时间 | 英文 | 中文 |
[00:00] | The images you are about tosee are not isolated cases. | 您看到的这些情景,并不是孤立的事件。. |
[00:03] | These are the Industry Standardfor animals bred as Pets, | 这些是人类为利用动物的工业化标准, |
[00:06] | Food, Clothing, forEntertainment and Research. | 这些动物供人类作为宠物,食物,衣物,娱乐和研究等。 |
[00:11] | Viewer discretion is advised. | 本片少儿不宜,未成年人需要在家长陪同下方能观看。 |
[00:19] | THE THREE STAGES OFTRUTH | 真相为人们所接受的三个阶段 |
[00:23] | 1. RIDICULE | 1. 嘲笑 |
[00:28] | 2. VIOLENT OPPOSITION | 2. 强烈反对 |
[00:32] | 3. ACCEPTANCE | 3. 承认 |
[00:53] | EARTHLINGS | 地球公民 |
[01:22] | earth’ling: n.One who inhabits of the earth. | 地球公民:名词,指地球上的一切居民 |
[01:31] | Since we all inhabit the earth,all of us are considered earthlings. | 由于我们都居住在同一个星球上,一切众生都是地球的公民。 |
[01:38] | There is no sexism, no racism orspeciesism in the term earthling. | 作为地球公民,彼此之间没有性别歧视,种族歧视和物种歧视。 |
[01:43] | It encompasses each and every one of us: | 它包含着地球上的每一个生命 |
[01:46] | warm or cold blooded, mammal,vertebrate or invertebrate, | 温血或冷血,哺乳的 或脊椎动物或非脊椎动物, |
[01:51] | bird, reptile, amphibian, fish,and human alike. | 鸟类,爬行类,两栖类,鱼类和人类。 |
[01:57] | Humans, therefore, being not theonly species on the planet, | 因此,人类并不是这个星球上的唯一物种, |
[02:00] | share this world with millions of other livingcreatures, as we all evolve here together. | 成千上百万的其它生物和人类一样,共同演化,共同生活在这个星球上。 |
[02:07] | However, it is the human earthlingwho tends to dominate the earth, | 然而,人类却妄想独占地球, |
[02:11] | often times treating other fellow earthlingsand living beings as mere objects. | 经常象对待东西一样对待地球上其它种类的居民或生命 |
[02:16] | This is what is meant by speciesism. | 这就是所谓的物种歧视。 |
[02:18] | FESTIVAL OF THE BULLS, SPAIN | 斗牛节 西班牙 |
[02:21] | By analogy with racism and sexism,the term “speciesism” is a prejudice | 与种族歧视,性别歧视一样,物种歧视是一种偏见, |
[02:24] | or attitude of biasin favor of the interests | 或者说是因为私利而采取的不公正的态度 |
[02:29] | of members of one’s own species andagainst those of members of other species. | 为了自己种族的利益而欺凌其他族类。 |
[02:35] | If a being suffers there can beno moral justification for | 任何一种生命受苦,我们都有道义上的责任 |
[02:37] | refusing to take thatsuffering into consideration. | 对这种痛苦加以思考。 |
[02:41] | No matter what the nature of thebeing, the principle of equality requires | 不管生命的本质如何,平等的原则要求: |
[02:46] | that one’s suffering can be counted equallywith the like suffering of any other being. | 一个生命受到折磨,就意味着所有生命也承受同样的痛苦。 |
[03:07] | Racists violate the principle ofequality by giving greater eight | 种族主义者会为了自己集团的利益, |
[03:11] | to the interests of members | 而破坏平等的原则。 |
[03:13] | of their own race whentheir is a clash between their | 当他们自己的利益 |
[03:17] | interests and the interestsof those of another race. | 与别的种族利益相冲突的时候 |
[03:26] | Sexists violate the principle ofequality by favoring | 性别歧视则是为了自己这一性别的人群的利益, |
[03:30] | the interests of their own sex. | 而破坏平等的原则 |
[03:40] | Similarly, speciesists allowthe interests of their own species | 同理,物种主义者将其自身物种的利益, |
[03:47] | to override the greater interestsof members of other species. | 凌驾于其它物种的更为广大的利益之上 |
[03:55] | In each case, the pattern is identical. | 这些歧视的案例,内容不同但都有相同的形式. |
[04:06] | Though among the members of the human familywe recognize the moral imperative of respect | 虽然在人类这个家庭中,我们认可相互的尊重是道义的责任 |
[04:11] | (every human is a somebody, not a something), | (每个人是都是独立的“人”不是一个没生命的物体) |
[04:15] | morally disrespectful treatment occurswhen those who stand at the power end of a | 当强势者把弱势者当成一个没生命的物体对待时, |
[04:18] | power relationship treat the less powerfulas if they were mere objects. | 便破坏了这种人类相互尊重的道义责任 |
[04:28] | The rapist does this to the victim of rape. | 强奸犯强暴无辜的受害者 |
[04:32] | The child molesterto the child molested. | 恋童癖者对孩童进行性侵犯 |
[04:35] | The master to the slave. | 奴隶主对待奴隶 |
[04:38] | In each and all such cases, humans whohave power exploit those who lack it. | 在所有的这些事件中,拥有权利的人控制和剥夺那些较弱者 |
[04:45] | Might the same be true of how humanstreat other animals, or other earthlings? | 或许人类也是这样来对待其它的动物或其它的地球居民? |
[04:54] | Undoubtedly there are differences, | 毫无疑问,人和动物之间 |
[04:56] | since humans and animals arenot the same in all respects. | 并不是在所有的方面都表现一样 |
[05:03] | But the question of samenesswears another face. | 但是,生命存在同一性仅仅是戴着不同的面孔而已 |
[05:09] | Granted, these animals do not haveall the desires we humans have; | 就算这些动物不能象人类那样有那么多的欲望 |
[05:15] | granted, they do not comprehendeverything we humans comprehend; | 就算这些动物不象我们人类能领会所有的事情; |
[05:20] | nevertheless, we and they do havesome of the same desires | 然而我们和它们一样都拥有某些相同的需求 |
[05:22] | and do comprehend some of the same things. | 都能感知某些相同的事物 |
[05:26] | The desires for food and water,shelter and companionship, | 都渴望得到事物,水,容身之处和友情 |
[05:31] | freedom of movementand avoidance of pain? | 都希望能有行动的自由,并避免痛苦 |
[05:34] | these desires are shared bynonhuman animals and human beings. | 这种愿望是非人类的动物和人类共同拥有的 |
[05:42] | As for comprehension: like humans, | 象人类一样,就理解力而言 |
[05:44] | many nonhuman animals understand theworld in which they live and move. | 许多非人类的动物也能理解它们所生于斯,长于斯的世界 |
[05:49] | Otherwise, they could not survive. | 否则的话,它们将无法生存 |
[05:54] | So beneath the many differences,there is sameness. | 所以,虽有许多差异,仍有很多相同之处 |
[06:00] | Like us, these animals embody themystery and wonder of consciousness. | 与人类一样,这些动物也有不可思议的意识能力 |
[06:06] | Like us, they are not only in the world,they are aware of it. | 如同我们人类一样,它们不仅仅是存在而已,它们也能意识到自己的存在 |
[06:11] | Like us they are the psychologicalcenters of a life that is uniquely their own. | 如同我们一样它们拥有自己独特的生命意识 |
[06:18] | In these fundamental respects humansstand “on all fours”, so to speak, | 就根本而言,别的生命也像人类有肢脚,但人类能直力行走 |
[06:22] | with hogs and cows,chickens and turkeys. | 而猪,牛,鸡或火鸡只能伏地而行 |
[06:26] | What these animals are due from us,how we morally ought to treat them, | 这些动物对人类有何希冀,我们该如何在伦理的范畴内对待它们 |
[06:30] | are questions whose answer beginswith the recognition of our | 要回答这些问题 |
[06:34] | psychological kinship with them. | 我们必须首先认识到我们与动物之间休戚相关 |
[06:38] | So the following film demonstrates | 本影片将从五个方面展示 |
[06:40] | in five ways just how animalshave come to serve mankind | 动物是如何服务于人类的 |
[06:45] | …lest we forget. | .至少我们不应忘记这一点 |
[07:00] | Nobel Prize winner Isaac Bashevis Singerwrote in his bestselling novel | 诺贝尔奖获得者辛格(Isaac Bashevis Singer)在他的最畅销小说 |
[07:05] | ‘Enemies, A Love Story’ the following: | 《敌人,一个爱情故事》中写道: |
[07:08] | “As often has Herman had witnessedthe slaughter of animals and fish, | “当赫尔墁多次目睹对动物与鱼类的屠杀之后, |
[07:13] | he always had the same thought:in their behavior toward creatures, | 他心里一直这样想,人类对其他生命的残暴行为 |
[07:17] | all men were Nazis. The smugness withwhich man could do with other species | 表现得纳粹无异 |
[07:22] | as he pleased exemplified the mostextreme racist theories, | 人类在别的物种面前不可一世充分表现了无所不用其极的种族主义 |
[07:26] | the principle that might is right”. | 它们信奉拥有暴力就是拥有真理 |
[07:32] | The comparison here to the holocaustis both intentional and obvious: | 让我们比较这些故意而明显的杀戮 |
[07:37] | one group of living beings anguishes beneaththe hands of another. | 一群生命在另一群生命的股掌之中受着煎熬与折磨 |
[07:43] | Though some will argue the sufferingof animals cannot possibly compare | 有一些人声称动物的痛苦不能与犹太人或是奴隶受的苦难相提并论 |
[07:46] | with that of former Jews or slaves,there is, in fact, a parallel. | 事实上,它们是一样的 |
[07:52] | And for the prisoners and victimsof this mass murder, their holocaust | 对这些大屠杀的牺牲品而言 |
[07:58] | is far from over. | 它们的灾难与痛苦还是持续着 |
[08:17] | In his book ‘The Outermost House’author Henry Beston wrote | 亨利贝司顿(Henry Beston)在他的作品《辽远的房子》中写道: |
[08:22] | “We need another and a wiserand perhaps a more mystical | “关于动物,我们需要另外一种, |
[08:26] | concept of animals. | 更明智,也像更为神秘的概念 |
[08:30] | Remote from universal nature,and living by complicated artifice, | 远离大自然,依赖复杂的技巧生存着的文明人 |
[08:34] | man in civilization surveys | 透过他所掌握的知识,这幅变色眼睛审视着动物 |
[08:36] | the creatures throughthe glass of his knowledge | 看到的只有一片被夸大的羽毛 |
[08:41] | and sees thereby a feather magnifiedand the whole image in distortion. | 和一幅失真的图片 |
[08:46] | We patronize them for their incompleteness, | 如果我们以为动物不如人类完整 |
[08:49] | for their tragic fate of having takenform so far below ourselves. | 或者因为它们形态上比不上人类俊美 |
[08:55] | And therein we err, and greatly err. | 那么,我们就大大的错了 |
[08:59] | For the animalshall not be measured by man. | 我们不能用人类的标尺衡量动物 |
[09:04] | In a world older andmore complete than ours | 在一个比我们人类社会更古老更完整的世界里 |
[09:08] | they move finished and complete, | 它们发展的精巧,完善 |
[09:13] | gifted with extensions of the senseswe have lost or never attained, | 天生拥有我们人类已经丢失或从来没有的超强感觉 |
[09:22] | living by voices we shall never hear. | 依靠一种我们人类的耳朵无法捕捉的声音而生存 |
[09:31] | They are not brethren;they are not underlings; | 它们虽然非我族类但也不隶属我们 |
[09:37] | they are other nations, | 它们属于另外一个国度 |
