | 有一个人本来可以阻止这一切荒谬 |
[54:57] | This man has said that | 这个人曾说 |
[54:58] | He would like to see a kinder, gentler nation | 他希望看到一个更友善 更有礼貌的国度 |
[55:02] | If you believe that | 如果你们认为 |
[55:03] | The immigration policy barring people living with HIV disease from entering this country | 禁止艾滋携带者进入这个国家的出入境政策 |
[55:07] | Is useless as a health policy and discriminatory as well | 作为卫生政策来说 是无效也是歧视的 |
[55:11] | Please stand now and remain standing | 请站起来 并保持站着 |
[55:17] | Join us in vocalizing our collective anger | 加入我们 传达我们愤怒呼声 |
[55:21] | Join us in a chant against the man | 加入我们 声讨那个 |
[55:23] | Who could bring down the I.N.S. Barriers | 本可以清除移民规划局障碍的人 |
[55:25] | Join us in a chant against the man | 加入我们 声讨那个 |
[55:28] | Who has decided to show his commitment to fighting AIDS by refusing to be here today | 用拒绝出席今天的会议来兑现他抗艾承诺的人 |
[55:33] | Instead, he is at this very moment in North Carolina | 此刻的他反而在北卡罗来纳州 |
[55:37] | Attending a fundraiser for the homophobic author of the I.N.S. Barriers | 出席一个憎同的出入境条款设计人的筹款活动 |
[55:42] | That pig in the senate known as Jesse Helms… | 那个叫耶西・赫尔姆斯的参议院猪… |
[55:45] | Join us in this chant | 加入我们 一起声讨 |
[55:47] | 300,000 dead from AIDS | 30万人已死于艾滋 |
[55:49] | Where is George? | 乔治他在哪儿? |
[55:51] | 300,000 dead from AIDS | 30万人已死于艾滋 |
[55:54] | Where is George? | 乔治他在哪儿? |
[55:56] | 300,000 dead from AIDS | 30万人已死于艾滋 |
[55:58] | Where is George? | 乔治他在哪儿? |
[56:00] | 300,000 dead from AIDS | 30万人已死于艾滋 |
[56:02] | Where is George? | 乔治他在哪儿? |
[56:04] | You can all now consider yourselves members of Act Up | 现在你们都是”行动起来”的一员了 |
[56:16] | One of the things that happened in San Francisco | 发生在旧金山的其中一件事 |
[56:18] | Was that we found out we had won some of our N.I.H. Demands | 就是我们发现国家卫生所认可了我们的一些要求 |
[56:22] | Fauci came up to me and said | 福西找到我说 |
[56:24] | We had a meeting | 我们开了个会 |
[56:25] | That we’re gonna put you guys on all the committees | 我们决定把你们放到委员会里来 |
[56:27] | And we’re gonna let your observers go to the meetings | 我们也会让你们的观察员列席 |
[56:29] | And the meetings won’t be secret anymore | 会议不会再秘密举行了 |
[56:30] | Never again… could any of this be done | 再没有可能…像以前那样 |
[56:37] | Without taking people with AIDS and their advocates into consideration | 不再考虑艾滋患者 和艾滋人士的声音了 |
[56:42] | This would be public business from now on | 从现在起 它已经进入了公共事件范畴 |
[56:53] | It was beginning to feel a little different | 我们开始感觉到有些不同了 |
[56:55] | Because we’d spent all the time up until then being on the outside | 因为我们之前所有时间都在门外 |
[56:58] | Sort of beating on the doors and trying to get in | 用力的拍门想进去 |
[57:00] | And now they actually wanted to hear what we had to say | 而现在他们真的在听我们说什么了 |
[57:20] | We brought them in at Merck | 我们把他们请到默克 |
[57:22] | We made… we made a very, uh… specific effort to bring those individuals in | 我们…我们做出特别努力请那些人来 |
[57:26] | So that they would see | 好使他们看到 |
[57:27] | What it is that we were doing or trying to do from the very beginning | 我们正在做什么 或正在开始尝试做什么 |
[57:31] | This was really fantastic stuff | 那是很棒的体验 |
[57:33] | Because we were sitting down with them | 因为我们和他们坐在一起 |
[57:36] | And sometimes from the very earliest stages of development of a drug | 有时是参与一种药物最早期的开发 |
[57:40] | And helping them plot out their strategy | 帮助他们完成规划 |
[57:42] | Toward, uh, designing clinical trials | 直到设计出临床测试 |
[57:45] | The chemists who had worked on the project, a bunch uh, couple chemists said | 这个项目上的化学家 有的化学家说 |
[57:50] | Let’s look at all the aspartic protease inhibitors that we have on the shelf | 让我们看看所有的天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂 |
[57:53] | And they tested ’em | 他们测试了 |
[57:55] | And they found a few molecules that actually worked | 发现部分新的分子真的管用 |
[57:58] | The challenge was is now | 挑战在于 |
[57:59] | You had these molecules that were really good inhibitors in your assay | 你有了实验中非常有效的分子抑制剂 |
[58:04] | Which is just in a test tube | 但它只是在试管中 |
[58:06] | When you put it into animals | 当你注射到动物体内 |
[58:07] | They just would never work | 它们怎么都不管用 |
[58:08] | Or they would never get absorbed by your system | 或怎么都不被身体吸收 |
[58:11] | And I remember being very disappointed | 我记得那时非常的失望 |
[58:12] | ‘Cause I had to share this information with sort of my own personal view | 因为我必须在会上分享我的个人看法 |
[58:16] | Which was: this is gonna be a lot more difficult than | 那就是: 这比想的要难得多 |
[58:18] | You know, we thought it was gonna be originally | 我们觉得它是创新 |
[58:20] | And in fact may not be possible | 但实际上却可能行不通 |
[58:22] | And Bill Bahlman said | 比尔・巴尔曼就说 |
[58:23] | “Take a break, pick yourself up and go back at it” | “休息一下 打起精神 我们再搞它” |
[58:26] | If he and his colleagues and his friends around the table | 假如他和他的同事 桌子周围的朋友 |
[58:29] | Can take that attitude and do that | 都能以这样的心态这样做 |
[58:31] | I remember saying to myself | 我记得当时我对自己说 |
[58:32] | “Emilio, you’ve got no right to say to yourself” | “埃米利奥 你没有任何权利跟自己说” |
[58:35] | “I don’t know if I can do this, then?” | “我不知道自己行不行 知道吗?” |
[58:37] | And… so, off we went | 所以我们又继续了 |
[58:40] | And we kept going at it | 我们不停的尝试 |
[58:42] | We’re spending $4 billion a year on AIDS research | 我们每年在艾滋研究上花费40亿美元 |
[58:46] | When you consider that on a per-Capita basis for | 假如你把这个数字折算成人均值 |
[58:48] | Compared to heart disease or cancer | 跟心脏病或癌症相比 |
[58:51] | It’s an awful lot | 已经是太多 |
[58:52] | Almost nothing stops George Bush from a round of golf | 几乎没什么可以让乔治・布什离开高尔夫球场 |
[58:55] | He’s played nearly every day | 他几乎每天都在打 |
[58:57] | And sometimes twice a day during his August vacation | 在八月假期 有时候甚至每天打两次 |
[59:15] | If the message is research | 如果他们想传达的是做研究 |
[59:17] | I would say please | 我会说 拜托 |
[59:18] | Talk to Dr. Fauci and others at the National Institute of Health | 去跟福西医生和其他国家卫生研究所的人说 |
[59:22] | Who would tell you that, uh… | 他们会告诉你… |
[59:23] | We’re doing pretty well in funding of research | 我们在研究拨款上很尽责了 |
[59:51] | We’ve got to factor in the sensitivity of those of us | 我们要考虑到 我们中某些人很敏感 |
[59:59] | Who feel that there’s a spiritual and moral aspect | 他们觉得自己存在精神的 道德的一面 |
[1:00:05] | To this playing to the homosexual lesbian crowd | 作为这些男女同性恋人群 |
[1:00:10] | It makes it different from anything else | 让他们感到与众不同 |
[1:00:14] | Oh, shh… | 见鬼… |
[1:00:15] | I wish they’d shut their mouths and go to work | 我希望他们能闭上嘴巴 做自己的事 |
[1:00:18] | And keep their private matters to themselves | 管好自己的私生活 |
[1:00:20] | And get their mentality out of their crotches | 不要把理性都交给下半身 |
[1:00:23] | I’m here today because Jesse Helms is the devil | 我在这儿是因为耶西・赫尔姆斯是魔鬼 |
[1:00:25] | Jesse Helms has worked for years to do as much as he possibly can | 杰西.赫尔姆斯多年来都竭尽他所能的 |
[1:00:28] | To ensure the continuance of the AIDS epidemic | 确保这个艾滋灾难继续下去 |
[1:00:30] | The disease is spreading because of him | 疾病因为他而蔓延 |
[1:00:32] | And people are dying because of him | 人们因为他而死掉 |
[1:00:34] | This is an educational effort | 这是教学行为 |
[1:00:36] | It’s not a violation of people’s property rights | 不是侵犯私人财产 |
[1:00:38] | We’ve been very careful that absolutely no damage is done | 我们已经非常谨慎的避免造成任何损坏 |
[1:00:41] | And if any damage is done, whatever it is | 但假如造成损坏 无论是什么 |
[1:00:43] | We’ll be happy to pay for it | 我们会很高兴赔偿 |
[1:00:44] | We have the money with us to pay for it | 我们带够了赔偿的钱 |
