开心汉堡店(Bob’s Burgers)第8季第14集台词本阅读、下载和单词统计
时间 英文 中文 [00:12] 我承认我喜欢死虫子[戏仿歌词 原为”我承认我喜欢大屁股”] 除虫害公司 [00:20] Look what I found in Mom and Dad’s interesting-smelling closet. 快看我在爸妈的怪味衣柜里找到什么啦 [00:23] Wait, what were you doing in our closet? 你翻我们衣柜干嘛 [00:24] Bup, bup, bup! A box of old tapes, 一箱录像带 [00:27] which I believe includes a tape of a certain song 我记得没错的话 里面应该有一盘 [00:29] someone sang…