[09:40] | caught with ourselvesin the net of life and time, | 只是与人类一同被困在生命与时间的网中 |
[09:45] | fellow prisoners of the splendorand travail of the earth”. | 共同经历着地球的辉煌与苦难 |
[09:56] | PART ONE: PETS | 第一部分:宠物 |
[10:01] | For most of us, our relationship with animalsinvolves the owning of a pet or two. | 对我们大多数人而言,我们与动物的关系是拥有一只或两只宠物 |
[10:07] | So where do our pets come from? | 那么,宠物到底从何而来呢? |
[10:12] | Of course, one of the most obvious waysanimals serve man is as companions. | 当然,动物服务于人类的一个最明显的方式,便是给人类作伴 |
[10:20] | BREEDERS | 育种动物 |
[10:22] | For these pets it starts with a breeder,though not all breeders are considered professional. | 宠物用杂交的方法培育出来的,虽然上一代的源种动物并不全是专门做这个的 |
[10:28] | In fact, in this profession, just about anyoneand everyone can be a breeder. | 实际上,在这个行业里任何一个动物都可以成为育种动物 |
[10:32] | PET STORES AND PUPPY MILLS | 宠物商店和宠物养殖场 |
[10:36] | For pet stores, most of their animalsare acquired from puppy mills, | 宠物商店里的绝大多数动物都是从宠物繁殖场进购的 |
[10:41] | even if they may not know it. | 即使人们对此一无所知。 |
[10:47] | Puppy mills are low-budget | 宠物繁殖场是一个低成本经营的行当 |
[10:49] | commercial enterprises that breed dogsfor sale to pet shops and other buyers. | 专门繁殖小狗卖给宠物商店或是其它买主 |
[11:04] | They are often backyard operations | 他们经常是一种后院经营的模式 |
[11:07] | that expose animals to filthy, overcrowdedconditions with no veterinary care or socialization. | 动物们生活的环境肮脏而拥挤没有兽医照顾,也没有社会干预 |
[11:18] | Dogs from puppy mills often exhibit | 这些小狗还时常被展示拍卖 |
[11:20] | physical and psychologicalproblems as they grow up. | 伴随它们成长的是一系列的问题,包括肉体上的及精神上的 |
[11:28] | STRAYS | 流浪街头,无家可归的宠物 |
[11:30] | Strays, if they are lucky,will be picked up and taken to a | 这些无家可归的宠物们,运气好的话会被好心的人收留 |
[11:34] | shelter or pound, where theycan only hope to find a new home again. | 或是送到宠物收容所之类的地方等到有新的一户人家肯收留它们 |
[11:45] | An estimated 25 million animals becomehomeless every year. | 据估计,每年有两千五百万的动物加入到这个无家可归的行列 |
[11:53] | And as many as 27% of purebred dogsare among the homeless. | 而且,有27%的纯种血统的狗在其中之列 |
[12:11] | Of these 25 million homeless animalsan average of 9 million | 这两千五百万无家可归的宠物中又有几百万的宠物 |
[12:15] | die on the streets from disease, | 会因病死在街头 |
[12:18] | starvation, | 或死于饥饿 |
[12:22] | exposure, | 或死于恶劣的天气, |
[12:26] | injury, or some other hazardof street life. | 或死于暴力伤害以及街头生活的其它危险 |
[12:31] | Many others are strays, some of whom werepresumably dumped in the streets by their caretakers | 还有很多其它的动物流浪街头它们中的一些是被主人抛弃 |
[12:36] | The remaining 16 milliondie in pounds or shelters that have no | 剩下的1600万死在动物收容所 |
[12:41] | room for them and are forced to kill them. | 因为后者没有空间容纳它们而被迫将它们毁灭 |
[12:51] | Sadly, on top of all this, | 最悲惨的事实是 |
[12:53] | almost 50% of the animals brought toshelters are turned in by their caretakers. | 50%的动物是被它们的主人送到收容所 |
[13:02] | Many people claim they don’t visit sheltersbecause it’s depressing for them. | 很多人声称他们从不拜访动物收容所因为他们不喜欢那里压抑的气氛 |
[13:08] | But the reason animals are crowdedinto such dreary places as these, | 但是动物们被迫拥挤在这些悲惨的地方 |
[13:13] | is because of people’s refusalto spay or neuter their pets. | 正是因为人们拒绝阉割他们的宠物 |
[13:19] | Several pet owners feel,particularly men for some reason, | 一些宠物主感觉,特别是一些男性宠物主因为某些原因觉得 |
[13:23] | that neutering a petemasculates the owner somehow … | 阉割他们的宠物就仿佛阉割了他们本身 |
[13:29] | … or they may just want their children to somedayexperience the “miracle of life”, so to speak. | 或者他们希望孩子在某天可以感受所谓”生命的奇迹“ |
[13:46] | In either case, pet owners like theseunknowingly take part in the euthanasia | 无论在何种情况下象这样的宠物主人都不自觉的参与了-- |
[13:51] | of over 60,000 animals per day. | 每天6千只动物的安乐死 |
[13:57] | Euthanasia, generally defined as the actof killing painlessly for reasons of mercy, | 安乐死,通常被定义为出于仁慈而采用的无痛死亡 |
[14:03] | is usually administered byan injection in the leg for dogs, | 执行起来通常在狗的腿上 |
[14:08] | and sometimes in thestomach for cats. | 有时在貓的肚子上注射药物 |
[14:17] | It is a quick and painless procedure forthe animals, and by far the most humane, | 对动物来说这是一种迅速无痛而且是至今最人道的死法 |
[14:24] | but not always the most affordable. | 但安乐死的费用比较高 |
[14:30] | Due to the increase ofeuthanasia in shelters, | 由于宠物收容所愈来愈多的安乐死被实施 |
[14:33] | and the growing, constant,demand for drugs like Euthasol, | 对Euthasoi之类药品的需求不断增长 |
[14:38] | some shelters with budget constraintsare forced to use gas chambers instead. | 一些收容所因为财政预算紧张被迫采用了毒气室以取代安乐死 |
[14:47] | GAS CHAMBERS | 毒气室 |
[14:48] | In a gas chamber,animals are packed very tightly | 在毒气室里,宠物挤的满满的没有一点空间 |
[14:52] | and can take as long as20 minutes to die. | 有时,宠物闷在里面要花二十分钟才能死去 |
[15:07] | It is, by far, less merciful, | 这是至今最为残忍 |
[15:11] | more traumatic and painful. | 也最为痛苦的死亡方式 |
[15:14] | But the procedure is less expensive. | 然而,就程序而言这是最为便宜的方式 |
[15:25] | Perhaps some of the tough questionswe should ask ourselves about animals | 我们把动物作为人类的伙伴 |
[15:29] | that we keep as companions are: | 但我们能否回答一些尖锐的问题 |
[15:33] | Can we keep animals as companionsand still address their needs? | 我们把动物作为人类的伴侣的同时还能满足宠物本身的需要吗? |
[15:37] | Is our keeping companion animalsin their best interest, | 我们拥有这些宠物是为了他们的利益 |
[15:40] | or are we exploiting them? | 还是为了利用,玩弄它们? |
[15:43] | The answers to these questions may liein the attitudes of the human caretakers | 这些问题的答案或许在于作为人类即宠物主的态度 |
[15:48] | and their abilities to provide suitableenvironments for companion animals. | 和他们提供给动物伙伴合适的生存环境的能力 |
[16:21] | (CYANIDE POISON)Most human beings are speciesists. | (氰化物毒剂)大多数人是这方面的专家 |
[16:24] | This film shows that ordinaryhuman beings (not a few exceptionally | 这部影片展示了人类 |
[16:28] | cruel or heartless humans, but theoverwhelming majority of people), | 并非一些特别残忍和无情的人 |
[16:32] | take an active part in,acquiesce in, and allow their taxes | 而是大多数人积极参与,默许,同意将他们缴纳的税款 |
[16:36] | to pay for practices that requirethe sacrifice of the most important | 用于那些活动 |
[16:40] | interests of members of other species,in order to promote the most | 在那里,另外种群的重要利益不得不牺牲 |
[16:44] | trivial interests of our own species. | 目的只是成全人类最为不足道的利益 |
[16:49] | STRAY OVERPOPULATION IN TURKEY | 土耳其的数量众多的流浪宠物 |
[17:00] | The hope for the animals of tomorrow is | 动物的明天只能寄希望于这样的人类文化 |
[17:02] | to be found in a Human Culturewhich learns to feel beyond itself. | 人类学会超越自身来感知世界 |
[17:16] | We must learn empathy, | 我们必须学会感同身受 |
[17:23] | we must learn to see into the eyes | 我们必须学会从它们的眼睛去读懂去感知 |
[17:25] | of an animal and feel that theirlife has value because they are alive. | 作为有活力的生物他们的生命一样是有价值的 |
[17:45] | PART TWO: FOOD | 第二部分:食物 |
[17:51] | “Oh, I missed. I missed you, honey.But I’ll get you again!” | “奥,没抓到,小家伙,让你跑掉了不过我会抓到你的” |
[18:04] | “I got you! Good boy!” | “抓到了,小家伙” |
[18:11] | What happens in slaughterhouses | 在屠宰场发生的这一切 |
[18:13] | is a variation on the theme of theexploitation of the weak by the strong. | 只是弱肉强食之歌的一个音符罢了 |
[18:32] | More than ten thousand times a minute, | 每分钟都会发生成千上万这样的事件 |
[18:35] | in excess of six billion times ayear, just in the United States, | 一年中就有六十亿的动物被屠宰而这只是发生在美国的情况 |
[18:39] | life is literallydrained from so-called “food animals”. | 这些被人们称为“供肉动物”的生命就这样消失了 |
[18:44] | Having the greater power,humans decide when these animals will die, | 人类拥有巨大的权力决定这些动物何时 |
[18:49] | where they will die, | 何地 |
[18:50] | and how they will die. | 以何种方式死亡 |
[18:53] | The interests of these animals themselves | 这些动物本身的利益 |
[18:55] | play no role whatsoeverin the determination of their fate. | 在决定他们自身的命运方面其不到任何作用 |
[19:01] | Killing an animal is,in itself, a troubling act. | 杀死一只动物本身是一件非常麻烦的事情 |
[19:05] | It has been said that if we had | 有人说如果我们必须亲手屠宰动物 |
[19:07] | to kill our own meat, wewould all be vegetarians. | 来获取肉食的话我们可能都成为素食者 |
[19:11] | Certainly very few peopleever visit a slaughterhouse, | 电视中也很少能看到 |
[19:14] | and films of slaughterhouse operationsare not popular on television. | 关于屠宰场运营的纪录片 |
[19:19] | People might hope that the meat they buycame from an animal who died without pain, | 人们或许希望买来的肉来自于毫无痛苦死去的动物 |
[19:24] | but they don’t reallywant to know about it. | 但是他们并不真正想知道真相 |
[19:27] | Yet those who, by their purchases,require animals to be killed, | 之所以有人杀是因为有人要吃,要买 |
[19:32] | do not deserve to be shielded from thisor any other aspect of the production | 这些消费者在屠杀及肉类生产中扮演的角色 |
[19:37] | of the meat they buy. | 是无法隐瞒的 |
[19:39] | So where does our food come from? | 那么我们的盘中之肉究竟从那里来的? |
[19:44] | For those of us living on a meat diet,the process these animals | 为了满足肉食者的口腹之欲 |
[19:49] | undergoes is as follows. | 动物们必须遭受以下的一切痛苦 |
[19:52] | BRANDING | 烙印 |
[19:57] | For beef, the animals are all branded … | 肉牛必须被烙印. |
[20:01] | … in this instance, on the face. | 这烙印打在脸上 |
[20:07] | DEHORNING | 剁角 |
[20:10] | Dehorning usually follows.Never with anesthetic. | 接着就是把角剁掉而且总是不上麻醉剂 |
[20:14] | But rather a large pair of pliers. | 有的甚至直接把大钳子把牛角拔掉 |