[1:00:48] | You guys don’t want to tangle with these people | 你们不想跟这些人打交道 |
[1:00:50] | ‘Cause you don’t want to get AIDS, I know, but what’s next? | 因为你们不想得艾滋对吧 但接下来呢? |
[1:00:53] | Come on, get out | 好了 够了 |
[1:00:54] | If they would keep their mouths shut | 假如他们能闭上嘴巴 |
[1:00:57] | And go about their business | 做自己的事 |
[1:00:58] | With whatever their sexual orientation is | 不管他们的性取向是什么 |
[1:01:01] | Nobody would ever say a word | 没人会多说一句 |
[1:01:02] | And we wouldn’t know anything about it | 因为我们根本不会知道 |
[1:01:03] | But, no, they march in the streets | 但是不 他们在街上游行 |
[1:01:05] | And they defy you to say anything about it | 他们挑衅你 要你说出任何话来 |
[1:01:09] | Well, they don’t like me and I don’t like them | 他们不喜欢我 我也不喜欢他们 |
[1:01:11] | Back off the property | 远离私人财产 |
[1:01:12] | Bunch of ’em climbed up on my house in Arlington | 他们当中有人爬上我在阿灵顿的房子 |
[1:01:16] | And hoisted about a 35-Foot canvas… | 盖上一张35英尺的帆布… |
[1:01:19] | Uh, condom one day in protest of me | 安全套 来向我抗议 |
[1:01:24] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! 抗击艾滋! 抗击艾滋! |
[1:01:25] | Fight AIDS, fight AIDS, fight! | 抗击艾滋! 抗击艾滋! 抗击艾滋! |
[1:01:34] | Sir, when we started this colloquy | 先生 在我们召开这个会议前 |
[1:01:36] | I thought I was on your side | 我以为我是站在你那边 |
[1:01:37] | Particularly on the first amendment | 尤其关于宪法第一修正案 |
[1:01:40] | And under the first amendment people don’t have to shut their mouths | 而在第一修正案下 人们不用保持噤声 |
[1:01:43] | They have a right to speak | 他们有讲话的权利 |
[1:01:45] | Well, uh… they can speak | 呃…他们可以讲话 |
[1:01:48] | Uh, just so long as, uh, they don’t offend anybody else | 只要 呃 他们不冒犯到其他人 |
[1:01:53] | Uh, I suppose | 我这么想 |
[1:02:00] | Make sure your second coming is a safe one | 确保你的第二次性高潮安全 |
[1:02:07] | Use condoms | 使用安全套 |
[1:02:09] | Are you shooting? | 你在录吗? |
[1:02:10] | Yeah | 嗯 |
[1:02:12] | I just turned it on | 我刚开机 |
[1:02:16] | OK, rolling | 好了 开拍了 |
[1:02:23] | – Tell him we’re… – The machine is rolling | – 跟他说… – 摄像机已经开动了 |
[1:02:25] | You can start talking now, honey | 亲爱的 你可以开始了 |
[1:02:27] | Oh, I didn’t know she meant now | 噢 我不知道她指现在 |
[1:02:31] | What I was gonna say was | 我想说的是 |
[1:02:32] | I just love… | 我很爱… |
[1:02:34] | I love so much to go up to the 10th floor | 很爱来到10楼的感觉 |
[1:02:38] | Because no one ever had explained to me that | 因为没人跟我解释 |
[1:02:43] | There was going to be light again in the world | 世界上还会有再有光明存在 |
[1:02:47] | And that the whole world wasn’t going to be dark | 整个世界不会都是黑暗 |
[1:02:52] | Some great challenges face us | 我们正在面对一些大的挑战 |
[1:02:55] | As young people | 作为年轻人 |
[1:02:58] | We’re in our 20s, and, and | 我们在我们的20多岁 |
[1:03:01] | This is the challenge that’s been placed in front of me | 这是我要面对的挑战 |
[1:03:05] | And, who knows, little camera | 所以谁知道呢 小摄像机 |
[1:03:08] | Lots of other blind, deaf men have lived happy lives | 很多失明和失聪的人都能过得很幸福 |
[1:03:15] | There are… | 还有… |
[1:03:17] | There are many years to come | 还有很多年在等我 |
[1:03:21] | Let’s hope | 希望吧 |
[1:03:23] | So… | 所以… |
[1:03:27] | What the hell | 管他妈的呢 |
[1:03:29] | Life is worth living… | 生命就是值得一活… |
[1:03:31] | Isn’t it? | 不是吗? |
[1:03:43] | The death rate just kept on climbing | 死亡率继续攀升 |
[1:03:48] | We realized that science really was up against a brick wall | 我们意识到科学已经走进死胡同了 |
[1:03:53] | We kept getting new drugs approved to prevent opportunistic infections | 我们不断批准新的药物来防止机会性感染 |
[1:03:56] | And then somebody would just get another infection | 有的人却因此获得其他感染 |
[1:04:34] | So, Peter, where are we going? | 皮特 我们要去哪儿? |
[1:04:35] | We’re gonna be going to the | 我们要去 |
[1:04:36] | Headquarters of Daiichi Pharmaceutical companies of Japan | 日本第一制药公司的总部 |
[1:04:41] | This is their U.S. Headquarters | 这是他们的美国总部 |
[1:04:44] | And, uh, we’re blockading their offices | 我们要去堵他们的办公室 |
[1:04:46] | Because they have a drug | 因为他们有种药 |
[1:04:48] | That’s important both to AIDS activists and cancer activists | 艾滋和癌症人士都认为重要的 |
[1:04:53] | Specifically, uh, breast cancer | 尤其对乳腺癌来说 |
[1:04:58] | That they’ve been dragging their feet on for over two years now | 他们延迟发布这个药超过两年了 |
[1:05:02] | And, uh, we don’t understand why | 我们不明白原因 |
[1:05:04] | But we certainly | 但我们一定会 |
[1:05:06] | Are gonna try to let them understand why we’re concerned | 试着让他们知道为什么我们关心这个 |
[1:05:10] | And, everybody… | 所有人… |
[1:05:11] | Wait for you at the end of the hall | 在大厅尽头等 |
[1:05:12] | Just wait outside the elevators | 等在电梯外就行 |
[1:05:16] | Shh | 嘘 |
[1:05:18] | Hey | 嘿 |
[1:05:19] | Hi, we’re with Act Up | 嗨 我们是”行动起来”的 |
[1:05:21] | We’re doing an act of civil disobedience | 我们在进行一个公民异见行为 |
[1:05:23] | Please remain calm | 请不要惊慌 |
[1:05:25] | Jim, it’s Peter, we’re in | 吉姆 是皮特 我们进来了 |
[1:05:28] | Send all the press | 跟所有媒体说 |
[1:05:30] | Hello, we’re from Act Up New York | 你好 我们是纽约”行动起来” |
[1:05:41] | You already have the blood of several thousand people on your hands | 你们的双手已经沾满了上千人的血 |
[1:05:44] | And those of us like me | 而那些和我一样的人 |
[1:05:46] | Who have kaposi’s sarcoma are gonna die | 因为卡波西肉瘤而死去 |
[1:05:49] | And we are here until we get arrested | 我们会待在这儿直到被捕 |
[1:05:51] | You seem to know nothing | 你要么看着完全不了解 |
[1:05:51] | About the actual details of the development of this drug | 这种药的开发事实细节 |
[1:05:55] | Maybe you’re just not telling us | 要么就是你不想告诉我们 |
[1:05:56] | Mr. Borsic, have you scheduled a meeting with the F.D.A.? | 伯尔希克先生 你和药管局安排过会面吗? |
[1:05:59] | Yeah, as soon as we can | 是的 我们会尽可能 |
[1:06:00] | We have helped many companies through this process | 我们已经帮许多公司处理过这个流程 |
[1:06:03] | We can take a drug from your test tube to the market | 我们能够帮助你的药从试管到上市 |
[1:06:06] | In under two years if you work with us | 只要两年 假如你愿意合作 |
[1:06:09] | And we will pave the way for you with the food and drug administration | 我们会帮你铺好通向药管局的路 |
[1:06:13] | But, but this total reluctance on your part is gonna get you nowhere | 但你的迟疑态度完全于事无补 |
[1:06:18] | It’ll end up killing us, all right? | 结果只会害死我们 知道吗? |
[1:06:20] | See this dark mark on my forehead? | 看到我额头上的黑色标记了吗? |
[1:06:22] | That’s kaposi’s sarcoma | 这叫卡波西肉瘤 |
[1:06:25] | It’s gonna spread! | 它会扩散! |
[1:06:26] | It’s gonna kill me! | 会杀死我! |
[1:06:28] | You coming to my funeral? | 你要来我的葬礼吗? |
[1:06:29] | Because you’re the man fucking responsible | 因为你要承担他妈的责任 |
[1:06:32] | You are my murderer in your shirt and tie | 西装革履的你是杀死我的人 |
[1:06:40] | Do you think that you’ll live to see a cure? | 你觉得你会活到治疗方法出现吗? |
[1:06:43] | No. I don’t | 不 不会 |
[1:06:45] | Do you think that you’ll live? | 你觉得你会吗? |
[1:06:49] | No | 不 |
[1:06:51] | No | 不会 你预计自己会死于这个? |
[1:06:52] | You expect to die from this? | 不会 你预计自己会死于这个? |
[1:07:09] | The anger just mounted and mounted and mounted | 愤怒在不断不断的堆积 |
[1:07:12] | The more people who were dying | 人们在不断死去 |
[1:07:14] | Once a week we met… | 我们一周见一次 |
[1:07:17] | And at that meeting a lot of people came | 很多人会来 |
[1:07:19] | Who were just terrified they weren’t gonna be alive, even the next week | 他们害怕不能再见 哪怕就下周 |
[1:07:23] | What can we do, how can we get there? | 我们能做什么 怎么才能活? |
[1:07:26] | I think Act Up’s anger turned in after having been directed out so long | “行动起来”的愤怒在引领多年后反而淡化了 |
[1:07:33] | In its first few years | 在最初的几年 |