[20:32] | TRANSPORTATION | 运输 |
[20:36] | In transportation, animals are packedso tightly into trucks, they are | 运输过程中,牛在卡车里挤的紧紧的 |
[20:40] | practically on top of one another. | 实际上是堆叠在一起 |
[20:42] | Heat, freezing temperatures,fatigue, trauma, and health conditions | 闷热或是严寒,疲乏绝望与恶劣的卫生状况 |
[20:47] | will kill some of these animalsin route to the slaughterhouses. | 使一部分牲畜在去屠场的路上就已经死亡 |
[20:51] | MILKING | 挤奶 |
[20:54] | Milking cows are kept chained | 奶牛们整天被拴在隔间里 |
[20:56] | to their stalls all daylong, receiving no exercise. | 不能做任何的运动 |
[21:01] | Pesticides and antibiotics are alsoused to increase their milk productivity. | 为了提高出奶率杀虫剂与抗生素是家常便饭 |
[21:22] | Eventually, milking cows,like this one, collapse from exhaustion. | 最终,就如同这头奶牛一样它们竭尽所有,直至崩溃 |
[21:29] | Normally, cows can liveas long as twenty years, | 正常情况下,母牛的寿命可以达到二十年 |
[21:32] | but milking cowsgenerally die within four. | 但是奶牛一般在四年内死去 |
[21:37] | At which point, their meat isused for fast food restaurants. | 死了之后,它们的肉为快餐店所用 |
[21:42] | MEAT | 肉 |
[21:48] | At this slaughterhouse, | 在这个屠宰场 |
[21:50] | the branded and dehornedcattle are brought into a stall. | 经烙印和去角的牛只被带进屠场 |
[21:54] | CAPTIVE BOLTS | 射钉枪 |
[21:57] | The captive bolt gun, which was designed | 射钉枪的设计思想是降低动物的知觉 |
[21:59] | to reduce animals unconsciouswithout causing pain, | 以期减轻动物的痛苦 |
[22:04] | fires a steel bolt, that is poweredby compressed air or a blank cartridge, | 这种由压缩空气或者空腔来发动的枪,发射出钢栓 |
[22:09] | right into the animal’s brain. | 正好射中动物的脑袋 |
[22:12] | BLEEDING | 流血 |
[22:16] | Though various methods of slaughterare used, in this Massachusetts facility, | 在马赛诸赛州的这个工厂里尽管使用了各种屠杀的方法 |
[22:22] | the cattle is hoisted upand his or her throat is slit. | 牛只还是被吊了起来割开它的喉咙 |
[22:27] | Along with the meat, their blood willbe used as well. | 与那些肉一样它们的血也会被利用 |
[22:42] | Though the animal has receiveda captive bolt to the head, | 尽管动物已经被钢栓击中脑袋 |
[22:46] | which is supposed to have rendered him | 人们认为这种方法可以使得动物没有知觉 |
[22:48] | or her senseless … as you can seethe animal is still conscious. | 就像你看的的那样动物仍旧有知觉 |
[22:54] | This is not uncommon. | 这种现象并不少见 |
[22:57] | Sometimes they are still aliveeven after they have been bled, | 有时它们甚至流干了血但仍旧活着 |
[23:01] | and are well on their way downthe assembly line to be butchered. | 并且在倒向生产线被屠宰的时候仍然还活着 |
[23:12] | KNOCKING BOXES | 撞击筒 |
[23:52] | KOSHER SLAUGHTER | 犹太式屠杀 |
[23:57] | This is the largest glatt koshermeat plant in the United States. | 这是美国最大的犹太式肉类生产车间 |
[24:01] | Glatt, the Yiddish word for “smooth”,means the highest standard of cleanliness … | Glatt,犹太语称作“光滑的”意味着最高标准的“清洁” |
[24:12] | … and rules for kosherbutchering require minimal suffering. | 犹太式屠宰的规定要求动物受到最小的痛苦 |
[24:24] | The use of electric prodson immobilized animals is a violation. | 对绑定的动物使用电击是对犹太式屠宰方法的违背. |
[24:36] | Inverting frightened animalsfor the slaughterer’s convenience | 为了屠宰者的方便而倒吊受到惊吓的动物 |
[24:40] | is also a violation. | 也是对犹太式屠宰的违背 |
[24:48] | The inversion process causes cattle toaspirate blood, or breath it in, after incision. | 在被利刃屠割后,倒吊的过程引起牛儿吐出或者吸进鲜血 |
[24:59] | Ripping the trachea and esophagifrom their throats is another | 从它们的喉咙部位撕裂气管或喉管 |
[25:03] | egregious violation, since kosheranimals are not to be touched … | 是另一件重大违背规定的事情按照犹太式屠宰的动物 |
[25:07] | … until bleeding stops. | 要等鲜血流光之后才可以碰触它们 |
[25:23] | And by dumping strugglingand dying steers through metal chutes | 通过金属槽 |
[25:27] | onto blood soaked floors, | 将垂死挣扎的动物倾倒在血流成河的地板上 |
[25:30] | with their breathing tubesand gullets dangling out, | 动物的内脏纷纷坠出身体外 |
[25:38] | this “sacred task” is neitherclean or compassionate. | 这项所谓的“圣礼”既不圣洁亦无恻隐之心 |
[25:46] | Shackling and hoisting isruled yet another violation, | 捆绑和悬吊是另一种暴力虐待模式 |
[25:50] | nor does it correspond to thekosher way of treating animals. | 也没有依据犹太教的方式对待动物 |
[25:56] | If this was kosher, death wasneither quick nor merciful. | 以犹太教的标准来看,这样方式屠宰动物死的既不快,屠宰方式也不够仁慈 |
[26:03] | VEAL | 小牛肉 |
[26:05] | Veal, taken from their motherswithin two days of birth, are tied | 小牛刚刚出生两天就被从母亲身边掠走 |
[26:10] | at the neck and kept restrictedto keep muscles from developing. | 拴住脖子,从此行动将被牢牢禁锢以利于小牛肌肉的成长 |
[26:15] | Fed an iron-deficient liquid diet, | 为了达到挑剔的食客们对小牛肉鲜嫩的口感苛求要求只喂给一种缺乏铁元素的液体饲料 |
[26:18] | denied bedding,water, and light, | 丝毫不考虑小牛对休息水和阳光的基本要求 |
[26:22] | after four months of this miserableexistence they are slaughtered. | 在度过短短四个月的悲惨一生后小牛即被屠杀了 |
[26:26] | PIGS | 猪 |
[26:32] | Sows in factory farms arebreeding machines, kept | 工业化养殖场的 母猪是一台育种机器不间断的怀孕生产 |
[26:35] | continually pregnant by meansof artificial insemination. | 当然,那是因为人工受精的缘故 |
[26:40] | Large pig market factorieswill “manufacture”, | 大型的养猪场,每年“制造”大约五万头到六万头猪 |
[26:44] | as they like to call it, between 50,000and 600,000 pigs a year… each. | 注意,他们喜欢用“制造”这个词来称呼他们的行当 |
[26:51] | FACTORY CONDITIONS | 工厂条件 |
[27:10] | GESTATION CRATES | 怀孕条板箱 |
[27:21] | RUPTURES & ABSCESSES | 伤口和脓肿 |
[27:38] | CANIBALISM | 同类相食 |
[28:05] | WASTE PITS | 废物堆 |
[28:30] | Tail docking is a practice derivedfrom the lack of space and stressful | 由于空间拥挤,精神沮丧猪会互相啃它们的尾巴 |
[28:35] | living conditions so as to keep pigsfrom biting each other’s tails off. | 解决的方法就是把它们的尾巴剁掉 |
[28:41] | This is done without anesthetic. | 剁尾巴时,是不会上麻醉剂的 |
[28:44] | EAR CLIPPING | 剪耳朵 |
[28:47] | Ear clipping is a similar procedure,also administered without anesthetic. | 剪耳朵也是例行的程序也是不上麻醉剂的 |
[29:03] | As well as teeth-cutting. | 切牙也是用同样的方法操作的 |
[29:25] | CASTRATION | 绝育 |
[29:28] | Castration is also done withoutpainkillers or anesthetic, and will | 作绝育手术也是不上止痛药或麻醉剂的 |
[29:33] | supposedly produce a morefatty grade of meat. | 绝育手术据说可以让猪多长肉 |
[29:46] | ELECTRIC PRODS | 电棒 |
[29:49] | The electric prods are used forobvious reasons: handling. | 电棒是用来执行死刑的这是毋庸置疑的 |
[30:21] | ELECTROCUTION | 电刑 |
[30:25] | Electrocution is another methodof slaughter, as seen here. | 电极刑是屠宰场的另一种手段就像这儿所显示的那样 |
[30:34] | THROAT SLITTING | 切喉 |
[30:36] | Throat slitting, however, | 切喉目前仍是一种最便宜的 |
[30:38] | is still the least expensiveway to kill an animal. | 屠杀动物的方式 |
[31:05] | BOILING AND HAIR REMOVAL | 沸水褪毛 |
[31:11] | After knife sticking, pigs are shackled, | 猪挨了刀子后被固定在一个横杆上 |
[31:15] | suspended on a bleed-rail and immersedin scalding tanks to remove their bristle. | 然后浸到滚烫的罐里褪毛 |
[31:21] | Many are still struggling as they are dunkedupside down in tanks of steaming water, | 好多猪倒悬这褪毛时,还是活的仍然在挣扎 |
[31:27] | where they are submerged and drowned. | 但还是照样被浸到高温的除毛罐里 |
[32:07] | POULTRY | 家禽 |
[32:11] | In regard to poultry, Americans currentlyconsume as much chicken in a single day | 当今美国人一天所消费的鸡 |
[32:17] | as they did in an entire year in 1930. | 相当于1930年时他们全年消费的鸡 |
[32:24] | The largest broiler companiesin the world now slaughter more than | 世界上最大的烧鸡连锁店 |
[32:29] | 8.5 million birds in a single week. | 一周就要屠宰八百五十万只鸡 |
[32:43] | DEBEAKING | 去喙 |
[32:49] | Debeaking prevents feather-peckingand cannibalism in frustrated chickens, | 去喙的目的是为了防止那些极度沮丧的鸡啄羽毛,以及同类相食 |
[32:53] | caused by over-crowding in single areas, wherethey are unable to establish a social order. | 这些鸡拥挤在一块根本不可能有什么群体秩序可言 |
[33:06] | Today, done with infant chicks,the procedure is carried out very quickly, | 现在给小鸡去喙的速度可谓神速 |
[33:11] | about 15 birds a minute. | 一分钟可以剪十五只小鸡 |
[33:14] | Such haste means the temperature andsharpness of the blade varies, resulting in | 这样的速度意味着刀片的温度和锋利程度不能保持恒定 |
[33:20] | sloppy cutting and seriousinjury to the bird. | 直接导致切割过于粗糙给小鸡造成了严重的伤害 |
[33:24] | LIVING CONDITIONS | 生活条件 |
[33:26] | As for their living conditions, anywherefrom sixty to ninety thousand birds can be | 至于生活条件可能六十只鸡生活在一块 |
[33:31] | crowded together in a single building. | 也可能九万只鸡用在一块 |
[33:45] | The suffering for these animals isunrelenting. It is a way of life. | 这些动物饱受痛苦这就是他们的生命 |
[33:51] | Although their beaks are severed,they attempt to peck each other. | 虽然他们的鸡喙已经被切除它们还是试图互相啄 |
[34:01] | For hens, they live in a laying warehouse,crammed inside so-called “battery cages”. | 母鸡则挤在产蛋场里称之为层架式鸡笼的地方 |
[34:10] | BATTERY CAGES | 层架式鸡笼 |
[34:13] | Many lose their feathers and developsores from rubbing against the wire cage. | 因为箱笼的网线摩擦的缘故这些鸡的羽毛掉光了这样加倍的痛楚 |
[34:23] | Crowding prevents them fromspreading their wings, and the hens cannot | 这些鸡挤在一块母鸡都没办法展开一下翅膀 |
[34:28] | even fulfill minimal natural instincts. | 甚至连最微不足道的本能都没办法满足 |
[34:32] | TRANSPORTATION | 运输 |
[34:34] | During transportation,all animals suffer, and many die. | 在运输途中,动物都饱受痛苦许多都死了 |
[34:41] | And they suffocate when otheranimals pile on top of them | 箱笼拥挤,动物层层相叠 |
[34:45] | in overcrowded, poorly loaded cages. | 令它们窒息 |
[34:50] | SLAUGHTER | 屠杀 |
[35:30] | Chickens and turkeys areslaughtered in numerous ways. | 宰鸡的方法有好多种 |
[35:35] | Some may be clubbed to deathor have their heads cut off. | 有的是被乱棍打死有的是被砍头而死 |
[35:51] | But most are brought throughthe assembly lines of factory farms. | 但多数是通过工业化农场里的流水线处置而死 |
[36:01] | Dangled upside down on a conveyor belt,their throats are slit, | 把他们倒挂在传送带上喉咙被切开 |
[36:06] | and they are left to bleed to death. | 直至流血而死 |
[36:17] | Others may be placed head-firstin tubes to restrict their movement | 或是把头插在管子里以制止它们挣扎 |
[36:21] | while they slowly bleed to death. | 然后,慢慢的流血而死 |
[36:27] | Surely, if slaughterhouses had glass walls,would not all of us be vegetarians? | 如果屠宰场装的是玻璃墙那么人类可能都是素食者 |
[36:34] | But slaughterhouses do not have glass walls. | 问题是,屠宰场的建筑目不透风 |
[36:37] | The architecture of slaughter is opaque,designed in the interest of denial, | 就是为了起到保密作用 |
[36:41] | to insure that we will not see even ifwe wanted to look. And who wants to look? | 以防被人们看见但又有谁想去看呢? |
[36:46] | “Go mother fucker!Don’t fuckin’ stop”. | “滚,快滚,畜生” |
[36:58] | “Let’s go, let’s go!!!Come on, bitch!” | “滚,快滚,畜生” |
[37:16] | It was Emerson who observed,more than a hundred years ago, | 爱默生在一百多年前说过 |
[37:20] | “You have dined, and however scrupulouslythe slaughterhouse is concealed in | 我们优雅的享用我们的正餐血腥的屠宰场被精心的隐藏起来 |
[37:25] | the graceful distance of miles,there is complicity”. | 巧妙的坐落在数里之外这之间有一种默契 |
[38:15] | SEA FOOD | 海鲜 |
[38:21] | And for those who think eating seafoodis “healthier” than land animals, | 有的人认为吃海鲜比吃陆地动物要“更健康” |
[38:26] | just remember how much irretrievablewaste and contaminated sediments | 但请记得有多少的垃圾和污染物 |
[38:30] | are dumped into our oceans. | 被人类倾倒进海洋 |
[38:33] | In the past … oil … nuclear … and chemicalindustries have done little for the | 一直以来,石油工业,核工业,化学工业等 |
[38:38] | protection of marine environments … | 根本不在意海洋环境的保护 |
[38:41] | … and dumping on or under the seabed hasalways proved a convenient place | 海床成了排放不宜处理的 |
[38:48] | to dispose of inconvenient wastes. | 废弃物发的方便场所 |
[38:56] | COMMERCIAL FISHING | 商业捕鱼 |
[39:02] | Today’s commercial fishers intensifythis situation on massive scales. | 当前的商业捕鱼更是导致了海洋生态环境的恶化 |
[39:08] | They use vast factorytrawlers the size of | 它们的拖网有足球场般巨大 |
[39:11] | football fields and advanced electronicequipment to track and catch fish. | 另外,它们配备先进的电子仪器用以探测和捕捉鱼类 |
[39:20] | Huge nets stretch across the ocean,swallowing up everything in their path. | 巨网穿过海洋,吞噬途径的一切 |
[39:26] | These factory trawlers, coupled withour increased appetites for seafood, | 这些工业化的拖船再加上人们对海鲜不断增加的贪欲 |
[39:31] | are emptying the oceans ofsea life at an alarming pace. | 正以惊人的速度灭绝海洋里的生命 |
[39:41] | Already, thirteen of the seventeen major globalfisheries are depleted or in serious decline. | 其实,全球十七个主要渔场中有十三个已经或濒临枯竭 |
[39:48] | The other four areoverexploited or fully exploited. | 其余四个也面临过度捕捞的危机 |
[39:52] | DISEASE | 疾病 |
[40:00] | The recent outbreak of Pfiesteria, | 最近爆发的赤潮 |
[40:02] | a microorganism 1,000 timemore potent than cyanide, | 就是一种比氰化物还强一千倍的微生物 |
[40:06] | spawned from millions of gallons ofraw hog feces and urine, poured into rivers, | 这种微生物寄生于猪的排泄物中当数万立方米的未经过处理的排泄物被人类倾倒在河流 |
[40:12] | lakes, and oceans, turning theirecosystems into unflushed toilets, | 湖泊和海洋里,地球水世界的生态系统就变成了无法冲刷的粪池 |
[40:16] | is proving the most alarming. | 令人触目惊心 |
[40:21] | Threatening sea life and humans alike,Pfiesteria has killed over 1 billion fish, | 赤潮威胁海洋里的生命,也同样威胁人类已经毒死十亿以上的鱼类 |
[40:26] | the southeast’s largest fishkill on record, | 这是东南部有史以来最大的鱼类死亡记录 |
[40:30] | and it’s spreading. | 而且还在蔓延之中 |
[40:34] | Traces of Pfiesteria have already been foundfrom Long Island to the Florida Gulf, | 从长岛到弗洛里达海湾都出现了赤潮 |
[40:40] | at distances of up to 1,000 miles. | 覆盖了长达一千英里的距离 |
[40:43] | In fact, this water-basedPfiesteria invasion | 实际上这种海洋赤潮微生物的爆发 |
[40:46] | stands as one of the worst outbreaks ofa virulent microorganism in U.S history. | 也是美国历史上最严重的剧毒微生物危机 |
[40:52] | It is a Level ThreeBiohazard. Ebola is a Four. AIDS is a two. | 这次赤潮被列为三级警戒生化危机艾博拉病毒为四级,艾滋病则是二级 |
[41:00] | And this bug mutated as a direct resultof our mass consumption of animals, | 这种危机其实是大规模肉类消费的结果 |
[41:05] | particularly pork. | 尤其是猪肉 |
[41:09] | With hog farms fattening millions of pigs forslaughter, grain goes in and waste comes out. | 养猪场里有数以千万计的猪输入的是谷物,排出来的是这些污染物 |
[41:16] | HURRICANE FLOYDNORTH CAROLINA, 1999 | FLIYD飓风,北卡罗里那,1999年 |
[41:20] | This waste finds its way into our oceans andwater-supply systems, | 这些污秽有毒之物流入海洋也流入我们的供水系统 |
[41:23] | contaminating the animals that live in it, | 也同时污染了居住其中的各类动物 |
[41:27] | as well as those that eat from it. | 也包括以其为食物的其它物种 |
[41:32] | WHALING | 捕鲸 |
[41:38] | Finally, whaling. | 最后看一下捕鲸 |
[41:40] | Though the International Whaling Commissionprohibited commercial whaling in 1985, | 虽然国际捕鲸委员会在1985年就命令禁止商业捕鲸 |
[41:45] | many countries continue to killwhales for their so-called “exotic meat”. | 但仍有一些国家继续杀害鲸鱼为了他们所谓的“美味的鲸鱼肉” |
[42:01] | They use harpoons, | 他们使用鱼叉 |
[42:04] | firearms, | 火器 |
[42:06] | blunt hooks, | 直边勾 |
[42:09] | even explosives, | 甚至炸药 |
[42:12] | or drive them intoauthorized whaling bays | 或是把它们驱赶到允许捕鲸的海湾 |
[42:15] | where they are made to beach and canbe killed with knives in the shallows. | 把它们往海滩上赶,在浅水处用刀子把它们杀死 |
[42:45] | DOLPHINS | 海豚 |
[42:51] | Every winter, between the months of Octoberthrough March, thousands of dolphins are | 每年的冬天,在十月到次年三月间 |
[42:57] | confined and brutally killedin small towns across Japan. | 在日本全国各地,数以万计的海豚被捕并以野蛮的方式屠宰 |
[43:06] | Sounding rods beneath the water’s surfaceinterfere with the dolphin’s sonar. | 声纳干扰仪器被放在水面下用来干扰海豚的声纳 |
[43:16] | Once disoriented and enclosedwithin the nets, the dolphins panic. | 使其迷失方向不幸落入猎网的海豚惊恐万分 |
[43:26] | Fisherman often injure a few captive dolphinswith a spear thrust or knife slash … | 捕猎者通常对海豚或刺或砍 |
[43:31] | since dolphins never abandonwounded family members. | 因为海豚从不抛弃受伤的亲人 |
[43:38] | Mothers and babies call out indistress as they are separated, | 母与子被分开之后,悲伤的哀号 |
[43:42] | hoisted up and dragged off… soon to be mercilessly hacked to death. | 卷车把它们拖上来不久,毫无怜悯的被活活砍死 |
[43:56] | these are benign and innocent beings … | 这些友好温驯而无辜的生命 |
[44:01] | … and they deserve better. | 它们原本值得得到人类更好的对待 |
[44:41] | Yet here, as they laystricken and needful, | 而此时,它们在地上无依无靠 |
[44:44] | wreathing helplessly on cementfloors, they are cut open with machetes | 无助的在水泥地上挣扎它们被开膛破肚 |
[44:50] | and left to slowly suffocate … | 仍在哪儿,慢慢的死去 |
[45:03] | … convulsing and contorting in the throesof agony … while school children walk on by. | 由于剧痛而抽搐扭曲,与此同时学校的孩子们经过 |
[45:27] | Such images of slaughter and bloody red waterclearly show the Japanese government has | 这种血流成河的屠杀表明日本政府对世界海洋公约没有一丝的尊重 |
[45:32] | little respect for the state of the world’soceans with their inhumane methods of | 相反,他们以极不人道的方式捕劣 |
[45:37] | fishing … often in violation of internationaltreaties, laws and conventions designed | 置国际公约,法律和惯例于不顾 |
[45:42] | to protect over-exploiting the oceans … | 国际组织原本是用这些法规来保护海洋不被过度开发. |
[45:45] | … and the creatures that live in them. | 同时保护海洋生物 |
[45:51] | Dolphin meat is later sold inmarkets and restaurants, | 海豚肉被卖到了市场和餐厅 |
[45:55] | though often mislabeled as “whale meat”. | 贴上骗人的“鲸鱼肉”的标签 |
[46:01] | But as though cruelty toward animalsraised for food wasn’t enough, | 残酷的屠杀动物,为了满足口腹之欲但我们人类并不满足于此 |
[46:06] | we’ve also found ways of makinguse of them for all our clothes. | 我们还利用动物来装扮自己,比如 |
[46:11] | Jackets, shoes, belts, gloves,pants, wallets, purses, and so on, | 外套,皮鞋,皮带,手套裤子,钱包等等 |
[46:17] | the next question is obviously:where do our clothes come from? | 我们的下一个问题就是我们的衣物来自何方? |
[46:21] | PART TREE: CLOTHES | 第三部分;衣物 |
[46:36] | (LEATHER) | (皮革) |
[46:36] | The demand for leather comes primarily fromthe United States, Germany, and the U.K. | 对皮革的需求主要来自美国,德国和英国 |
[46:42] | Just about everybody wears it, | 那儿,人人都使用皮革 |
[46:45] | with little or no thought ofwhere it came from. | 但是我们很少乃至从未思考过皮从哪里来 |
[46:48] | (INDIA COWS) | 印度神牛 |
[46:49] | Thousands of India cows areslaughtered each week for their skins, | 在印度每周成千上万只牛被屠杀以获取牛皮 |
[46:53] | purchased from poor familiesin part of rural India who sell them | 这些牛从印度农村的贫困家庭中收购 |
[46:57] | only after the assurance that theanimals will live out their lives on farms. | 还向这些穷人承诺不会杀它们说牛只会在农场里终其一生 |
[47:02] | SHOEING AND ROPING | 铁掌和绳索 |
[47:13] | To relocate the animals toa state where they can legally be killed, | 牛被转移到那些法律上允许屠牛的地区 |
[47:15] | since cattle slaughteris forbidden in most of India, | 因为印度大部分地区是禁止杀牛的 |
[47:19] | the animals must be shoed and roped togetherin preparation for a harrowing “death march”, | 为了这次悲惨的死亡之旅动物必须被钉上铁蹄,串上绳索 |
[47:24] | which could last for several days. | 有时要跋涉好几天. |