[1:07:36] | Treatment and data pretty much got everything it wanted from the floor of Act Up | 通过”行动起来”平台 治疗和数据基本收集到了 |
[1:07:42] | But as treatment and data was becoming more and more technical | 但当治疗和数据变得越来越专业化 |
[1:07:47] | There were a lot of people in the general membership of Act Up | 许多”行动起来”的普通成员 |
[1:07:51] | That saw that as an elite | 认为自己成为了精英 |
[1:07:54] | And that maybe it would be better if that elite was pulled in a bit | 他们认为如果精英能更深入参与 效果会更好 |
[1:08:01] | There was a fear, I think | 人们有一种恐惧就是 |
[1:08:03] | That we were getting too close to the people in power | 当我们跟掌权的人靠得太近 |
[1:08:07] | That we would compromise our own principles | 我们会妥协自己的原则 |
[1:08:10] | And the people who were more interested in the social issues | 那些对社会问题更感兴趣的人 |
[1:08:14] | Became uncomfortable with that | 开始感到不舒服 |
[1:08:16] | I remember this very divisive moment | 我记得在某个很分歧的时刻 |
[1:08:17] | Where, um, you know | 呃 你知道 |
[1:08:19] | There was a proposal for moratorium on meeting with drug companies | 有人提出暂停和制药公司的会面 |
[1:08:24] | And someone for six months | 有人说停六个月 |
[1:08:26] | And there was a huge and impassioned debate over it | 因为这个我们有过一次激烈的大争论 |
[1:08:29] | And someone said | 有人说 |
[1:08:30] | A woman who was not HIV-Positive said | 一个不是艾滋阳性的女人说 |
[1:08:33] | “Well, it’s not like it’s for the rest of your life” | “你们又不是只剩这六个月了” |
[1:08:36] | And for a lot of people in the room | 但对房间里的很多人来说 |
[1:08:38] | It was the rest of their life | 确实就是他们只剩的生命 |
[1:08:40] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:08:41] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:08:42] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:08:43] | There were inevitable splits in priorities | 在轻重缓急上存在无可避免的分歧 |
[1:08:47] | – And you know quite well… – I know | – 你非常清楚… – 我清楚 |
[1:08:48] | And it was completely left out of the N.I.H. Research agenda | 而且这完全脱离了国家卫生研究所的研究日程 |
[1:08:52] | I agree | 我同意 |
[1:08:54] | I, I… | 我… |
[1:08:55] | I remember a lot of dirty tricks that happened | 我记得发生了很多暗地小动作 |
[1:08:57] | And a lot of fear within the organization | 组织内部产生了很大的恐惧 |
[1:09:02] | That the various factions had done this to each other | 很多小团体开始互相内讧 |
[1:09:05] | Mark Harrington | 马克・哈林顿 |
[1:09:06] | Mark Harrington | 马克・哈林顿 |
[1:09:08] | There’s a video camera here now | 现在有在录像 |
[1:09:10] | Would you like to take an oath | 你愿意在这里发誓 |
[1:09:12] | That you will not write nasty anonymous letters to people? | 你不会给人们写肮脏匿名信吗? |
[1:09:15] | I’ve been getting some hate letters too | 我也收到了一些仇恨信件 |
[1:09:17] | But those are unsigned | 都没有署名 |
[1:09:18] | I don’t ever, I don’t ever… | 我从没有 我从来不… |
[1:09:19] | So you’ll keep on writing nasty letters to people? | 所以你会继续给别人写肮脏匿名信? |
[1:09:22] | There were a lot of charges in the midst of that of sabotage and threats | 过程中有很多的指控 插刀和恐吓 |
[1:09:28] | Our last speaker is, is Larry Kramer | 我们最后的演讲人是拉瑞・克莱默 |
[1:09:32] | Why didn’t you answer the charges? | 你为什么不回应这些指控? |
[1:09:34] | Bill, you’re gonna have a chance to talk | 比尔 等下会有机会给你说 |
[1:09:36] | All right, everybody’s… | 好吗 每个人… |
[1:09:37] | Don’t lecture me, you stupid, lazy, incompetent shithead! | 不需要你教我 你个愚蠢 懒惰 没用的混球! |
[1:09:41] | Bill, everybody got the flyer… | 比尔 每个人都拿到了传单… |
[1:09:45] | You can’t just lick his ass before he talks! | 他还没讲话 你就开始拍他的马屁! |
[1:09:48] | Shut the fuck up and let him answer! | 闭上他妈的嘴 让他说话! |
[1:09:50] | Look, there are a lot of people in the audience | 听着 听众里有很多人 |
[1:09:52] | Who want to ask and talk about treatment | 想询问和讨论治疗方法 |
[1:09:55] | And I think it’s important that we allow that to happen | 我觉得允许他们发问很重要 |
[1:09:58] | Oh, we’re gonna dictate free speech now? | 所以现在我们又来言论自由那套了? |
[1:10:00] | You’re the one who’s interfering with speech right now | 现在是你在干涉别人的发言 |
[1:10:02] | Go back to G.M.H.C | 回你的男同志健康危机小组 |
[1:10:04] | Or whatever AIDS pimp operation is paying you | 或随便找个付你薪水拉皮条的艾滋机构吧 |
[1:10:06] | You’re making the same point George Bush made… | 你的观点和乔治・布什如出一辙… |
[1:10:08] | Plague! | 瘟疫! |
[1:10:10] | We are in the middle of a fucking plague! | 我们正处在他妈的一场瘟疫中! |
[1:10:13] | And you behave like this! | 而你却是这个样子! |
[1:10:22] | Plague! | 瘟疫! |
[1:10:24] | 40 million infected people | 四千万的感染人群 |
[1:10:27] | Is a fucking plague! | 是他妈的大瘟疫! |
[1:10:35] | We are in the worst shape | 我们处在最糟的状态 |
[1:10:37] | We have ever, ever, ever been in! | 我们从来从来没有过的! |
[1:10:42] | All those pills we’re shoveling down our throats, forget it! | 那些我们吞进喉咙的药 没有用! |
[1:10:47] | Act Up has been taken over by a lunatic fringe | “行动起来”被狂热分子控制 |
[1:10:50] | They can’t get together | 他们不能团结起来 |
[1:10:51] | Nobody agrees with anything | 任何事都达不成一致 |
[1:10:53] | All we can do is field a couple hundred people in a demonstration! | 我们唯一做的就是召集几百个人游行 |
[1:10:57] | That’s not gonna make anybody pay attention | 而那不会引起任何人的注意 |
[1:11:01] | Not until we get millions out there | 除非我们有百万人走上街头 |
[1:11:05] | And we can’t do that! | 而我们做不到! |
[1:11:07] | All we do is pick at each other | 我们做的只是互相攻歼 |
[1:11:09] | And yell at each other! | 互相吼叫! |
[1:11:11] | And I say to you in year 10 | 在第10年 我这么对你们说 |
[1:11:14] | The same thing I said to you in 1981, when there were 41 cases | 就如我在1981年 只有41例艾滋时对你们说的 |
[1:11:22] | Until we get our acts together | 除非我们团结起来 |
[1:11:24] | All of us | 我们所有人 |
[1:11:28] | We are as good as dead | 否则我们跟死了没区别 |
[1:11:34] | In the end | 在最后 |
[1:11:35] | The treatment and data guys | 参与治疗与数据的人 |
[1:11:36] | Peter, Garance, Mark, and some others | 皮特 加朗斯 马克 和其他一些人 |
[1:11:39] | Split off and | 分离了出去 |
[1:11:41] | Formed their own separate organization | 建立了自己的独立组织TAG |
[1:11:44] | Tag was one of the little mercury balls | 治疗行动小组就像一个水银球 |
[1:11:46] | That flew off the main body of Act Up | 从”行动起来”的主体中滑落出去 |
[1:11:49] | A more sort of “think tank” type. Project came about | 变成了更像智库一样的机构 有自己项目 |
[1:11:54] | Mr. Harrington, a tag member | 哈林顿先生 治疗行动小组成员 |
[1:11:56] | Educated at Harvard College | 哈弗大学毕业 |
[1:11:58] | And he has worked for a long time on experimental treatments for the disease | 他长时间接触艾滋的实验治疗 |
[1:12:03] | And also the basic science | 同时包括基础科学 |
[1:12:05] | And Mr. Gonsalves was born in Long Island | 贡萨尔维斯先生出生于长岛 |
[1:12:10] | And attended Tufts university | 毕业于塔夫茨大学 |
[1:12:11] | Also a tag member | 也是治疗行动小组成员 |
[1:12:14] | I guess I can do nothing better | 我想没有什么 |
[1:12:15] | Than to turn this conference over to my speakers | 比把会议交到这两位发言人手里更好的了 |
[1:12:20] | I noticed that you’re both sitting up there in suits and ties | 我注意到你们都坐在那儿 穿着正装 |
[1:12:25] | Do you feel that your approach | 你们是觉得现在的方式 |
[1:12:27] | Is better than circling N.I.H. Buildings and so forth? | 比围堵国家卫生研究所更好吗? |
[1:12:34] | I think that we like to keep our options open | 我觉得我们希望保证选择的开放性 |
[1:12:37] | But it’s silly to risk arrest and the hassles that are intendant upon it | 但此时承担被捕和对抗的风险是愚蠢的 |
[1:12:41] | If you can get serious attention and negotiations going with other measures | 因为我们用其他的方法获得了被认真对待和讨论协商 |
[1:12:47] | We just released a report | 我们刚发布一份报告 |
[1:12:49] | A critique of all the N.I.H.’S AIDS programs | 评价国家卫生研究所的所有艾滋项目 |
[1:12:51] | The research is spread out over 12 agencies | 研究已经扩大到12个部门 |
[1:12:54] | There’s no coordination | 没有协商机制 |
[1:12:55] | There’s a lot of duplication | 很多重复工作 |
[1:12:56] | There’s no leadership | 缺少领导力 |
[1:12:58] | The budget is shrinking and shrinking as cases mount | 随着病例攀升 预算越来越缩水 |
[1:13:01] | And the president needs to be blamed as well as the congress | 而这一切该归咎总统还有国会 |
[1:13:04] | Who cut the entire N.I.H. Budget by $150 million two weeks ago | 他们在两周前削减了国家卫生研究所1.5亿元的预算 |
[1:13:07] | Our recommendations, I think | 我们的建议 |
[1:13:09] | Are gonna require some legislation | 是要求通过某种立法 |
[1:13:11] | Um, so we have to go to our friends on the Hill | 所以我们得去找国会山的朋友 |
[1:13:14] | And see what wonders they can work for us | 看他们能为我们带来什么奇迹 |
[1:13:28] | We had this one particular compound | 我们发现了一种特殊化合物 |
[1:13:30] | That looked like it may have had the potency | 可能具有治疗效果 |
[1:13:33] | And the physical properties that we wanted | 和我们想要的物理特征 |
[1:13:35] | And it could be a possible drug | 它可能是我们要找的药 |
[1:13:37] | We said, you know, let’s put in HIV-Infected individuals | 我说 咱们把它给艾滋病人试一下 |
[1:13:40] | And let’s see what happens | 看看会发生什么 |
[1:13:41] | So, we went into HIV-Infected individuals with this drug called Indinavir | 于是我们对艾滋病人注射了这种叫做印地那韦的药 |
[1:13:45] | You could see a very substantial drop just with the one protease inhibitor | 然后你可以发现一种蛋白酶抑制剂导致了病毒明显的减少 |
[1:13:49] | You could see a very substantial drop in virus load | 血液中的病毒含量明显减少 |
[1:13:51] | So that was the first week | 那是第一周 |
[1:13:53] | The second week was very disappointing | 第二周非常让人失望 |
[1:13:54] | Because what we saw in the second week | 因为在第二周 我们发现 |
[1:13:57] | Was in fact, the virus load coming right back up again | 事实上 病毒量重新回到了之前的水平 |
[1:14:00] | One exception | 只有一个例外 |
[1:14:01] | There was one patient | 有一个病人 |
[1:14:03] | That um, patient 143, I believe | 我相信是143号病人 |
[1:14:06] | Was his name, his number | 那是他的名字 他的编号 |
[1:14:08] | That the virus went down and stayed down | 他的病毒水平下降 而且维持在那个水平 |
[1:14:11] | That told us that it was possible | 这告诉了我们是有可能的 |
[1:14:13] | If it can happen in one | 假如它能在一个人身上发生 |
[1:14:15] | Then by definition it can happen in everyone | 那理论上 它可以在所有人身上发生 |
[1:14:18] | You just need to figure out how to do it | 你只需要知道怎么实现它 |
[1:14:20] | That puts you in a completely different place | 这就让我们处在了完全不同的位置 |
[1:14:22] | And in a completely different state of mind | 和完全不同的思维方式 |
[1:14:24] | So then the question became | 所以接着问题就变成 |
[1:14:25] | OK, now what do we need to do in order to make it possible? | 好吧 那我们现在要怎么做 才让它有可能? |
[1:14:31] | This is the beginning of the primary season to elect the next president | 现在是下届美国总统的初选阶段 |
[1:14:36] | We want to send a message to all of the candidates | 我们想向所有候选人传达一个信息 |
[1:14:39] | We have not seen them actively address the AIDS plague | 我们还没有见到他们有谁主动提起艾滋大瘟疫的事 |
[1:14:44] | And we thought it would be best to send a message | 我们觉得最好的传达信息方式 |
[1:14:47] | By voting with our feet in the streets | 就是到街上用脚投票 |
[1:14:49] | I want to call for a massive march on Washington | 我想召集一个大规模游行 就在华盛顿 |
[1:14:54] | The weekend the AIDS quilt is gonna be there | 这个周末 艾滋拼布运动会去那儿 |
[1:14:58] | We have got to surround the White house with people concerned about AIDS | 我们会让白宫被关心艾滋问题的人包围 |
[1:15:04] | To push Bush out of the White house! | 把布什赶出白宫! |
[1:15:12] | Last night a man with AIDS heckled Clinton | 昨晚一位艾滋患者质问克林顿 |
[1:15:15] | Charging that he had a bad record on fighting AIDS in Arkansas | 指责他在阿肯色州抗击艾滋拥有不良记录 |
[1:15:19] | When voter Bob Rafsky met Bill Clinton | 当选民鲍勃・拉夫斯基与比尔.克林顿会面 |
[1:15:21] | It was anything but pleasant | 气氛绝不融洽 |
[1:15:23] | We’re dying in this state | 我们正在这个州死去 |
[1:15:25] | What are you going to do about AIDS? | 你打算对艾滋做什么? |
[1:15:28] | First of all | 首先 |
[1:15:30] | It will become a part of my obsession as president | 这将成为我当选总统后的最大困扰 |
[1:15:35] | And that’s why I’m running for president to do something about it | 正因为这样我才竞选总统 去做出改变 |
[1:15:39] | Will you just calm down? | 你能先冷静下来吗? |
[1:15:43] | I feel your pain! | 我能感受你的痛苦! |
[1:15:45] | I feel your pain | 我能感受你的痛苦 |
[1:15:46] | But if you want to attack me personally | 但如果你把它变成对我的人身攻击 |
[1:15:48] | You’re no better than Jerry Brown and all the rest of these people | 那你比杰瑞・布朗之流好不到哪儿去 (克林顿的初选对手) |
[1:15:51] | Who say whatever sounds good in the moment | 他们永远只是嘴上说得好听 |
[1:15:52] | If you want something to be done | 如果你想什么付诸实施 |
[1:15:54] | You ask me a question, you listen | 向我提问 然后聆听 |
[1:15:56] | If you don’t agree with me, go support somebody else for president | 如果你不同意我 就去支持别人当总统 |
[1:15:59] | But quit talking to me like that | 但不要用这种方式和我说话 |
[1:16:00] | This is not a matter of personal attack | 这不是关于人身攻击 |
[1:16:02] | It’s a matter of human loss | 这是关于人命流失 |
[1:16:06] | I came here tonight because I’m dying from AIDS | 我今晚来这儿 因为我正因艾滋而死去 |
[1:16:09] | And it doesn’t matter to me who the next president is | 对我来说 谁是下届总统不重要 |
[1:16:12] | If they don’t change 11 years of government neglect of this epidemic | 假如他们不改变政府11年来忽视这场灾难的态度 |
[1:16:17] | Is this on? This isn’t on | 开始录了吗? |
[1:16:19] | Um, OK, first off, um… | 呃 好吧 首先… |
[1:16:23] | What happened this week was | 这周所发生的事 |
[1:16:25] | AIDS became an issue in this campaign | 让艾滋成为了选战的一个议题 |
[1:16:36] | I’d like to call down Bob Rafsky | 我想感谢鲍勃・拉夫斯基 |
[1:16:59] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:17:00] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:17:01] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:17:03] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:17:04] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:17:05] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:17:10] | Uh, never debate a Rhodes scholar | 永远不要和拿罗德奖学金的人辩论 (指克林顿) |
[1:17:12] | It gets you into a world of trouble | 绝对让你陷入麻烦 |
[1:17:15] | It looks like what we have to do | 看来我们需要做的 |
[1:17:17] | Is to keep forcing these clowns to say the right thing | 就是不断施压这些政治小丑说出正确的事情 |
[1:17:20] | So that if one of them happens to become president | 这样当他们中一个成为总统 |
[1:17:23] | We can hold them accountable for doing the right thing | 我们可以让他们守诺 去做正确的事情 |
[1:17:26] | But I just… It’s alway important to say | 但…还是有些重要的话 |
[1:17:29] | That we all know that the names of the people who might save our lives | 就是我们都知道那些真正可能拯救我们生命的人的名字 |
[1:17:33] | Are not Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown, etc | 不是比尔・克林顿 杰瑞・布朗这些人 |
[1:17:36] | The names of the people who might save our lives | 可能拯救我们生命的人的名字 |
[1:17:38] | Are Iris Long, Mark Harrington, Peter Staley, etc | 是艾瑞斯・朗 马克・哈林顿 皮特・斯特利这些人 |
[1:17:42] | And they’re the ones who will be remembered as the heroes of this epidemic | 他们才是这场艾滋灾难中该被铭记的英雄 |
[1:17:46] | As well as those who have gone before | 还有那些去世的人 |
[1:17:52] | And he smells like one, too | 他闻着怪怪的 |
[1:17:54] | Well, I haven’t showered so I’m not surprised… | 我没洗澡 所以我不奇怪你们闻到… |
[1:17:57] | No, I’ve just been writing | 没有 我刚才一直在写作 |
[1:17:59] | I was up at 5 a.M. Yesterday | 我昨天5点就起来了 |
[1:18:01] | This is Bob’s birthday July 22nd, 1992 | 今天是鲍勃的生日 1992年7月22日 |
[1:18:08] | – Ready for the pyrotechnics? – Yes! | – 准备好看烟火了吗? – 好了! |
[1:18:10] | – Nathaniel, help – No | – 纳森尼 帮他 – 不要 |