[47:36] | Forced to walk through the heat and dust withoutfood or water, coupled with the sheer stress of | 它们被迫在烈日下和尘土中行走没有任何食物和水 |
[47:40] | this terrifying experience for them, many ofthe animals collapse and are unable to continue. | 加上忧惧,很多牛倒在了途中再也无法行走 |
[47:48] | Bear in mind that most of the cattle arebeing placed in a truck for the first time in | 要知道大部分牛都是第一次上卡车 |
[47:53] | their lives and are likely to be frightened, | 它们对此可能十分恐惧 |
[47:55] | especially if they have been handled hastilyor roughly by the men loading the trucks. | 尤其是人们装载卡车时行为极为粗暴 |
[47:59] | The noise and motion of the truck itself | 卡车自身的噪声和颠簸 |
[48:01] | is also a new experience;one which makes them ill. | 对于动物来说是陌生的这使得它们恐惧不安 |
[48:05] | After one or two days inside the truck withoutfood or water, they are desperately thirsty | 挤在卡车中数日没有食物和水它们饥渴难忍 |
[48:10] | and hungry, especially since it is normal forsuch cows to eat frequently throughout the day. | 对于牛而言它们的系形式一天吃到晚的 |
[48:15] | TAIL BREAKING | 断尾 |
[48:24] | But when the cattle become weary and growfaint, the bones in their tales are broken in | 当牛群疲惫不堪快要支持不住时它们的尾骨被人为的弄断 |
[48:29] | an effort to get them back up on their feet. | 目的只有一个,就是不让它们倒下. |
[48:34] | This is done by repeatedly pinching thetail in several areas. | 人类的做法就是反复的拉牛尾巴 |
[48:39] | HANDLERS | 赶牛人 |
[48:48] | Handlers must constantlykeep the cattle moving, | 赶牛人必须让牛不停的行走 |
[48:51] | pulling them by nose ropes, | 使劲拖曳牛鼻子上的绳索 |
[48:53] | twisting their necks, | 拼命地拉牛脖子 |
[48:55] | horns, or tails. | 牛角和牛尾 |
[48:59] | They lead, or rather force, | 它们领着,或者更确切的说是再用暴力强迫牛群 |
[49:01] | the cattle down embankments andin and out of trucks without ramps, | 让它们听话的上下没有梯子的棚车 |
[49:05] | causing injuries likebroken pelvises, legs, ribs, and horns. | 这样造成牛群伤痕累累骨盆,肋骨,腿,牛角断裂 |
[49:18] | CHILI PEPPER | 辣椒和胡椒 |
[49:21] | Chili pepper and tobacco are also usedto keep the animals walking. | 辣椒,胡椒和烟草都被用来驱赶使牛群不断行走 |
[49:26] | This practice is done by rubbing the pepperdirectly into their eyes, in order to stimulate | 人们把这些刺激性的东西直接擦进它们的眼睛 |
[49:32] | the animal back onto his or her feet. | 目的是防止它们倒在途中 |
[49:39] | SLAUGHTER | 屠杀 |
[49:49] | And all this before the slaughter. | 以上是屠杀前的情景 |
[49:53] | As many as half of the animals willalready be dead by the time they | 大概有一半的牛只 |
[49:57] | arrive at the slaughterhouse. | 到达屠宰场之前就已死亡 |
[50:17] | But to make the experience even moretraumatic and terrifying, they are | 除此之外让这一切更加痛苦和恐怖的是 |
[50:22] | often killed in full view of each other. | 让动物目睹它们同伴被屠宰的全部情景 |
[50:25] | And instead of the required “quick slice”across the throat with a sharp knife, | 虽然对屠宰也存在规定要求用利刃一刀封喉 |
[50:30] | they are generally killed throughhacking and sawing with a dull blade. | 实际上,动物们通常是被钝刀或砍或锯弄死的 |
[50:50] | TANNING | 制革 |
[50:55] | Afterwards, the skins from these animalsare sent to tanneries that use deadly | 然后,动物的皮被送到皮革厂 |
[51:00] | substances like Chromium and other toxinsto stop decomposition. | 在那里,人们使用剧毒的药剂如鉻等防止腐烂 |
[51:05] | Remember, leather is dead flesh. | 要记得皮革是尸体的皮 |
[51:10] | It is dead skin, and, therefore, natural forit to decompose and rot away unless treated | 因为是死尸它当然会分解腐烂 |
[51:16] | with such potent substances as these. | 除非使用上诉强效的药剂做处理 |
[51:20] | And for people, the health effects ofsuch chemicals in tanneries, in lieu of the | 对皮革制品持续的需求导致了在皮革厂大量使用化学制剂 |
[51:25] | continued demand for leather goods, isyet another issue. | 而这些化学品对人类健康的影响又引起了新的问题 |
[51:30] | RETAIL | 零售 |
[51:37] | Ultimately, leather from Indian cattlemake their way to clothing stores | 最终,从印度神牛身上获得的皮革 |
[51:42] | all around the world. | 被送进了世界各地的服饰店 |
[51:55] | Most major chains sell Indian leather … | 多数主要的连锁店都出售印度牛皮制品 |
[52:00] | … leather that comes from completelydifferent cows than those we eat. | 而这些皮革背后的牛和我们的使用牛完全不同 |
[52:06] | FUR | 毛皮 |
[52:09] | And what about fur? | 动物毛皮的故事又是怎样的呢? |
[52:11] | Over 100 million wildanimals are murdered | 每年有一亿只野生动物因为它们的毛皮 |
[52:14] | for their pelts every year, 25million in the United States alone. | 惨遭屠杀,仅在没有就有2500万之多. |
[52:19] | These animals, obtained by hunting and trapping,are kept on fur farms in conditions like these. | 这些被猎捕或诱捕来的动物被饲养在如下条件的毛皮厂 |
[52:25] | CAGE MADNESS | 铁笼狂躁症 |
[52:29] | Naturally, these undomesticated, wild animalsare not accustomed to being caged, | 这些未驯服的野生动物自然不习惯被笼养 |
[52:36] | and cage madness develops when frightenedand frustrated animals are driven crazy | 恐惧和沮丧使它们陷入疯狂的境地铁笼狂躁症 |
[52:41] | from the stress of confinement. | 它们被监禁的重压逼到了极限 |
[52:46] | These wild, free-roaming animals, | 这些曾在大自然自由驰骋的野生动物 |
[52:48] | and their offspring, find themselvesunable to live a natural life, | 和它们的后代再也无法回到自然 |
[52:52] | can never take even a few stepsor feel the earth beneath their feet. | 甚至无法迈开脚步感受脚下的大地 |
[52:59] | Instead, they are reduced toscratching, circling and pacing endlessly. | 相反,它们只好在铁笼里乱抓不断的兜圈打转 |
[53:04] | (INJURIES AND SLOW DEATH) | 这些在毛皮农场上生活的动物 |
[53:06] | The physical injuries theseanimals endure on fur farms … | 所遭受的生理伤害 |
[53:09] | involve broken and exposed bones … | 包括断骨,骨头暴露 |
[53:16] | … blindness … | 失明 |
[53:21] | … ear infections … | 耳朵感染 |
[53:23] | … dehydration and malnutrition … | 脱水和营养不良 |
[53:25] | … exposure to freezing temperatures … | 挨冻 |
[53:29] | … lack of veterinary care … | 缺乏兽医的照顾 |
[53:32] | … and slow death. | 和慢性死亡 |
[53:42] | (KILLING) | (宰杀) |
[53:44] | No laws indicate the killing ofanimals on fur farms, therefore, | 没有法规涉及毛皮厂的屠宰手段 |
[53:47] | the least expensive methodsare the most appealing. | 因此,最便宜的方法成了最具吸引力的方法 |
[53:51] | Carbon monoxide poisoning,Strychnine, suffocation, | 一氧化碳中毒,马钱子碱,窒息 |
[53:56] | breaking the neck, and anal electrocutionare some of the more common methods used. | 断脖,肛门点击是一些普遍使用的手法 |
[54:03] | Removed from his or her cage with a heavyneck-pole, the animal is walked past | 动物戴着重重的套脖杆被领出笼子 |
[54:09] | the rows of bodies of slaughtered foxes,sables, raccoons and wolves, among others. | 经过一排被宰杀的动物尸体有狐狸,紫貂,浣熊,狼 |
[54:17] | Death by anal electrocution is a crudeprocess that requires a probe to be inserted | 肛门电击是一种很残酷的方法 |
[54:22] | in the rectum while the animalbites down on a metal conductor. | 把一段电线插进动物的直肠而动物嘴巴里被塞进金属导体 |
[54:34] | Often times this inept procedure mustbe repeated to actually kill the animal. | 通常,为了彻底杀死动物这个残忍的程序会被重复好几遍 |
[54:53] | And the skinned carcasses seen here will laterbe ground up and fed to the animals still caged. | 然后扒了皮的动物尸体被绞碎用于喂养笼里还活着的动物 |
[55:02] | CHINESE FUR FARM | 中国的皮毛养殖场 |
[55:34] | CANADIAN SEAL HUNT | 加拿大的海豹猎捕 |
[56:28] | – How much is this one? | 这一件多少钱? |
[56:31] | – This is… $49,500 | 这件是49,500美元 |
[56:36] | PART FOUR: ENTERTAINMENT | 第四部分:娱乐 |
[56:39] | And so we move on to entertainment. | 接下来我们说娱乐 |
[56:44] | Mark Twain once said, | 马克吐温曾言 |
[56:47] | “Of all the creatures ever madehe (man) is the most detestable. | 上帝所造一切生命里人类最为可恶 |
[56:53] | He’s the only creature that inflictspain for sport, knowing it to be pain”. | 人类明明知道众生受苦却又以别的生命的痛苦作为娱乐 |
[57:02] | RODEOS | 美国西部的牛仔竞技 |
[57:05] | In rodeos, bulls and broncos don’t buck becausethey’re wild, but because they’re in pain. | 在竞技中,公牛和野马并非因为它们是未驯服的野生动物而挣扎腾越 |
[57:11] | A belt, called a flank strap or abucking strap, is secured around | 而是因为它们感到剧痛,在它们的身体上一根皮带牢牢缠绕着紧勒住它们的阴部 |
[57:14] | the animal’s body over the genital area. | 也称侧腹绷带或跃马皮带 |
[57:18] | As the animal leaves the chute, a tightjerk on the belt is enough | 当动物离开围栏出口后 |
[57:21] | to start him bucking in pain. | 只要用力勒紧皮带就足以使它们因极度疼痛而挣扎腾越了 |
[57:28] | Apart from other injuries animalsincur at rodeos … | 此外在竞技中伤害动物的方法还有很多 |
[57:32] | … such as broken legs … | 比如折断它们的腿 |
[57:37] | … they are also worked up by being slapped … | 用鞭猛烈抽打 |
[57:41] | … teased … | 被戏弄 |
[57:42] | … given electric prods … | 被电棒电击 |
[57:45] | … and otherwise tormented … | 以及不同的方式拷打折磨 |
[57:47] | … to bolt out of the chute in a frenzy. | 狂暴的冲出围栏 |
[58:35] | ROPING | 套猎 |
[58:44] | Roping, as seen here, involves throwing a ropearound the neck of a frightened animal running | 套猎,正如你所见,包括扔出绳套套住正在全速奔跑中的恐惧万分的动物的脖子 |
[58:50] | full speed, jerking the poor creature toa halt, and slamming him or her to the ground. | 可怜的动物被绳子勒的无法呼吸并嘣然的将它们重摔在地 |
[59:09] | GAMBLING | 赌马 |
[59:11] | Like any other business, dog racingand horse racing are industries motivated | 正如其它生意一样赛马或赛狗属于商业行为 |
[59:14] | by a common denominator: | 并有相同的动机 |
[59:17] | profit. | 利润 |
[59:28] | FAIR GROUNDS | 市场赛会 |
[59:30] | At fair grounds across the country,animals are used to race, | 在全国的市场赛会上举行着动物赛跑 |
[59:36] | bet with, and spectate over. | 赌博和观览 |
[59:40] | Training for these events is accomplishedby withholding food and sometimes water. | 为完成此类活动,被训练的动物只偶尔喂点水,完全没有食物 |