[1:18:13] | Yay! | 耶! |
[1:18:15] | Lydia E. Rios | 莉迪亚・E・里奥斯 |
[1:18:19] | Steve H | 史蒂夫・H |
[1:18:23] | My friends David Evans | 我的朋友 大卫・埃文斯 |
[1:18:27] | Nicolas Kaiser, George Marshall | 尼古拉斯・凯撒 乔治・马歇尔 |
[1:18:32] | And my beloved brother Dennis J | 和我亲爱的弟弟 丹尼斯・J |
[1:18:36] | Robert R. Hakins | 罗伯特・R・哈金斯 |
[1:18:40] | Phillip Gregory Ellison | 菲利普・格雷戈里・埃里森 |
[1:18:44] | Terry Ronan | 泰瑞・罗南 |
[1:18:47] | Michael Bennett | 麦克・班尼特 |
[1:18:49] | Ron Field | 罗恩・菲尔德 |
[1:18:52] | Tina Chow | 缇娜・乔恩 |
[1:18:54] | Perry Ellis | 佩里・埃利斯 |
[1:18:56] | Freddie Mercury | 弗莱迪・玛库瑞 |
[1:18:59] | Peter Allen | 皮特・艾伦 |
[1:19:01] | To the thousands of other people | 其他成千上万的人 |
[1:19:04] | Who were made to suffer in silence | 在痛苦中沉默的人 |
[1:19:14] | Join Act Up for a political funeral! | 加入”行动起来” 出席政治葬礼! |
[1:19:18] | Meet at the south of the Capitol at 1 p.M | 下午1点 美国国会大厦南端集合 |
[1:19:21] | Give a wake-Up call to George Bush and Bill Clinton and Perot | 给乔治・布什 比尔・克林顿还有帕罗敲响警钟 (当年的三位总统候选人) |
[1:19:33] | I think the quilt itself does good stuff and is moving | 我认为拼布本身是好事 而且很感人 |
[1:19:37] | Still, it’s like making something beautiful out of the epidemic | 但它就像在瘟疫中提炼出一些美丽的东西 |
[1:19:40] | And I felt like doing something like this is a way of showing | 而我觉得我在做的就是在说 |
[1:19:44] | There’s nothing beautiful about it | 这里面没什么美丽的 |
[1:19:45] | You know, this is what I’m left with | 这就是剩给我的东西 |
[1:19:46] | I’ve got a box full of ashes and bone chips | 整整一盒的骨灰和骨渣 |
[1:19:48] | You know, there’s no beauty in that | 这里面没有美 |
[1:19:51] | And I felt like a statement like this is like saying | 我觉得这样的声明就像在说 |
[1:19:54] | This is what George Bush has done | 看看乔治・布什做了什么 |
[1:19:56] | You know? This is what him and Ronald Reagan before him have done | 看看他和他的前任罗纳德・里根做了什么 |
[1:19:59] | These are our loved ones and this is what they’ve been reduced to | 这些都是我们深爱的人 看他们变成了什么 |
[1:20:01] | And we’re bringing them to the person who’s responsible for their death | 我们要把他们带到导致他们死亡的人面前 |
[1:20:21] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:20:22] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:20:23] | Act Up, fight back, fight AIDS! | 行动起来 还击回去 抗击艾滋! |
[1:20:26] | Act Up, fight back, fight AIDS! | 行动起来 还击回去 抗击艾滋! |
[1:20:29] | Act Up, fight back, fight AIDS! | 行动起来 还击回去 抗击艾滋! |
[1:20:44] | Bringing the dead to your door! | 把死者带到你门口! |
[1:20:46] | We won’t take it anymore! | 我们不要再忍受! |
[1:20:48] | Bringing the dead to your door! | 把死者带到你门口! |
[1:20:50] | We won’t take it anymore! | 我们不要再忍受! |
[1:20:52] | Bringing the dead to your door! | 把死者带到你门口! |
[1:21:39] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:21:40] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:21:41] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:21:42] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:21:48] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:21:49] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:21:50] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:21:51] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:21:52] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:21:53] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:21:54] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:21:55] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:21:56] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:21:57] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:21:58] | Fight back! | 奋力反击! |
[1:21:59] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:22:02] | Shame, shame, shame, shame! | 耻辱 耻辱 耻辱 耻辱! |
[1:22:05] | Shame, shame, shame, shame! | 耻辱 耻辱 耻辱 耻辱! |
[1:22:16] | I love you, Mike! | 我爱你 麦克! |
[1:22:18] | I love you, Mike! | 我爱你 麦克! |
[1:22:46] | Welcome to the first of | 欢迎来到第一场 |
[1:22:47] | Three debates among the major candidates for president of the United States | 美国总统候选人的三轮辩论 |
[1:22:52] | Sponsored by the Commission on presidential debates | 由总统竞选辩论委员会赞助 |
[1:22:55] | Mr. President, yesterday tens of thousands of people | 总统先生 昨天有成千上万的人 |
[1:22:58] | Paraded past the White house | 在白宫前游行 |
[1:23:00] | To demonstrate their concern about the disease, AIDS | 展示他们对艾滋疾病的关注 |
[1:23:03] | A celebrated member of your commission | 您竞选团队里的一位名人 |
[1:23:06] | Magic Johnson quit saying that there was too much inaction | “魔术师”约翰逊退出 说政府有太多不作为 (NBA篮球巨星) |
[1:23:12] | Where is this widespread feeling coming from | 这样广泛的认为本届政府 |
[1:23:14] | That your administration is not doing enough about AIDS? | 在艾滋上做得不够的看法是从哪儿来的? |
[1:23:17] | I can’t tell you where it’s coming from | 我没法告诉你它从哪儿来 |
[1:23:20] | But I am very much concerned about AIDS | 但我非常关注艾滋问题 |
[1:23:23] | And I believe that we’ve got the best researchers in the world | 而且我相信我们有世界上最好的研究人员 |
[1:23:26] | Out there at N.I.H. Working the problem | 正在国家卫生研究所攻克问题 |
[1:23:28] | It’s one of the few diseases where behavior matters | 这是少部分跟个人行为有关的疾病 |
[1:23:32] | And I once called on somebody | 我曾经跟一些人说 |
[1:23:33] | Well, change your behavior | 改变你的行为 |
[1:23:35] | If the behavior you’re using… | 假如你的行为… |
[1:23:36] | Uh, prone to cause AIDS | 容易导致艾滋 |
[1:23:38] | Change the behavior | 改变你的行为 |
[1:23:39] | Next thing I know, one of these Act Up groups is out saying | 接着据我所知 这些”行动起来”组织就跳出来说 |
[1:23:43] | Bush ought to change his behavior | 布什才该改变他的行为 |
[1:23:45] | You can’t talk about it rationally | 他们不能理性的对话 |
[1:24:06] | Let everyone here know | 希望这儿每个人知道 |
[1:24:10] | That this is not a political funeral for Mark Fisher | 这不是马克・费舍尔的政治葬礼 |
[1:24:17] | Who wouldn’t let us burn or bury his courage… | 他不允许我们火化或埋葬他的勇气 |
[1:24:24] | Or his love for us | 他对我们的爱 |
[1:24:26] | Any more than he would let the earth take his body | 他会让大地收走他的身体 |
[1:24:30] | Until it was already in flight | 直到看到梦想实现 |
[1:24:34] | He asked for this ceremony | 他要求举行这次仪式 |
[1:24:36] | Not so we could bury him | 不是让我们埋葬他 |
[1:24:38] | But so we could celebrate his undying anger | 而是让我们纪念他不息的愤怒 |
[1:24:44] | This isn’t a political funeral for Mark | 这不是马克的政治葬礼 |
[1:24:47] | It’s a political funeral for the man who killed him | 是杀死他的那个人的政治葬礼 |
[1:24:52] | And so many others | 还有很多其他死者 |
[1:24:54] | And is slowly killing me | 还有我也在慢慢死去 |
[1:24:57] | Whose name curls my tongue | 他的名字让我舌头打结 |
[1:25:00] | And curdles my breath | 让我呼吸停止 |
[1:25:02] | George Bush | 乔治・布什 |
[1:25:04] | We believe you’ll be defeated tomorrow | 我们相信你明天会落败 |
[1:25:07] | Because we believe there’s still some justice left in the universe | 因为我们相信这个世界仍然还有一点公道存在 |
[1:25:12] | And some compassion left in the American people | 美国人民仍然还留有怜悯之心 |
[1:25:17] | But whether or not you are | 但不管会不会如此 |
[1:25:19] | Here and now | 现在 此刻 |
[1:25:21] | Standing by Mark’s body | 站在马克的尸体旁 |
[1:25:23] | We put this curse on you | 我们诅咒你 |
[1:25:26] | Mark’s spirit will haunt you | 马克的灵魂会纠缠你 |
[1:25:29] | Until the end of your days | 直至你的最后一天 |
[1:25:32] | So that in the moment of your defeat you’ll remember our defeats | 这样你在落败的时候 才会想到我们的挫败 |
[1:25:38] | And in the moment of your death you’ll remember our deaths | 你在死去的时候 才会想到我们的死去 |
[1:25:45] | As for Mark | 至于马克 |
[1:25:47] | When the living can no longer speak | 当活人无法说话的时候 |
[1:25:50] | The dead may speak for them | 死者会替他们发声 |
[1:25:53] | Mark’s voice is here with us | 马克的声音此刻陪伴我们 |
[1:25:57] | As is the voice of Pericles who two millennia ago | 就像伯利克里在两千年前 (古希腊政治家) |
[1:26:02] | Warned the Athenian soldiers who didn’t have to die | 他警告那些雅典战士 有的不用去死 |
[1:26:06] | And in whose death he was complicit but who had the nobility to say | 有的注定死去 但后者足以自豪说 |
[1:26:12] | That their memorial was the whole earth | 他们的墓碑将是整片大地 |
[1:26:16] | Let the whole earth hear us now | 让整片大地现在就聆听我们 |
[1:26:19] | We beg, we pray, we demand | 我们祈求 我们祷告 我们要求 |
[1:26:23] | That this epidemic end! | 结束这场瘟疫! |
[1:26:27] | Not just so we may live | 不只要我们活下去 |
[1:26:31] | But so that Mark’s soul may rest in peace at last | 也让马克的灵魂 最终获得安息 |
[1:26:42] | In anger and in grief | 带着愤怒 带着悲伤 |
[1:26:45] | This fight is not over | 这场战斗不会结束 |
[1:26:47] | Till all of us are saved | 直到我们都得到救赎 |
[1:26:56] | Act Up | 行动起来 |
[1:26:58] | Fight back | 还击回去 |
[1:26:59] | Fight AIDS | 抗击艾滋 |
[1:28:38] | The debate over AIDS therapy has reignited | 关于艾滋治疗的争论重新被点燃 |
[1:28:40] | With a new European study that challenges the effectiveness of A.Z.T | 一项欧洲最新研究质疑叠氮胸苷的有效性 |
[1:28:45] | The widely prescribed drug used to treat the HIV virus | 该药物被广泛用于艾滋治疗 |
[1:28:48] | This study disproves what every other study proves | 这项研究推翻了其他所有研究的成果 |
[1:28:52] | Is that the drug is at best modest, mostly useless | 就是这种药物是最温和的 但却几乎无效的 |
[1:28:56] | Not good for you in the beginning | 不适合在初期服用的 |
[1:28:57] | Two other drugs D.D.I. And D.D.C | 另外两种药 二脱氧次黄苷和扎西他宾 |
[1:29:00] | Were approved because they were as good as A.Z.T | 当初通过是因为他们拥有和叠氮胸苷一样的效果 |
[1:29:03] | Which means that they might not be very useful either | 这就意味着它们也不怎么管用 |
[1:29:06] | All this is profoundly dispiriting for advocates of people with AIDS | 这一切对艾滋人士产生了严重的挫败情绪 |
[1:29:11] | We thought we had made some advance in AIDS treatment over the last 5 years | 我们以为在过去的5年 我们在艾滋治疗上取得了一些进步 |
[1:29:15] | And these studies show that we really haven’t | 而这些研究表明我们没有 |
[1:29:18] | Many activists now admit | 很多活动家现在承认 |
[1:29:19] | Their demands were short-Sighted | 当初的要求显得短浅 |
[1:29:21] | It’s been a huge expenditure, a waste of money for the U.S. Taxpayer | 对美国纳税人来说 这是巨大的开销和金钱浪费 |
[1:29:26] | And it was a naive on our part | 而对我们来说 是非常的天真 |
[1:29:28] | To think that the magic bullet was out there | 以为存在一颗神奇子弹 |
[1:29:31] | It just had to be tested in humans and, uh… | 只要做过人体实验就… |
[1:29:36] | Given to us as the cure | 可以作为治疗手段交给我们 |
[1:29:37] | Many doctors and scientists say the bleak results presented here | 很多医生和科学家说 这一令人失望的结果 |
[1:29:41] | Indicate the U.S. Government needs to substantially reorganize | 说明美国政府需要大刀阔斧的改革 |
[1:29:45] | The way it conducts AIDS research | 艾滋研究的运作 |
[1:29:47] | Robert Bazell, NBC news, Berlin | 罗伯特・巴泽尔 NBC新闻 柏林报道 |
[1:29:55] | There’s been this big crisis at St. Vincent’s | 圣文森医院正陷在一场危机里面 |
[1:29:57] | About the way that we talk about the, uh, what happened in Berlin | 因为我们谈到的 关于发生在柏林的事 |
[1:30:04] | Couple of doctors said they were afraid of people committing suicide now | 有的医生说他们现在害怕病人自杀 |
[1:30:07] | I don’t feel like, oh, now I just… | 我不觉得 噢 现在… |
[1:30:11] | I don’t feel oh, now I want to give up | 我不觉得 噢 我现在就得放弃了 |
[1:30:14] | Now I want to stop living, because A.Z.T. Doesn’t work | 我不想再活了 因为叠氮胸苷不管用 |
[1:30:17] | I’ve felt forever now that, I’m not gonna outlive this epidemic | 我现在无时无刻不感觉 我绝对活不过这场瘟疫结束 |
[1:30:20] | That I will that I will die from this | 我会 我会因为这个而死 |
[1:30:22] | You know, maybe that is our future… | 知道吗 也许这就是我们的未来… |
[1:30:24] | That we’re gonna watch each other die | 互相看着对方死去 |
[1:30:26] | It’s… That’s not a new thought | 这不是什么新的想法 |
[1:30:28] | We’ve been thinking that ever since we started the group | 从我们组建这个组织就这样想过 |
[1:30:31] | The way that the recent spate of deaths | 最近突然爆发的这些死亡 |
[1:30:35] | I don’t know | 我不知道 |
[1:30:36] | It all seems so much more apocalyptic | 感觉就像世界末日一样 |
[1:30:39] | Like the story doesn’t seem… | 就像发生的不再… |
[1:30:42] | To have this relationship to effective treatment , or a cure anymore | 跟有效治疗 跟治愈方法有关了 |
[1:30:47] | It now seems to have this relationship to death | 而是和死亡联系在一起 |
[1:30:49] | It ends, it ends with everybody dying | 结局就是所有人死去 |
[1:30:51] | Will the last person alive in Chelsea please turn out the lights? | 切尔西的最后一个活人 能不能关上灯? |
[1:31:04] | Joining me now is Dr. David Kessler | 在我旁边是大卫・凯瑟勒 |
[1:31:06] | The commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration | 食品药物管理局的主管 |
[1:31:09] | Dr. Kessler, how excited should we get | 凯瑟勒博士 我们该持多大的乐观态度 |
[1:31:11] | About this new family of drugs, these protease inhibitors? | 对于这一新的蛋白酶抑制剂药物系? |
[1:31:14] | I don’t want to over- Promise | 我不想过度承诺 |
[1:31:16] | But these are the most potent drugs we’ve seen against the virus | 但这是我们看到过最有效对抗病毒的药物 |
[1:31:21] | I know that you are pushing for faster F.D.A. Approval of these drugs | 据说你正推动这些药物在药管局的更快过审 |
[1:31:25] | I know that the application has just gone for the first of these drugs to the F.D.A. | 据说第一批这种药正向药管局提交申请 |
[1:31:28] | It’s still gonna take six months | 而这还需要六个月 |
[1:31:30] | We will turn around that application as quick as ever | 我们会尽可能快的处理这个申请 |
[1:31:34] | We’re approving drugs in a matter of months these days | 我们最近已经把审查期缩减为月了 |
[1:31:37] | But you were telling me that’s six months, right? | 但你是说 仍然需要六个月 对吗? |
[1:31:39] | That’s as quick as possible | 这已经是最快的 |
[1:31:40] | We may be able to do it even a little quicker | 我们或许可以再快那么一点点 |
[1:31:42] | A split has developed | 一场争论升级 |
[1:31:43] | Between those who want rapid approval based on early indicators of success… | 在因前期数据有效而希望尽快过审的人… |
[1:31:48] | And the treatment action group, or “TAG” | 和治疗行动小组 “TAG”的人之间 |
[1:31:51] | TAG has asked the F.D.A. To reconsider the accelerated approval process | 治疗行动小组要求药管局重新考虑快速审批程序 |
[1:31:55] | We told the F.D.A | 我们跟药管局说 |
[1:31:57] | No, the company has asked you to approve that drug too soon | 不 制药公司要求你们审批用的时间太少 |
[1:32:01] | They need a little bit more data first | 他们需要先提供更多的数据 |
[1:32:04] | Tag is asking the F.D.A. To take a closer look at saquinavir | 治疗行动小组要求药管局进一步观察沙喹那韦 |
[1:32:07] | The first protease inhibitor to seek approval | 第一个寻求过审的蛋白酶抑制剂 |
[1:32:10] | We need to make sure we don’t repeat the mistake we made | 我们需要确保我们不会重复 |
[1:32:13] | With A.Z.T. And D.D.I | 在叠氮胸苷和二脱氧次黄苷上犯的错误 |
[1:32:14] | This is a new class of drugs | 这是一种新药 |
[1:32:16] | We need to know if it works | 我们需要知道它是否管用 |
[1:32:18] | The battle over early approval of Saquinavir | 关于沙喹那韦是否提前过审的战役 |
[1:32:22] | Was a really pivotal moment for treatment activism | 是治疗行动主义的重要一刻 |
[1:32:26] | And we took such shit for it | 而我们背上了巨大的骂名 |
[1:32:28] | From within | 而且是来自内部的 |
[1:32:30] | There are a lot of people who do agree that there are problems, serious problems | 有许多人同意我们 存在问题 严重的问题 |
[1:32:33] | The way drug testing and drug trials are run | 在实验和药物测试上 |
[1:32:36] | But there are many of us | 但我们中很多人 |
[1:32:37] | Who feel that halting, accelerated approval is not necessarily the answer | 认为阻止尽快过审并不是必然的答案 |
[1:32:44] | Tag made their proposal for this large, simple trial of 18,000 people | 治疗行动小组提的建议是18,000人的大型检测 |