[59:45] | These animals … unfamiliar with theirsurroundings … the noise … the crowds … | 这些动物,不熟悉它们的环境噪音,嘈杂的人群 |
[59:50] | even what they’re supposed to be doing …are all-too-often injured and discarded … | 即便单单考虑它们所作的活动也是频繁的受到伤害和抛弃 |
[1:00:00] | (PIGEON BOWLING)in pointless … trivial … outlandish contests… designed to make profits and entertain. | 鸽子保龄无意义的,无价值的,古怪的比赛被设计出来,用于赚钱或娱乐 |
[1:00:07] | HUNTING | 狩猎 |
[1:00:11] | Besides loss of habitat, huntingis the number one threat to wildlife today. | 除了栖息地的减少,狩猎活动是野生动物面临的最大威胁 |
[1:00:17] | Hunters kill over 200 millionanimals every year. | 狩猎者每年杀死超过2亿的动物 |
[1:00:21] | Deer, rabbits, and squirrels top the list ofdesirable targets. | 鹿,兔子和松鼠高居猎取目标清单的前列 |
[1:00:29] | There is no denying it, if hunting is asport it is a bloodsport. | 不可否认的是如果说打猎是一种运动那么这是一种血腥的运动 |
[1:00:34] | The targets are living, | 目标是活着的动物 |
[1:00:37] | and they undergo violent deaths. | 目的是让它们受到暴力攻击后死亡 |
[1:00:51] | FISHING | 钓鱼 |
[1:00:53] | Fishing is also a death sport,wherein the nonhuman animal suffers. | 钓鱼也是一种让非人类动物痛苦的死亡方式 |
[1:01:01] | Researchers have distinguished that fish showpain behavior the same way mammals do. | 研究者已经发现鱼会拥有与哺乳动物相似的疼痛行为无论从解剖学,,还是生理学抑或生物学角度看 |
[1:01:08] | Anatomically, physiologically, | 鱼的疼痛机制实际上和鸟和哺乳动物完全一样的 |
[1:01:12] | and biologically, the pain system in fish isvirtually the same as in birds and mammals. | 换句话讲,鱼是有知觉 |
[1:01:18] | In other words, fish are sentient organisms, | 有感觉的生命体 |
[1:01:21] | so of course they feel pain. | 所以,它们当然会感觉到痛苦 |
[1:01:32] | For those who think fish die | 或认为鱼的死亡是一种 |
[1:01:35] | “gentler” deaths, consider that theirsensory organs are highly developed, | 较温和的死亡,但请认识到鱼类的感觉机制是高度发达的 |
[1:01:39] | their nervous systems complex,their nerve cells very similar to our own, | 它们的神经系统非常复杂它们的感觉细胞和我们人类非常相似 |
[1:01:45] | and their responses to certain stimuliimmediate and vigorous. | 它们的神经系统非常复杂它们的感觉细胞和我们人类非常相似 |
[1:01:52] | CIRCUSES | 马戏团 |
[1:01:58] | When going to the circus, rarely dowe stop for a moment and consider: | 当我们观看马戏时很少会停下来考虑一下 |
[1:02:04] | What incites an animal to do something unnatural,even dangerous, such as jumping through | 是什么激励着动物去完成一些非自然的,甚至异常危险,如跳过火焰 |
[1:02:09] | flames, balancing on one foot, or diving intowater from shaky platforms high in the air? | 单足平衡站立或从摇晃的高台上跳入水中呢? |
[1:02:27] | Animal trainers wouldlike for the public to | 训兽员之所以可以让动物做到这些并非如公众所相信的那样 |
[1:02:30] | believe that animals are coaxed into suchbehaviors with the promise of rewards. | 动物们是在食物奖赏的诱惑下完成那些动作的 |
[1:02:39] | But the truth is that animalsperform because they fear punishment. | 动物们能完成表演因为它们惧怕惩罚 |
[1:02:56] | In essence, circuses condemn animal | 马戏团最根本的管理绝招是刑罚 |
[1:03:01] | who are wild by nature to live out theirdays isolated in tiny, barren cages, | 将本来自然野生的动物锁在狭小的笼子里 |
[1:03:06] | denied normal exercise and socialization, | 不能拥有正常的身体活动群体活动 |
[1:03:13] | shuttled around from place to place, | 在各地之间穿梭来往 |
[1:03:18] | WINTER QUARTERS | 冬季 |
[1:03:24] | and shackled in chainsfor up to 95% of their lives. | 一生95%的时间都被铁链桎梏 |
[1:03:32] | TRAINING | 驯兽 |
[1:03:36] | “Elephants are taught to perform withpositive reinforcement, and never hit”. | 大象们从来不会挨打它们能够完成这些表演是因为使用了积极正当的训练方法 |
[1:03:41] | “Never hit. Never, never, never | 从来没有被打过绝对没有,没有,没有 |
[1:03:47] | will you see anyone use the ankus asanything other than a guide or a tool”. | 除了一根指挥棒或别的道具有谁见过任何人使用驯象刺棒或者其它东西吗 |
[1:04:09] | Dominance, subservience, and painare integral parts of the training process. | 统治,臣服以及疼痛组成了完整的驯兽程序 |
[1:04:45] | – Hurt him. Don’t touch him! | 不要轻轻碰它,要狠狠揍它 |
[1:04:48] | Make him scream! | 是让它们哀叫 |
[1:04:49] | If you’re scared to hurt him,don’t come in this room. | 如果你害怕打疼它就不要进这个屋子 |
[1:04:54] | When I say rip his fuckin’ —you know how I am about touchin’ him, right? | 当我说把它打烂你知道我将怎么收拾它? |
[1:04:58] | So if I say rip his head off …rip his fuckin’ foot off, what does that mean? | 所以如果我说将它的头打开花打烂它的脚,你明白我的意思吧? |
[1:05:02] | Because it’s very important to do it, right?When he starts squirming too fuckin’ much – | 因为做这些非常重要,对吧?当它开始扭动的太厉害了 |
[1:05:05] | both fuckin’ hands – BOOM!Right under that chin! | 两个手。嘭刚刚在它的下巴下面 |
[1:05:09] | Sit … and he better back up. | 坐下,它最好退后 |
[1:05:11] | Then when he fucks around too much,don’t grab that leg … | 然后当它走开太远不要抓住那个腿 |
[1:05:14] | … you fuckin’ sink that hook and give everythingyou’ve got … and when it’s in there go, ee-eeee-ee!!! | 你只要用这个钩子刺,你就能得到你想要的,当钩子刺入后 |
[1:05:19] | And he’s gonna start screaming. | 它将开始哀嚎 |
[1:05:21] | When you hear that screaming, then you knowyou’ve got their attention a little fuckin’ bit! | 当你听到哀嚎,你就知道它们已经开始提神了 |
[1:05:27] | Right here in the barn.Can’t do it on the road. | 只能在这个棚子里不能在外面这样做 |
[1:05:31] | She’s gonna fuckin’ do what I want.And that’s just the fuckin’ way it is. | 它将做我要它做的事,这才对劲 |
[1:05:36] | Alright, let’s go. | 好了,让我们走 |
[1:05:38] | Becky! Becky!!! Becky! Becky!!! | |
[1:05:43] | You motherfucker. | 你他妈的! |
[1:05:46] | Get your motherfuckin’ — get up here! | 他妈的,从这里站起来 |
[1:05:50] | Motherfucker! | 他妈的! |
[1:05:53] | Come here, Becky. | 过来becky |
[1:05:56] | Move up, Becky. | 前进,becky |
[1:05:59] | Move up, Becky. | 前进,becky |
[1:06:03] | Alright, tubs. | 好了,tubs |
[1:06:05] | Tubs! Tubs! | |
[1:06:09] | Hey, get loony. | 嗨,发疯了 |
[1:06:11] | Hey, Becky.Go on, move up. | 嗨,becky,继续,前进 |
[1:06:13] | Hey, I’m alive. | 嗨,我还活着呢 |
[1:06:14] | I’m not a dead man. | 我不是死人 |
[1:06:15] | Move up. | 前进 |
[1:06:17] | Come in line. | 排成一队 |
[1:06:18] | Come in line, Becky. | 排成一队, Becky. |
[1:06:20] | Motherfucker! | 他妈的 |
[1:06:22] | Move, motherfucker! | 走,他妈的 |
[1:06:27] | Yeah, come in line. Come here, Tommy. | 好样的排成一度,过来,tommy |
[1:06:31] | Why do they have to go through that becauseyou motherfuckers don’t want to listen? | 他们为什么不得不走过那里,因为你他妈的不想听从? |
[1:06:41] | Back up. | 往后退 |
[1:06:42] | You got a pussy-ass fuckin’ attitude,it’s just the way they die. | 你要有这样一种强硬的态度你决定它们的生死 |
[1:06:55] | We know animals feel. | 我们知道动物的感受 |
[1:07:01] | They feel fear, loneliness, andpain, just like humans do. | 它们感到恐惧,孤独,和疼痛和人一样 |
[1:07:08] | What animal would choose tospend their entire life in captivity … | 谁会选择被囚禁一生呢. |
[1:07:12] | … if they had a choice? | 如果它们有选择的权利? |
[1:07:15] | RETALIATION | 报复 |
[1:08:32] | – On the count of three. | 有三个了 |
[1:08:34] | One. | 一 |
[1:08:35] | Two. | 二 |
[1:08:37] | Tree. | 三 |
[1:08:38] | Take him.You’ve got to shoot. | 抓住它马上开枪 |
[1:09:07] | ZOOS | 动物园 |
[1:09:11] | Are zoos valuable educationaland conservation institutions? | 动物园是一个有价值的教育和保护机构吗? |
[1:09:17] | Sure, zoos are interesting, but they areonly educational in the sense that they | 不错,动物园很有趣但实际上它只做到了这样的教育而已 |
[1:09:21] | teach a disregard for thenatures of other living beings. | 我们可以漠视不尊重大自然中其它的生命 |
[1:09:28] | Besides, what can we learn aboutwild animals by viewing them in captivity? | 除此以外,观看这些囚笼里的野生动物我们又能了解到它们多少呢? |
[1:09:36] | Zoos exist because weare intrigued by exotic things, | 动物园的存在是仅仅为了满足我们猎奇的需要 |
[1:09:41] | and to zoo-goers,zoo animals are just that: things. | 对于逛动物园的人来说这些动物只不过是:东西 |
[1:09:49] | In both cases, at circuses or zoos, | 马戏团和动物园,都是如此 |
[1:09:53] | wild and exotic animalsare captured, caged, | 野生的和外来的动物被捕获囚禁牢笼 |
[1:09:57] | transported and trained … todo what humans want them to do. | 运输和训练做那些人类想让它们做的事情 |
[1:10:06] | BULLFIGHTING | 斗牛 |
[1:10:09] | At best, the term “bullfighting”is a misnomer, | 无论怎样来讲“斗牛”这个词都是名不副实的 |
[1:10:13] | as there is little competitionbetween the sword of a nimble matador | 这种比赛根本没有公平可言 |
[1:10:17] | (which is Spanish for killer), | 在无比敏捷的斗牛士的剑 |
[1:10:20] | and a confused, maimed, psychologicallytormented, and physically debilitated bull. | 与一头昏乱,残废,精神痛苦并且身体极度虚弱的公牛之间的决斗 |
[1:10:29] | Many prominent formerbullfighters report | 很多著名的前斗牛士报告 |
[1:10:32] | that bulls are intentionally debilitatedwith tranquilizers and laxatives, | 那些公牛被故意喂了镇定剂以使它们虚弱 |
[1:10:36] | beatings to the kidneys, and heavy weights hungaround their necks for weeks before a fight. | 在斗牛前,已经被殴打腰部并在脖子上挂重物长达数星期之久 |
[1:10:46] | Some of the animals are placed in darknessfor 48 hours before the confrontation, | 有的则在与斗牛士面对面之前先关在一间黑屋里48小时 |
[1:10:52] | then are releasedblinded into the bright arena. | 这样放出来后,眼睛马上就瞎了 |
[1:10:58] | In a typical event, the bull enters andis approached by men who exhaust and | 在一个典型的斗牛中,公牛进场被人用诡计逗弄 |
[1:11:03] | frustrate him by running him incircles and tricking him into collisions. | 使它不停打转,冲撞,最后使它精疲力竭,灰心丧气 |
[1:11:10] | When the bull is tired and out of breath, | 当公牛疲惫的几乎喘不上气时 |
[1:11:13] | he is approached by picadors, whodrive lances into his back and neck muscles, | 一个长矛手会靠近它在它的后背和颈部刺入标枪 |
[1:11:19] | twisting and gouging to ensurea significant amount of blood loss, | 扭转和挖凿以确实公牛大量失血 |