[1:32:49] | That they want to put in a placebo control trial | 他们希望加入中和剂的可控实验 |
[1:32:52] | Where one-Third would get placebo | 1/3的实验对象会被用到中和剂 |
[1:32:55] | They pushed this idea on the F.D.A. At a secret meeting | 他们在一次秘密会议中将这个主意推销给药管局 |
[1:32:58] | Which was not announced to the community | 而没有对这个群体公开告知 |
[1:33:00] | This is something we have fought hard and long for | 这是我们一直长期奋斗争取的 |
[1:33:03] | We’ve been arrested to get accelerated approval through | 我们为实现药物尽快过审曾经被逮捕 |
[1:33:06] | It’s the behavior that I have a problem with | 他们的这种行为让我感到不爽 |
[1:33:09] | It’s the work they’re doing that I have a problem with | 他们做的事让我感到不爽 |
[1:33:12] | And it’s… this is what I am gonna fight | 这个…这个就是我要和它斗争的 |
[1:33:14] | I’m not interested in mud wrestling with the boys | 我对跟男生摔泥巴不感兴趣 |
[1:33:17] | I am absolutely enraged that there are people | 我只是愤怒竟然有的人 |
[1:33:19] | Who have appointed themselves elitist representatives | 指定自己作为精英代表 |
[1:33:22] | And represent themselves as the single voice of this epidemic | 并且把他们当成这场瘟疫中唯一的声音 |
[1:33:25] | I am gonna fight them | 我要跟他们抗争 |
[1:33:27] | My patients are gonna fight them | 我的病人要跟他们抗争 |
[1:33:28] | And you goddamn well better fight them! | 你们也最好他妈的给我抗争! |
[1:33:37] | Apparently there’s a big discussion | 显然上周在这儿有过激烈争论 |
[1:33:38] | On accelerated approval and protease drug development last week on the floor | 关于加快过审和蛋白酶药物的应用 |
[1:33:42] | So we just wanted to give you sort of the TAG perspective | 所以 我们只想告诉你们治疗行动小组的观点 |
[1:33:46] | And give you a sense of our, um… | 让你们知道我们… |
[1:33:48] | Proposal on protease drug development | 关于蛋白酶药物研发的提议 |
[1:33:49] | So we can start from a baseline of common understanding and knowledge | 好让我们建立对它最基本的概念和理解 |
[1:33:52] | This proposal is not about taking expanded access away | 这个提议不是为了取缔更大面积使用 |
[1:33:55] | Taking accelerated approval away | 不是为了取缔快速过审 |
[1:33:57] | This is about adding something | 而是为了补充什么 |
[1:33:59] | This is about figuring out | 为了让我们知道 |
[1:34:00] | How do we get information about how to actually use these drugs | 怎么获得正确使用这些药物的信息 |
[1:34:03] | We need more people when you have a less powerful drug | 当效用不明显的药 就需要更多的人 |
[1:34:07] | If we were dealing with Penicillin we could do it in 20 people | 如果只是青霉素 20个人就够了 |
[1:34:10] | So we put together a large, simple trial | 所以我们提出了一个大型的简单测试 |
[1:34:12] | That tried to synthesize expanded access in a large, simple trial | 试着在这个大型测试中扩大各种方法的组合 |
[1:34:16] | And what we did is we presented it to Merck | 我们做的就是把提议交给了默克 |
[1:34:19] | We presented it to the F.D.A | 交给了药管局 |
[1:34:21] | We wanted to start a community discussion | 我们可以开始内部讨论了 |
[1:34:23] | I just wanted to thank Gregg and Derek for coming to tell us about this… | 我首先想感谢格雷格和戴瑞克过来告诉我们这些… |
[1:34:29] | Because we hadn’t heard anything | 因为我们对这些一无所知 |
[1:34:31] | Until we read about it in Barron’s | 除非去读巴伦周刊 (美国著名杂志) |
[1:34:33] | If you wanted to hear the proposal, you could have heard it 40 times | 如果你指提议的事 你可能已经听过40多遍了 |
[1:34:36] | It’s been talked about all over | 它已经被谈得底朝天 |
[1:34:37] | Dr. Cotler wants to speak | 科特勒医生想发言 |
[1:34:39] | Tag is talking about getting accurate information | 治疗行动小组讨论的是获得准确信息 |
[1:34:42] | Act Up is talking about making drugs available | “行动起来”讨论的是让药物可获取 |
[1:34:44] | There should be a way to mesh those two | 应该存在一种两者兼顾的方案 |
[1:34:46] | It’s really not one or the other | 而不只是非此即彼 |
[1:34:48] | Your two groups are really talking past one another | 你们两个组织真的是在各说各的 |
[1:34:51] | Try not to scream | 试着别大喊大叫 |
[1:34:52] | Try not to go at each other’s throats | 别去掐对方喉咙 |
[1:34:55] | But just talk, because the differences… | 安静的谈 因为你们的分歧… |
[1:34:57] | Really can be bridged | 真的可以被弥补 |
[1:35:00] | No, no, no… | 不不不… |
[1:35:01] | Shh… | 嘘… |
[1:35:04] | Quiet! | 安静! |
[1:35:06] | ’93 to ’95 were the worst years | 1993到1995年是最糟的几年 |
[1:35:10] | It was a really terrifying time | 可怕的一段日子 |
[1:35:14] | They were the worst years | 那是最坏的年代 |
[1:35:20] | And then we got lucky | 然后我们走好运了 |
[1:36:10] | Um… | 呃… |
[1:36:12] | You know, just losing… | 我们失去了… |
[1:36:21] | Just so many… | 那么多… |
[1:36:24] | So many good people | 那么多的好人 |
[1:36:26] | And… uh… | 还有… |
[1:36:30] | You know… | 你知道的… |
[1:36:32] | Like any war | 就像一场战争 |
[1:36:34] | You wonder why you came home | 你不知道为什么自己还能回家 |
[1:36:51] | Mark collected all of our writings | 马克收集了所有我们写的东西 |
[1:36:54] | Pieces that all of us had done | 上面写着我们所做的 |
[1:36:55] | About what had gone wrong in the ways that we studied previous drugs | 在研究以前药物上哪些出过错 |
[1:36:59] | And what we were already doing wrong | 哪些是我们已经做错的 |
[1:37:02] | In terms of trying to figure out whether the protease inhibitors worked | 为弄清这个蛋白酶抑制剂是不是有效 |
[1:37:04] | We published it as this big report and started passing them out everywhere we went | 我们把它做成大型报告 而且四处分发 |
[1:37:07] | Let’s do this study | 让我们做研究 |
[1:37:09] | They elevated themselves by their own self-Education about these things | 他们通过自学 提升了自己的能力 |
[1:37:14] | Then it became very, very clear that you weren’t gonna mess with these people | 然后你就越来越明白 你不能糊弄这些人 |
[1:37:17] | Because they knew exactly what you were talking about | 因为他们完全懂你在说什么 |
[1:37:21] | And they knew exactly what they were talking about | 而且也完全懂自己在说什么 |
[1:37:24] | Activists created a system | 艾滋人士们创建了一个机制 |
[1:37:26] | That was able to do everything faster, better, cheaper | 可以让一切完成得更快 更好 更省 |
[1:37:30] | More ethically, and more effectively | 更道德也更高效 |
[1:37:33] | They forced people to put together the right clinical trials | 他们迫使人们创建正确的临床实验 |
[1:37:36] | Where you had the patient in mind | 让你把病人放在心上 |
[1:37:39] | And you weren’t cutting corners | 而且不能走捷径 |
[1:37:41] | And of course, the big breakthrough was combination therapy | 当然最大的突破是他们摸索的组合治疗法 |
[1:37:44] | ‘Cause mono-Therapy was clearly not the way to go | 因为单一治疗法显然行不通 |
[1:37:47] | So let’s go back into patients | 所以我们回到病人中 |
[1:37:48] | And let’s go back into patients | 我们回到病人中 |
[1:37:50] | With crixivan plus A.Z.T. Plus 3.T.C. | 同时采用印地那韦 叠氮胸苷和拉米夫定 |
[1:37:52] | The activists proposed a study design, industry used it | 艾滋人士提出的研究设计 被行业采纳 |
[1:37:55] | It got the drug approved in six months | 六个月后药物通过了 |
[1:37:58] | So I was at a meeting in Washington | 我在华盛顿参加那次会议 |
[1:37:59] | And I stood up there | 我站在那儿 |
[1:38:02] | And I showed for the first time the data in the study | 第一次展示研究数据 |
[1:38:06] | The data goes up on the screen | 数据在屏幕上滚动 |
[1:38:08] | And everyone gasps | 每个人都在大口吸气 |
[1:38:09] | And cameras start to click | 相机开始不停的闪 |
[1:38:11] | And just, it’s a realization that | 我们都意识到 |
[1:38:13] | This is, this is really great drug | 这是一种真正很好的药 |
[1:38:15] | And it, it could work | 它可以奏效 |
[1:38:16] | I remember sitting there in a hotel room in Washington, D.C | 我记得坐在华盛顿的一个宾馆房间 |
[1:38:19] | Our hotel banquet room | 我们宾馆的宴会厅 |
[1:38:22] | And just crying | 我开始大哭 |
[1:38:24] | It was like, we did it, we did something | 就像我们做到了 我们做到了 |
[1:38:27] | It was too much to take in at that point | 那时候真的有些无法承受 |
[1:38:29] | It wasn’t until we started putting the drugs in our bodies | 直到我们将这些药注入自己的身体 |
[1:38:32] | And we all went home and… | 我们都回到家 然后… |
[1:38:35] | Started, went straight on that regimen that had been on that slide | 开始直接按照幻灯片打出的使用说明来 |
[1:38:40] | Including Crixivan and two nucleoside analogues | 包括茚地那韦和两种类核苷 |
[1:38:44] | And sure enough | 然后没错 |
[1:38:46] | It happened in us within 30 days, all of us | 30天后我们的身体就发生了变化 所有人的 |
[1:38:49] | Undetectable, undetectable, undetectable | 病毒检测不到 检测不到 检测不到 |
[1:38:52] | The dying was stopping | 死亡开始停止 |
[1:38:53] | With triple drug combination | 依靠三种药物的综合 |
[1:38:56] | And if you needed your clinical trial | 而且假如你需要临床实验 |
[1:38:58] | You could just go to these hospitals | 你可以随便去什么医院 |
[1:39:00] | That were not filling up the way they were filling up with people with HIV | 那些没有被艾滋病患挤满的医院 |
[1:39:04] | You would see their kaposi’s sarcoma lesions | 你可以看到他们的卡波西肉瘤 |
[1:39:07] | That had been bright and red and | 那些曾经又红又亮 |
[1:39:09] | Um, big | 又大的 |
[1:39:11] | Melting back into their skin | 萎缩变回正常皮肤 |
[1:39:13] | They were calling it the Lazarus effect | 他们把这叫做”拉扎勒斯效应” |
[1:39:15] | People who were deathly ill would get put on this drug | 那些病入膏肓的人使用这种药 |
[1:39:18] | All of a sudden, they’re working again | 突然的 他们又能工作了 |
[1:39:19] | That was a phenomenal feeling | 这种感觉真的很棒 |
[1:39:22] | It worked | 它真的有效 |
[1:39:23] | You know, we did something remarkable | 我们做到了一件了不起的事 |
[1:39:26] | So that breakthrough | 那样的突破 |
[1:39:27] | You know, that we thought | 我们以为 |
[1:39:29] | Was gonna happen in ’88 or ’89 if we just worked fast enough | 会在1988或1989年实现 假如我们动作够快 |
[1:39:34] | You know, it did happen | 它确实实现了 |
[1:39:40] | But not until ’96 | 却是直到1996年 |
[1:39:41] | And so… | 所以… |
[1:39:44] | You know, a lot of people died | 很多人死了 |
[1:39:46] | Maybe if Reagan had started putting money into AIDS a little earlier… | 也许假如总统里根早些向艾滋领域拨款… |
[1:40:00] | They wouldn’t all be dead | 他们就不会都死了 |
[1:40:05] | I feel very fortunate | 我感到很幸运 |
[1:40:07] | And there’s probably a lot of complicated reasons why | 可能有很多复杂原因和为什么 |
[1:40:12] | But I still find it very difficult to plan for the future | 但我仍然感到很难计划我的未来 |
[1:40:16] | And/ or accept that I will have a long life | 以及接受我会活得很长久 |
[1:40:22] | Which is unfortunate because I’ve had a long life | 这其实是不幸的 因为我已经有过很长的人生 |
[1:40:26] | I’ve been living with AIDS for 20 years | 我跟艾滋一起生活20年 |
[1:40:30] | But it’s hard for me to relax into life | 我很难放松下来 再回到现实中 |
[1:40:35] | I know lots of us | 我知道我们中很多人 |
[1:40:38] | Went through really difficult times after… | 在治好后反而经历了艰难时期… |
[1:40:43] | Trying to figure out, well, what do I do now | 试着弄清楚接下来要做什么 |
[1:40:46] | You know | 知道吗 |
[1:40:48] | Not just because I didn’t think I had a future and now I do | 不只因为我从没想过会有未来 现在有了 |
[1:40:51] | So I have to make some plans | 所以必须做什么计划 |
[1:40:53] | But… | 而是… |
[1:40:55] | How do I do something else that is as… | 我要怎么去做其他事 其他… |
[1:40:59] | I mean, it’s a weird word | 这个词可能很怪 |
[1:41:01] | But as fulfilling as that work has been | 其他像这件事一样”充实”的事 |
[1:41:06] | To be that threatened | 被那样的威胁 |
[1:41:11] | With extinction | 灭绝的威胁 |
[1:41:13] | Um… | 呃… |
[1:41:16] | And | 而且 |
[1:41:18] | To not lay down | 为了不倒下 |
[1:41:22] | To stand up and to fight back | 而是站起来和反抗 |
[1:41:29] | The way we did it | 我们所做的事情 |
[1:41:30] | The way we took care of ourselves and each other | 我们对自己和彼此的扶持 |
[1:41:34] | The goodness that we showed | 我们展示出的美好 |
[1:41:38] | The humanity that we showed the world | 我们向这个世界展示出的人性 |
[1:41:42] | Is just mind-Boggling | 真的很难以置信 |
[1:41:44] | Just incredible | 真的很不可思议 |
[1:41:46] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:41:48] | Act Up! | 行动起来! |
[1:41:49] | Fight back! | 还击回去! |
[1:41:50] | Fight AIDS! | 抗击艾滋! |
[1:41:51] | Every single drug that’s out there is because of Act Up | 每一种面世的药物都起源自”行动起来” |
[1:41:54] | I am convinced | 我深信不疑 |
[1:41:56] | We had the brain power | 我们有聪明才智 |
[1:41:57] | And we had the street power | 我们有街头人士 |
[1:41:58] | We had the good cops and the bad cops | 我们有好的警察 也有坏的警察 |
[1:42:00] | The government didn’t get us the drugs | 政府没有给我们药 |
[1:42:02] | No one else got us the drugs | 没人给我们药 |
[1:42:04] | We, act up | 我们 行动了起来 |
[1:42:06] | Got those drugs out there | 争到了这些药 |
[1:42:08] | It’s the proudest achievement that the gay population of this world can ever claim | 这是这个世界上同性恋人群可以宣称的最自豪的成就 |
[1:42:15] | We could do it because | 我们能做到是因为 |
[1:42:16] | We could deliver hundreds and sometimes thousands of bodies | 我们能集结成千甚至上万的身体 |
[1:42:20] | We had people with AIDS putting their bodies on the line | 我们的艾滋患者可以交出身体 排成一队 |
[1:42:23] | Flopping out in the streets | 在街头巷尾示威 |
[1:42:25] | Saying “fine, this is my body, take me away” | 说”这是我的身体 拿走好了” |
[1:42:28] | I drew the line there | 我要划清界限 |
[1:42:32] | I didn’t want to get arrested | 我没想要被捕 |
[1:42:35] | That far I wouldn’t go | 我没到那么疯 |
[1:43:01] | I’d like to close with words written by fellow AIDS activist, Vito Russo | 我想以艾滋活动家同伴维托・罗素的话做结 |
[1:43:05] | “When future generations ask what we did in the war” | “当后代子孙问我们在战争中做了什么” |
[1:43:10] | “We have to be able to tell them that we were out here fighting” | “我们必须能够告诉他们 我们在这儿战斗过” |
[1:43:15] | “And we have to leave a legacy” | “我们必须留下一份遗产” |
[1:43:16] | “To the generations of people who will come after us” | “给我们后来的追随者” |
[1:43:20] | “Remember that someday” | “记住 在某一天” |
[1:43:21] | “The AIDS crisis will be over” | “艾滋灾难会终结” |
[1:43:24] | “And when that day has come and gone” | “而在那天到来和过去” |
[1:43:27] | “There will be a people alive on this earth” | “这片土地仍然会有活人” |
[1:43:30] | “Gay people and straight people” | “有同性恋和异性恋” |
[1:43:32] | “Black people and white people” | “黑人和白人” |
[1:43:33] | “Men and women” | “男人和女人” |
[1:43:35] | “Who will hear the story” | “他们会听到一个故事” |
[1:43:37] | “That once… there was a terrible disease” | “就是曾经 有一个可怕的疾病” |
[1:43:40] | “And that a brave group of people stood up and fought” | “而一群勇敢的人们站出来和它搏斗” |
[1:43:44] | “And in some cases died, so that others might live and be free” | “有的人牺牲了 好换得其他人的生命与自由生活” |
[1:44:08] | We might have a federal charge against us… | 我们可能会犯下联邦罪行… |
[1:44:11] | Great! Leavenworth, here we come! | 好极了 莱文沃思市 我们来了! |
[1:44:17] | An invoice? | 发票呢? |
[1:44:32] | Ouch, that hurts | 噢 很疼啊 |
[1:44:41] | Information is essential | 信息是全部 |
[1:44:43] | So that doctors and patients can make intelligent treatment decisions | 这样医生和病人才能做出明智的治疗对策 |
[1:44:50] | Okay. Do I have to hold the red button? | 好的 我要一直按着红色键吗? |
[1:44:53] | No | 不用 |
[1:44:55] | I’m really glad to see everybody here | 我很高兴在这里看到大家 |
[1:44:57] | You look really good | 你们看上去真的很好 |
[1:45:03] | I’d like to suggest that we not be unethical | 我的建议是不要违反道德的 |
[1:45:05] | To do a randomized trial of two different prevention programs | 去参加两种不同预防计划的随机实验 |
[1:45:12] | If we don’t eradicate HIV everywhere | 如果我们不能在每个地方根除艾滋 |
[1:45:14] | We will never eradicate it anywhere | 那我们在哪儿都不可能根除艾滋 |
[1:45:21] | We may march without incident | 我们要低调游行 |
[1:45:23] | Or they may arrest us | 否则他们会拘捕我们 |
[1:45:26] | But it’ll be fun | 不过那也很有趣 |
[1:45:39] | We’re going to Ad-Min today | 我们今天要去市政厅哦 |
[1:46:01] | In just over, um, two years | 在不到两年的时间 |
[1:46:05] | Um, that drug went from test tube to full approval | 那种药就从试管到获得了完全通过 |