[1:11:23] | and impairing the bull’sability to lift his head. | 削弱公牛的力量直到它无力再抬起头 |
[1:11:28] | Then come the banderilleros | 此时短枪手上场 |
[1:11:31] | who distract and dart around the bullwhile plunging more lances into him. | 他们会分散在公牛周围投飞镖并刺入更多的标枪 |
[1:11:38] | Weakened from blood loss, | 他们会让由于失血过多而虚弱无比的公牛再多跑几圈 |
[1:11:41] | they run the bull in more circlesuntil he is dizzy and stops chasing. | 直到公牛眩晕得停止追逐 |
[1:11:46] | Finally, the matador, this “killer”,appears and, after provoking a few exhausted | 最后,斗牛士,这个杀手,出场了 |
[1:11:51] | charges from the dying animal,tries to kill the bull with his sword. | 在数次激怒垂死的,精疲力竭的动物后准备用它的剑杀手公牛 |
[1:12:00] | And this bloody form of amusement …is bullfighting. | 这个血腥的娱乐就是斗牛 |
[1:12:06] | The pleasure derived from all theseactivities and sports | 源自这些娱乐活动的快乐 |
[1:12:11] | (a communion with nature, some would say), | (有些人会说,与自然共享) |
[1:12:14] | can be secured withoutharming or killing animals. | 可以保证不伤害和杀害动物. |
[1:12:19] | The commercial exploitation of wildlifeerroneously assumes that the value of wild | 对野生动物的商业化利用是野生动物的价值壳简化为 |
[1:12:23] | animals is reducible to theirutility relative to human interests, | 人类所需要的利益 |
[1:12:28] | especially economic interests. | 尤其是经济利益 |
[1:12:32] | But wild animals are not a renewable resource,having value only relative to human interests. | 但是,野生动物比不是可再生资源它们的价值不仅仅是让人类吃掉或是供人类娱乐 |
[1:12:43] | That perceptioncan only be that of a speciesist. | 把动物当作商品看待只是物种主义者一厢情愿的解释 |
[1:12:52] | (SEAL HARVEST, ST. PAUL ISLAND)Nevertheless, these practices exist | 海豹捕猎,圣保罗岛然而,这种活动存在 |
[1:12:55] | only because we do not takeseriously the interests of other animals. | 仅仅是因为我们人类不严肃对待其它动物的利益 |
[1:13:05] | In this light, are humans notthe most callous speciesists of all? | 从这点上来说,人类难道不是所有动物中最残酷无情的吗? |
[1:13:13] | PART FIVE: SCIENCE | 第五部分:科学 |
[1:13:21] | VIVISECTION | 活体解剖 |
[1:13:23] | The term vivisection is usedto apply to all types of experiments | 活体解剖这个名词泛指在有生命的动物身上做的各种各样的实验 |
[1:13:27] | on living animals and is said to bea form of medical science. | 这被看作医药科学的一部分 |
[1:13:34] | The reason for experimentation of this | 作此类实验的目的据说是 |
[1:13:36] | type is to allegedly discover curesfor human ailments and illnesses. | 为了寻找对付人类病痛的方法 |
[1:13:44] | But those who hope to find remediesfor human ills by inflicting deliberate | 但是那些通过折磨动物谋求治疗人类疾病对策的人 |
[1:13:48] | sufferings on animals committwo fundamental errors in understanding. | 犯了两个根本性的认识错误 |
[1:13:53] | The first is the assumption | 第一是他们假设 |
[1:13:55] | that results obtained on animalsare applicable to mankind. | 在动物身上获得的结果可以应用在人类身上 |
[1:14:00] | The second concerns the inevitable | 第二个不可避免的谬误就是 |
[1:14:02] | fallacy of experimental science inrespect to the field of organic life. | 试验法是有机生命研究必不可少的一部分 |
[1:14:08] | Since animals react differentlyfrom human beings … every new product | 因为动物和人的反应不同所以每一种新的药物 |
[1:14:12] | or method tried out on animals must be tried | 或者新的治疗方法在动物身上试验之后,还必须在人的身上 |
[1:14:15] | out again on man … through careful clinicaltests, before it can be considered safe. | 再谨慎小心的进行临床使用直至被认为安全可靠 |
[1:14:23] | This rule knows no exceptions. | 这是法规,没有例外 |
[1:14:26] | Tests on animals are not only dangerousbecause they lead to wrong conclusions | 在动物身上做试验不仅危险还会导致错误的结论 |
[1:14:31] | but, furthermore,they retard clinical investigation – | 并且会妨碍临床的研究 |
[1:14:35] | which is the only valid kind. | 临床实用研究才是唯一正确的途径 |
[1:14:39] | Just remember the fact that any disease | 请记住这样一个事实,那就是 |
[1:14:42] | deliberately provoked is unlike anydisease that arises spontaneously. | 任何特意引发的疾病和自然发生的疾病是不相同的 |
[1:14:48] | MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS | 医学实验 |
[1:14:51] | Unfortunately, suchmethods still sail today | 不幸的是,打者“科学”的旗号 |
[1:14:54] | under the flag of science | 今日这些方法仍大行其道 |
[1:14:56] | – which is an insult to true science,as well as human intelligence. | 这是对真正意义的科学和人类智慧的玷污 |
[1:15:14] | And so vivisection applies to medicalexperiments … | 于是我们悲哀的看到活体解剖被应用于各种医学实验 |
[1:15:20] | … done with the administration of noxioussubstances … | 在这些实验里人们肆意使用有毒物质 |
[1:15:29] | … electric or traumatic shocks … | 电休克和外伤性休克 |
[1:15:43] | … unanesthetized operations … | 不施用麻醉剂进行手术 |
[1:15:56] | … burns … | 烧伤. |
[1:16:28] | … drawn-out deprivations of food and drink … | … 长期不给动物喂食和进水 … |
[1:16:35] | … physical and psychological tortures … | … 对他们进行生理和心理的折磨 … |
[1:16:38] | … that lead to mental imbalance … | … 这些折磨引起动物精神失常 … |
[1:16:40] | … infections … and so on. | …感染等等 |
[1:16:44] | (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA)Head injury research involves partially | (宾夕法尼亚大学)一项头部创伤实验将部分 |
[1:16:48] | or fully conscious baboonsstrapped down with restraints … | 或完全清醒的沸沸捆绑起来 … |
[1:16:52] | … and their headscemented into a metal helmet, | 给他们套上一个金属头盔 |
[1:16:54] | which will be thrust at a 60degree angle at a force of up to 1,000 Gs. | 然后用高达1000克的力以60度角度猛击头盔 |
[1:17:28] | The purpose of this experimentis to simulate auto crashes … | 这个实验的目的在于模拟汽车碰撞 |
[1:17:33] | … football … boxing …and other head related injuries. | 足球,拳击及其它造成的头部伤害 |
[1:17:38] | And this process is often repeatedagain and again on the same animals. | 并且这个过程在同一动物上反复进行 |
[1:17:45] | MILITARY RESEARCH | 军事研究 |
[1:17:46] | And finally, military research. | 最后军事研究 |
[1:17:50] | This one speaks for itself. | 更为残忍的是 |
[1:17:54] | >From sending monkeys into outer space, | 将猴子送出地球 |
[1:17:58] | and testing atomic blasts on helpless dogs, | 在无助的小狗身上进行原子爆炸试验 |
[1:18:02] | to exposing primates to nuclear radiation. | 让灵长类动物接受核辐射 |
[1:18:08] | Twenty years ago, the number of animals | 20年前,因为活体解剖而死亡的动物 |
[1:18:11] | dying of tortures through the practiceof vivisection was astronomical, | 已是天文数字, |
[1:18:15] | estimated at 400,000 per day world wide, | 全球范围来说大概每天40万 |
[1:18:19] | and growing at an annual rate of five percent. | 并且以每年5%的速度增长. |
[1:18:24] | Today that number is almost | 现在这数字已经大到难以想象 |
[1:18:26] | beyond comprehension. 19,000per minute. 10 billion per year. | 大概每分钟有1.9万每年有100亿个动物丧生 |
[1:18:39] | Some uneducated persons pretend to | 一些无知的人诡称 |
[1:18:41] | know that less intelligent animalsdon’t feel pain the same way we do. | 智力不及我们的动物对痛苦的感知比人要来的麻木 |
[1:18:48] | In truth, we know very little about howspecific animals may “feel”, | 实际上我们根本不了解动物的真正感受 |
[1:18:54] | except that they must also submit tothe universal law that causes every | 只是直到它们同样受自然规律的支配 |
[1:18:59] | organism dying by unnatural means tosuffer greatly before that final release. | 在非自然的死亡之前免不了痛苦挣扎一番,直至咽下最后一口气 |
[1:19:09] | But it’s nonsense tosay that the animals | 说动物在折磨下不会遭罪但这根本就是无稽之谈 |
[1:19:11] | do not suffer because they havea lower order of intelligence. | 动物们决不会因为它们智力低下就不会受苦 |
[1:19:19] | FORCE-FEEDING GEESE”FOIE GRAS” | 强饲法,肥鹅肝酱 |
[1:19:21] | Pain is pain,conveyed by nerves to the brain, | 对动物来说疼痛也是实实在在的感觉经由神经传到大脑 |
[1:19:26] | and there are other nervesthan those of intelligence… | 除了与智能相关的神经外 |
[1:19:30] | …nerves such as sight,smell, touch, and hearing. | 还有视觉,嗅觉,触觉和听觉神经 |
[1:19:36] | And in some animals these nervesare much more highly developed than in man. | 在某些动物身上这些神经的进化程度远甚于人类 |
[1:19:46] | We know that therehas never been an epoch | 人类生理学并没有通过折磨动物得到突飞猛进 |
[1:19:49] | in which we could learn something aboutthe physiology of man by torturing animals; | 我们只是对动物知道的更多一点 |
[1:19:55] | we only learnedsomething about animals. | 如果说我们可以通过从动物的心理层面来学到一些东西 |
[1:19:59] | And if there is something we can learnfrom them on the psychological level, | |
[1:20:03] | it is not by means of steel or electricity,much less so through psychic violences. | 那绝不是采用铁棒加电击的方式 更不用说对动物的精神折磨 |
[1:20:09] | The systematic torture of sentient beings, | 对有感知生命进行系统性折磨 |
[1:20:14] | whatever the pretext and in whatever form,cannot achieve anything more than it already has: | 无论是在何种借口和何种形式之下都不能获得一丝一毫的好处 |
[1:20:19] | to show us what is thelowest point of debasement man can reach. | 除了能证明人类究竟可以卑劣到何种程度 |
[1:20:32] | If that’s whatwe want to know. | 如果这是我们想知道的这只能证明下面这句话 |
[1:20:36] | “As long as there are slaughterhouses,there will be battlefields”. | “那里有屠场,哪里就有战场” |
[1:20:44] | – Leo Tolstoy | – 列夫,托尔斯泰 |
[1:21:02] | Ignorance is the speciesist’sfirst line of defense. | “无知”是种族主义者首选的托词 |
[1:21:07] | Yet it is easily breached by anyone with thetime and determination to find out the truth. | 但是,只要肯花时间并具有坚定的决心去找寻真相,这个就很容易突破 |
[1:21:14] | Ignorance has prevailed so long only becausepeople do not want to find out the truth. | 无知长期以来占据了主导地位那是因为人类不愿意去发现真相 |
[1:21:22] | “Don’t tell me, you’ll spoil my dinner” | “不要再说了,你让我胃口尽失“ |
[1:21:25] | is the usual reply to any attempt to tellsomeone just how that dinner was produced. | 当有人企图揭示食物背后故事的时候上述的反应在我们中司空见惯 |
[1:21:31] | Even people who are aware that | 即使有人意识到 |
[1:21:33] | the traditional family farm has beentaken over by big business interests… | 传统的家庭式农场已经被大企业的利益所取代 |
[1:21:39] | …that their clothes come from slaughteredcows, that their entertainment means the | 意识到它们的服饰来自于被屠杀的牛群意识到它们的消遣 |
[1:21:44] | suffering and death of millions ofanimals… and that some questionable | 意味着成千上万只动物的痛苦和死亡 |
[1:21:48] | experiments go on in laboratories, | 意识到人类的试验室里正进行着某些可疑的实验 |
[1:21:51] | still cling to a vague beliefthat conditions cannot be too bad, | 他们仍然坚持他们那似是而非的信念情况还不是太坏 |
[1:22:01] | or else the government or the animal welfaresocieties would have done something about it. | 他们仍然坚持他们那似是而非的信念情况还不是太坏 |
[1:22:04] | But it is not the inability to find out whatis going on as much as a desire not to know about | 这并不是说我们缺乏发现真相的能力 而是我们不愿了解这些事实 |
[1:22:11] | facts that may lie heavy on one’s consciencethat is responsible for this lack of awareness – | 我们怕这些事实会造成我们良心的负担 我们宁愿让良知沉睡,假装不知道 – |
[1:22:18] | – after all, the victims of whatever it is that goes on inall these awful places | 总而言之,被弃至这种悲惨境地的牺牲品 |
[1:22:24] | are not members of one’s own group. | 唯一的原因便是它们与我们不是同一族类 |
[1:22:34] | It all comes down to pain and suffering. | 它们注定要受苦受难 |
[1:22:38] | Not intelligence, not strength,not social class or civil right. | 并非因为智力,力量,也不是社会等级或者公民权利 |
[1:22:44] | Pain and suffering are in themselves badand should be prevented or minimized, | 痛苦和苦难本身是坏事情 应被阻止或者减到最低程度 |
[1:22:48] | irrespective of the race, sex,or species of the being that suffers. | 不管是何种种族,性别或者种类的生物遭受痛苦 |
[1:22:57] | We are all creatures. | 我们都是鲜活的生命 |
[1:23:02] | And non-human animals experiencesensations just like we do. | 任何动物和人类一样一样强壮,聪明,勤劳,迁徙并进化 |
[1:23:06] | They too are strong, intelligent,industrious, mobile, and evolutional. | 它们成长并适应自然 |
[1:23:13] | They too are capable ofgrowth and adaptation. | 就像我们一样,最重要的是它们也是地球的公民 |
[1:23:16] | Like us, first and foremost,they are earthlings. | 就像我们一样,它们也在生存 |
[1:23:21] | And like us, they are surviving. | 就像我们一样,它们也在寻找自己的安乐而并非不安 |
[1:23:26] | Like us, they also seek their own comfortrather than discomfort. | 就像我们一样它们表现出各种情绪 |
[1:23:30] | And like us, they express degreesof emotion. | 简而言之,它们与我们一样也是活生生的 |
[1:23:36] | In short, like us, they are alive; | 事实上,脊椎生物中的大多数就像我们一样 |
[1:23:41] | most of them being, in fact,vertebrae, just like us. | 当我们回顾动物对于人类的生存有多必要的时候 |
[1:24:05] | As we look back on how essentialanimals are to human survival; | 我们可以看出, |
[1:24:10] | our absolute dependence on them | 我们完全依赖于它们 |
[1:24:14] | (for companionship … food … | 例如,伙伴,食物 |
[1:24:15] | … clothing … | … 衣服… |
[1:24:17] | … sport and entertainment … | … 运动和娱乐 … |
[1:24:20] | … as well as medical and scientific research), | … 以及医疗和科学实验, |
[1:24:24] | ironically … we only see mankind’s completedisrespect for these non-human providers. | 非常具有讽刺意味我们只看到了人类对这些非人类衣食提供者的完全蔑视 |
[1:24:32] | Without a doubt, this must be what it is… | 毫无疑问, |
[1:24:36] | … to “bite the hand that feeds us”. | .这就是所谓的恩将仇报 |
[1:24:41] | In fact, we have actually stompedand spit on it. | … 事实上,我已经践踏和撕裂了这些道德准则” |
[1:24:49] | Now we are facedwith the inevitable aftermath. | 现在我们面临着不可避免的后果 |
[1:24:52] | This is evident in health reports due toour over-excessive consumption of animals. | 我们的健康报告明显的告诉我们我们消费了过量的动物 |
[1:24:58] | Cancer, | 癌症, |
[1:24:59] | heart disease, | 心脏病, |
[1:25:00] | Osteoporosis, | 骨质疏松症, |
[1:25:02] | strokes, | 中风, |
[1:25:03] | kidney stones, | 肾结石, |
[1:25:05] | Anemia, | 贫血症, |
[1:25:06] | diabetes, and more. | 糖尿病,以及其它更多的疾病 |
[1:25:13] | Even our food has now been effected …and at its very source. | 甚至我们的食物现在已经被污染了并且是从最开始的源头就开始被污染了 |
[1:25:18] | With antibiotics used topromote weight gain in animals | 使用抗生素来提高动物的体重 |
[1:25:22] | (who can’t gain weight under the stressful,overcrowded living conditions in factory farms); | 由于动物们在充满压力过于拥挤的工厂式农场的生活条件下不会增加体重 |
[1:25:27] | with the over-use ofpesticides and insecticides; | 随着抗生素 杀虫剂的过度使用; |
[1:25:32] | or artificial hormones | 或者人工荷尔蒙的过多使用 |
[1:25:34] | (designed to increase milkproduction, litter size and frequency); | (用来增加牛奶产量增加产仔的数量和次数) |
[1:25:39] | with artificial colors,herbicides, larvicides, | 使用人工色素,除草剂,杀幼虫剂 |
[1:25:45] | synthetic fertilizers, tranquilizers,growth and appetite stimulants … | 合成化肥,镇定剂,生长和食量刺激物 |
[1:25:53] | … it’s no wonder that Mad Cow Disease …Foot and Mouth Disease … Pfiesteria … | 难怪疯牛病,口蹄疫,赤潮 |
[1:25:57] | and a host of other animal relatedabnormalities have been | 以及其它动物相关的变态宿主 |
[1:26:00] | (POLLUTION)unleashed on the human public. | 已经在人类的公共场所中传播. |
[1:26:04] | Nature is not responsible for these actions. | 大自然对这一切后果是无任何责任的 |
[1:26:08] | (DEFORESTATION)We are. | (滥伐森林)责任在我们 |
[1:26:16] | So a change is inevitable.Either we make it ourselves, | 改变是不可避免的,或是我们主动为之 |
[1:26:21] | or we will be forced tomake it by Nature Itself. | 或是由于自然原因被迫为之 |
[1:26:26] | The time has come for each of usto reconsider our eating habits, | 是时候了,请我们每个人都反思自己的饮食习惯 |
[1:26:30] | our traditions, | 传统 |
[1:26:32] | our lifestyles and fashions, | 生活方式和流行时尚的时候了 |
[1:26:34] | and above all,our way of thinking. | 最重要的是我们的思维方式 |
[1:26:45] | So, if there is any truthto the age-old saying, | 如若古谚所云 |
[1:26:48] | “What goes around, comes around”,then what do they get for their pain? | “善有善报,恶有恶报”它们究竟是为何受苦? |
[1:26:54] | Do we even give it a second thought? | 我们是否对此反思? |
[1:26:59] | If what goes around comes around,what do they get for their pain? | 种善因,得善果 它们究竟是为谁受苦? |
[1:27:08] | They are earthlings. | 它们是地球公民 |
[1:27:11] | They have the right to be herejust as much as humans do. | 它们和人类有同等的权利 |
[1:27:17] | Perhaps the answer is foundin another age-old saying … | 答案或许能为另一古谚印证 |
[1:27:22] | … and one equally true: | 这一谚语道出了公平的真理 |
[1:27:27] | We reap just what we sow. | 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 |
[1:27:36] | So of course, animals feel,and of course they experience pain. | 动物有感觉,当然它们就会感受苦痛 |
[1:27:44] | After all, has nature endowed thesewonderful animals with well-springs of sentiment | 不管怎么说,自然已经赋予了动物知觉与感受的能力 |
[1:27:49] | so that they should not feel … | 如果它们对痛苦没有知觉的话 |
[1:27:53] | … or do animals have nervesin order to be insensitive? | 难道它们的神经系统是个摆设?是麻木的吗? |
[1:28:01] | Reason demands a better answer. | 我们应该对此做出更合情合理的解释. |
[1:28:07] | But one thing is absolutely certain:animals used for food, used for clothing, | 但一事可疑肯定动物被捕杀用作食物,服装 |
[1:28:14] | used for entertainment,and in scientific experiments | 娱乐和科学试验 |
[1:28:18] | and all the oppression that is done to themunder the sun | 对动物的虐杀都是在光天化日之下进行 |
[1:28:22] | they all die from pain. | 它们都死于痛苦 |
[1:28:26] | Each and every one. | 所有的人类兄弟们 |
[1:28:31] | Isn’t it enough that animals | 难道这些还不够吗?世界不是处于人类进步和扩张的永久性倒退中吗? |
[1:28:33] | the world over live in permanent retreatfrom human progress and expansion? | 对许多物种来说,已经无路可逃了 |
[1:28:39] | And for many species …there is simply nowhere else to go. | 似乎动物的命运 |
[1:28:46] | It seems the fate of many animalsis either to be unwanted by man … | 完全掌控在人类的手中 |
[1:28:51] | … or wanted too much. | 我们俨然成为地球的领主 恐惧威吓与慈悲怜悯兼具 |
[1:28:55] | We enter as lords of the earth bearingstrange powers of terror and mercy alike … | 但人类应爱动物 |
[1:29:01] | But Human beingsshould love animals as … | 犹如有识之士爱惜无知之人. |
[1:29:05] | the knowing love the innocent,and the strong love the vulnerable. | 强者爱惜弱者 |
[1:29:10] | When we wince at thesuffering of animals, | 当动物遭受苦难之时 我们退缩这种行为本身就在说明问题 |
[1:29:14] | that feeling speaks well ofus even when we ignore it, | 尽管我们试图忽略 |
[1:29:18] | and those who dismiss love for our fellowcreatures as mere sentimentality | 有的人把对众生的爱护当作多愁善感 |
[1:29:24] | overlook a good andimportant part of our humanity. | 他们正是忽视了人性中重要而美好的一面 |
[1:29:29] | But it takes nothing away froma human to be kind to an animal. | 我们善待动物并不会使我们遭受任何一点损失 |
[1:29:35] | And it is actually within us | 事实上我们人类本就应该保证动物们拥有… |
[1:29:38] | to grant them a happylife … and a long one. | 长远的幸福的生活 |
[1:29:45] | On the heath, King Lear asked Gloucester:”How do you see the world?” | 在荒野中,里尔王问格罗斯特伯爵“你是如何看世界的?” |
[1:29:52] | And Gloucester, who is blind, answered: | 盲人格罗斯特伯爵答道 |
[1:29:56] | “I see it feelingly”. | “我满怀情感地去看”. |
[1:30:01] | I see it feelingly. | 充满感情的去看 |
[1:30:06] | Three primary life forcesexist on this planet: | 地球上的三大主要生命力量: |
[1:30:11] | Nature, | 自然, |
[1:30:13] | Animals | 动物 |
[1:30:17] | and Humankind. | 和人类. |
[1:30:23] | We are the Earthlings. | 我们都是地球这个大家庭的成员 |
[1:30:29] | Make the connection. | 我们相互依存 根本无法相互隔离 |
[1:30:35] | subtitles: by bobef,because animals do not make chocolate | 解说: bobef 代写,因为动物无法使用人类语言 |